Archived Raglian Pvp Coliseum

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Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Travis AFB
II find myself wandering around Regalia a lot and it seams to have just about everything EXCEPT a coliseum to settle ones disputes in. Sure maybe one is in a different MC world but if this is indeed RolePlaying there should be a pvp coliseum within the city that one or many can jump into at any time and host real fights.

Just A strong thought.

~Ser Ri0t
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Most disputes are settled outside of the tavern or in the streets.

We aren't in the Roman era where kings chose who lived, fought and died in the Arena.. They also would choose who would serve them as so called 'loyal guards' or 'slaves'.

So that's a no from me. Though, I am nothing of an influence to whether it is used or not.
FIrst of all, colosseums and gladiator duels died as the Roman Empire fell.

In medieval cities, disputes were settled by rapier duels or something like that.

The closest thing to gladiator fighting during medieval times were jousting and tourneys.

Actually, I think Massivecraft should implement a jousting plugin!!! :D
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