Raid On A Deathling Caravan

Attacking and hijacking a Deathling supply Caravan (Player quest)
A group consisting of Veridan Daevaar, Rerik Ulster, Darak Bolvus, Roselyne d'Eluise, and Ztril Merrit was formed within the confines of Fort Kronau. The group laid out a plan to attack an expected Caravan, waiting several days before gearing up and setting out. They started their journey in the early morn, coming to a paved road leading off towards the holy city. Once the party had arrived, they hid off to the side of the road, waiting motionlessly in ambush for a Caravan.

Several hours had passed by, the party quickly growing impatient and restless as they sat still in the cold weather. A few complaints from a freezing Ztril later, the Caravan had finally arrived to give the group relief from boredom. Roselyne was the first to jump into action, releasing an arrow from her bow which planted itself right between the eyes of the Deathling driver. Two Deathlings moved on Veridan, which he dispatched gracefully with only a minor wound to show for it from the second. Darak engaged the third and final Deathling, which also got a minor hit on the large Orc. The foolish Deathling was met with all the grace Darak could muster: The hammer-end of his axe crushing it. In place of fighting, Rerik shouted barely comprehensible battle advice, insults and encouragement, the differences between each was hard to ascertain. Once all the Deathlings were dead, Ztril tended to Veridan and Darak, and they took the entire Caravan for themselves.

Fort Kronau was met with the delightful sight of a fair-sized Caravan filled with crates full of dried meat, and biscuits which would keep for a while. The Caravan was also stocked with crates of flour, and other such cooking supplies, pulled by two strong-looking horses. The group was proud of their efforts, especially since they waited so long, mostly glad that it was over with.

OOC stuff:
All of this is freely known to the inhabitants of Fort Kronau, a Caravan with horses pulling it, is no secret.
@avemechanicus @JamiJam017 @Femma @Eyrok
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Attacking and hijacking a Deathling supply Caravan (Player quest)
A group consisting of Veridan Daevaar, Rerik Ulster, Darak Bolvus, Roselyne d'Eluise, and Ztril Merrit was formed within the confines of Fort Kronau. The group laid out a plan to attack an expected Caravan, waiting several days before gearing up and setting out. They started their journey in the early morn, coming to a paved road leading off towards the holy city. Once the party had arrived, they hid off to the side of the road, waiting motionlessly in ambush for a Caravan.

Several hours had passed by, the party quickly growing impatient and restless as they sat still in the cold weather. A few complaints from a freezing Ztril later, the Caravan had finally arrived to give the group relief from boredom. Roselyne was the first to jump into action, releasing an arrow from her bow which planted itself right between the eyes of the Deathling driver. Two Deathlings moved on Veridan, which he dispatched gracefully with only a minor wound to show for it from the second. Darak engaged the third and final Deathling, which also got a minor hit on the large Orc. The foolish Deathling was met with all the grace Darak could muster: The hammer-end of his axe crushing it. In place of fighting, Rerik shouted barely comprehensible battle advice, insults and encouragement, the differences between each was hard to ascertain. Once all the Deathlings were dead, Ztril tended to Veridan and Darak, and they took the entire Caravan for themselves.

Fort Kronau was met with the delightful sight of a fair-sized Caravan filled with crates full of dried meat, and biscuits which would keep for a while. The Caravan was also stocked with crates of flour, and other such cooking supplies, pulled by two strong-looking horses. The group was proud of their efforts, especially since they waited so long, mostly glad that it was over with.

OOC stuff:
All of this is freely known to the inhabitants of Fort Kronau, a Caravan with horses pulling it, is no secret.
@avemechanicus @JamiJam017 @Femma @Eyrok
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So their supply lines are vunerable?
The answer is obvious to win the war: Cut their supply lines and don't release your death grip until they beg for mercy.