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Played Character Rahzarr

This character is actively played.


That insufferable Kathar.
Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
The Sea
Character Information
  • Full Name: Rahzarr Garaviirn
  • Race: Kathar [Mesmer]
  • Age: 40
  • Visually : Late twenties / early thirties
  • Gender: Male-leaning.
  • Eye Color: red sclera with golden iris.
    main weapon: Fists / Flesh-made blades.
    Occult: Void (body) Arkenborn.
Core Concept

A heavily mutated kathar with a 'raised-by-wolves' background essentially. One of the proud sons of the Body Arken, not shying away of using its gifts no matter what. Rahzarr is one to choose to find reason to mock the situation he is placed in, often relying in humor dedicated just for himself.

Rahzarr rarely can be seen in a religious temple, not because he finds it unnerving, but more so generally uninteresting. He does not wish to follow the rules of religion, though does acknowledge gods existing. Though present day there is some pressure in regards of the afterlife.
Weapon Throw (Free)
Technique Parry
Concussive Blow
Shattering Strike
Wounded Ego
Heavy Throw
Steady Body
Diving tackle

CON: 5
Shield Impact (Free)
Shield Cover
Shield Slam
Shield Reversal
Shield Snare
Iron Will

Shapeshift Pack (Magic)
Wardrobe Pack ( Magic) ?

Chem Purge

Medical Hobby 5/10


> OPC = ONCE PER COMBAT || Stage 3 > 10-7 HP
> (number)PC = (number) PER COMBAT || Stage 1 > 2-1 HP
Weapon Throw (Free) - Throw weapon at someone with -2 attack stat. ( 3PC, OPHS) (emote)
Technique Parry - Protect SELF from Insta T. Or movement from Melee, Bruiser, cutthroat. Does not use action if you make Basic attack after. (ONCE PER COMBAT) (SELF)
Concussive Blow - Break a link (ally or enemy) of your choosing. If Target is enemy, apply weak status to yourself 2turns, if target has no links. Apply confused for 3 turns to the target.
Shattering Strike - Apply Brittle onto someone after you have made that attack. Without action. (OPC, OPHS ) (Melee)
Wounded Ego - Only active when you fail a roll. Choose to add +3 to the final result of next attack roll. ( 2PC. OPHS)
Heavy Throw - Apply Brittle onto someone after you have made that attack. Without action. (OPC, OPHS ) (Melee)
Steady Body - Reduce displace 8 blocks. Effects still happen. Can basic attack same emote. (2PC)
[Free Choice] - Choose one last ability to pick in the future

CON: 5
Shield Impact (Free) - Only active when you displace someone. And they impact. If less than 6 blocks, -2 Def (target) for 2 turns. If further than 6, apply brittle.
Shield Cover
- Passive. Raise minimum defense roll 1+2+con. Ranger > /r 7 15 Deadeye > /r 6 15 other > /r 5 15
Shield Slam - Move 10 blocks, can go through people without OA. Optionally when you stop moving, target melee and shove them 6 blocks. If they impact ( crash onto something or someone) they are proned. (OPC)
Shield Reversal - Enemy uses movement ability and ends within 2 blocks of you Once done, throw them 8 blocks any other direction. (OPC, Only healtstage 2 / 1) (melee)
Shield Snare - Reduce damage. Ranger > 0 deadeye > -1hp. Can either displace enemy 4blocks, or make range attack for 1hp dmg. (OPHS) (emote)
Iron Will - Only when second stage (6HP or under). Fail a defense roll and use new result. If it still fails, keep the charge. (2PC, OPHS)

Chem Purge - Cleanse all your status effects, set max def roll 6 for the amount of stats you just cleansed. Can refund ability to make basic attack right after. ( Self, 2PC, OPHS)

Shapeshift - Obvious. Just change yourself and anything about you.
.magic var - Counts as disguise. Can mimic another character.
Wardrobe pack - Always be armored, can hide 1 melee or ranged weapon. And also heal yourself if your neck and head are not gone.

Common ( 7/10)
Katharic / Pannarokh ( Native)
Altalar (6/10/
Note: Rahzarr is illiterate. Only slowly making process learning how to read and write.

Appearance Information

Mutations; Rahzarr has a set of horns, he has a tail resembling that of a lion's. The Kathar's skin is covered in patches of gold varying sizes, most visible one is the patch covering half of his face, even the eye itself is coated in gold.

Appearance; Rahzarr stands at 6'8 [203cm] His outfits usually consist of clothes that decorate or reveal the musculature in one way or the other. His hair is dirty blonde and skin is warm grey. He has well defined muscles but they do not appear to increase his mass that much, and his left hand has a large patch of gold that covers it. There is a scar on his torso, a lasting memory of when he was used as a bait.

Life Story

Nobody really knows if Rahzarr in theory, has a mother. Being a spawn of the body arken. But nevertheless, he ended up in void infested woods around Rokhaaval where a group of misfits found him crying and decided to take him.. though rather than see him as one of their peers, they instead used him as a bait. The cries of a lost child attracted mutated terrible beasts, who would meet their demise shortly after, the child would be used as a bait till the age of 10.

The group's numbers were decreasing slowly so the misfits decided to teach Rahzarr what they knew and brought him along to hunts and robbery trips, fleeing back into the forests to avoid retribution.He learnt how to fight due to constant arguing and bickering amongst the group not to mention the dangers of the forest.

Adulthood: By the time Razharr turned 30 the group's atmosphere had grown too tense, the arguing was almost constant and usually evolved into violent outbursts resulting in someone getting hurt. The reasons for the fights could be anything from life-threatening to smaller things like love interests. Oneday when the group returned back to their camp one of them noticed that Rahzarr had taken a magic-infused contraption and got jealous wanting to steal it, they argued and fought, ending in the death of the thief. Knowing that the rest would not be happy and would probably want to make an example of him, Rahzarr decided to flee.

Rahzarr came to Regalia at the age of 38 in hopes of entertainment and perhaps a drive in life. Aswell as a new group of what he could call "friends".
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Oh boy tryina make a new character, woof the stress hah. I have no clue if I forgot to put something / screwed something up but ya know it is what it is.

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