Archived Radio Massive Was (and Is As Of Right Now) Disappointing.

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Barad-Kil and proud to be one
Nov 29, 2012
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Complaint part:The lack of any backup plans for issues known(see chatlogs, the admitted they knew igel son was having internet problems) ruined the excitement and fun i had expected, along with the competition that i feel had a long period of inactivity.
Suggestion part: Have backup plans in case this happens again, i mean it would make tons of sense too, especially if someone is having internet problems.
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Radio Massive is something that Igel does because he likes to do it and it's fun, no point in complaining about it..
Complaint part:The lack of any backup plans for issues known(see chatlogs, the admitted they knew igel son was having internet problems) ruined the excitement and fun i had expected, along with the competition that i feel had a long period of inactivity.
Suggestion part: Have backup plans in case this happens again, i mean it would make tons of sense too, especially if someone is having internet problems.

Well, i should say, that leave Admins/moderators do their job.. ;) if Igel likes to be medival DJ, let him be one ;)
Okay, i expected you guys would respond with the general he does this for the love of it, and i realize that, all i meant this thread to be was a visible showing of my opinion of discontent with it, and to try to suggest something to improve it, so please, don't just respond with, don't be rude, or your a terrible person.
No, you don't show someone discontent by screaming it out to the heavens. If you were sincere and had a personal opinion why don't you speak to igel himself.

This is both rude and attention seeking, please be courteous and grateful that Radio Massive even exists.
If you don't want to listen to it, gtfo. Did anyone promise you anything? This is the kind of thing you keep to yourself. No one else cares if you don't like something that everyone else finds enjoyable.
Well, looks like i accidentally offended everyone, sorry for posting this i guess, was just trying to suggest something and show why i was suggesting it, and no this wasn't for attention Ben_2025, i was just trying to help by suggesting something, and illogical leaf i'm not saying i don't want to listen to it, or that i don't enjoy it, i'm just saying the down time where he had internet problems was rather disappointing on such a hyped event. :( i guess i should probably just go and cry in the corner if no-one understands that this is what this part of the forum is for.
I was trying to help amuse the crowd until Igel got back.

God, how are people so stupid and unappreciating these days? :(
I'm used to people being stupid and unappreciating. I once gave a noob a 4 hour lesson about the plugins of the server, the factions, and the staff. You know what he did? He called Zion stupid, then left the faction and immediately was killed by a raider from Argonia, which he blamed on me.

Anyway back on topic. Its Igel's voluntary decision to do this, and I think he realizes the problem of his INTERNET GOING DOWN. He doesn't need to be reminded of that.
Okay everyone, quit bashing him. Everyone is allowed their opinions, and while I do think this was a tad bit rude towards Igel, I also agree that there should be a backup plan for Igel. Why don't we, instead of bashing him, try to think up ways that others can host a Radio Massive if Igel's internet keels over? Or at least just lock the thread and be done with it...
Mecharic, the backup plans involve the players. We are supposed to entertain each other with some amusing act. Even turning it into a discussion or telling some simple jokes would be pretty easy and helpful.
My face when I saw this thread.

this is pathetic, if you do not like it, no one forces you to listen. I'm not sure 20 minutes of downtime is worth raging about, but meh.
this is pathetic, if you do not like it, no one forces you to listen. I'm not sure 20 minutes of downtime is worth raging about, but meh.
Why do people always say "If you don't like it, don't listen to it"? It is stupid. The person would write "I hate igels song things" if they hated it and didn't want to listen. The reason he posted this IS because HE LIKES it and he wants to come up with a idea to keep it going when igel's intentet goes bleh.
Why do people always say "If you don't like it, don't listen to it"? It is stupid. The person would write "I hate igels song things" if they hated it and didn't want to listen. The reason he posted this IS because HE LIKES it and he wants to come up with a idea to keep it going when igel's intentet goes bleh.
he was complaining ingame, and i believe also when imboring entertained us with the clarinet.
Igel does this for free because he enjoys it. If you want to go bitch about it take it to yourself.
also, people preformed during the downtime, what more of a backup plan do ya need?
As for your opinion, it is noted. Igel does this in his spare time and because he enjoys doing it. He has even invested in equipment to make it even better. I have never heard of anyone doing that kind of thing for a community before.

I have also been privelidged enough to participate in the saturday night show so I kinda take offence from your pointless complaining. There's always one or two people who desperatly think it's a good idea to complain in public when something doesn't go right.

So as I said, your opinion is noted yet I chose to ignore it as the show went really well even if we had some down time due to a dodgy internet. I am very grateful to both Octobergwen and Imboring56 who took center stage and kept the show running. If you had any appreciation for what Igel is doing then you wouldn't be complaining like a little child the second it goes wrong.

This was the 2nd proper show he's done since it started so there is bound to be some unavoidable problems that will arise, aswell as a certain amount of trial and error.

To end my rant, I'd like to say that if you're going to stay true to the headline of this thread "Radio Massive Was (and Is As Of Right Now) Disappointing." I sugjest you don't join the teamspeak channel to listen in while the rest of us are having fun and enjoying the music.
Why do people always say "If you don't like it, don't listen to it"? It is stupid. The person would write "I hate igels song things" if they hated it and didn't want to listen. The reason he posted this IS because HE LIKES it and he wants to come up with a idea to keep it going when igel's intentet goes bleh.

If this thread was a suggestion in a more friendly tone, it would not have gotten the amount of hate it does not.

There is validity in stating "if you don't like where this is going, simply don't go there". Nobody is paying us for what we do, so complaining about it always feels selfish.
I was trying to help amuse the crowd until Igel got back.

God, how are people so stupid and unappreciating these days? :(
I thought you were the best clarinet I've heard... You may not have played songs to my appreciation, that doesn't mean you suck, it means I'm very picky about how a song is played.
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