Archived Racial Start Scenaries

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
This suggestion, in a sentence, would allow players to choose their race prior to joining the medieval server proper and then cause them to spawn in a location specially made for their race/disease, ending with them being given a "first quest" appropriate for their race. It would require several different new features/locations to be added to the server, but would allow for better acclimation I think, as well as a more in-depth set up. I will state now that I do not know about the feasibility of this idea in coding or practice.

Part 1: Race Info in Pre-Medieval Spawn:
This idea would need to add a new, small, stretch of info with some race-specific housing/buildings behind it (aka, a glass wall with signs and the race info in front of racial buildings). New players would need to run/walk past it in order to enter the medieval universe, and at the end it would be a sign (or NCP if possible) that asks them to pick a race. If they don't then they spawn in a location roughly central in Regalia. If they do than they go to the next part of this idea.

Part 2: Racial Spawns:
Racial Spawns are simple. You're a Maiar, the hell are you doing in the massive hall for Regalia? Stupid fishy, get back in the water! The same goes for other races - elves would spawn in the elven district, orcs in whatever district they hold supremacy in, and so on and so forth. This would require a way to have each race sent to a different spawn when entering the medieval universe for the first time, and could also have an addition to the warps (/r spawn, for race spawn). Each race would be given it's own special spawn area - for example, Maiars would be able to spawn in a watery region of Regalia, vampires in the undercity, and dwarves in the Dwarven District.

Part 3: Racial Quest:
So, we all know that Yanar aren't warriors, but orcs are. So why should they both being doing the same thing in Regalia? Yeah, certain things would be the same (like visiting the market), but an orc is more likely to piss on a library book then actually read it, while a yanar would likely avoid the barracks and be disinterested in old war stories. As such, at each spawn the new player would meet a member of their own race who stands roughly in front of their spawn point, or near the exit. This individual would then give them a brief quest relating to their race (yanar - find a rose, sneak through leaves, something like that | orc - find an old sword, defeat a mob) so that the player can learn the abilities of their race while still being in Regalia.

The purpose of this idea would be to help new players get used to roleplay and the race plugin, as well as give them a good introduction to the server. At the end of all quests they would get a small gift (relating to their race) and be told "you should find a faction now". This way the primary bases of the server (roleplay, factions, races) would be covered before they even leave Regalia. This would probably take a lot of staff effort to set up but once complete *should* be self-continuing. I think (but do not know) that this would help keep new players interested in the server (they will want to finish the quests) while also weeding out the "i'm here to troll and kill stuff" players that don't want to deal with quests, races, or roleplay in any form. It would also liven up Regalia to have players spawn in different regions of the great city. And of course, everything is optional, they don't NEED to read the signs, choose a race, or do any quests.

Just an idea from Mech :)
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I wonder what the Naga quest would be.....
"Hey you! Naga! Listen to these Regalian Guards brag about how they slaughtered most of your race for 5 minutes!"
"Hey you! Naga! Listen to these Regalian Guards brag about how they slaughtered most of your race for 5 minutes!"

"Without killing them all!"

But more seriously, Naga would probably be given some job like "go spy on so and so" where they need to follow an NCP around without being caught.
"Without killing them all!"

But more seriously, Naga would probably be given some job like "go spy on so and so" where they need to follow an NCP around without being caught.
Like those AC missions? No Thanks.
This is actually a decent idea, but the NPC quest would probably be a pain to code with some it also having the FOV of the normal player instead of an aimbot.
"Without killing them all!"

But more seriously, Naga would probably be given some job like "go spy on so and so" where they need to follow an NCP around without being caught.
That'd be great for a slither, but not really for the other subraces. I still like this idea as a whole.
If it would spread people out from the tavern
I support
Maybe the Naga one could be brew a poison potion or find a nagan relic by sneaking and stealing it.
This is a marvelous idea. I've always hated spawning in an area with little to no surrounding water. However some of this might just mean extra work for the mods. Not all of them have the time or patience to make a town for each and every race. It would also make the production of new races that much harder and longer. I think themed building would suffice as a substitute until they could have more time.

The racial quests would work better if they were also lore themed. Not only would it educate a new player on the lore, buy it would also help with roleplay.

These are just my thoughts on your idea. Otherwise Supported
I support. This was very well planned, organized, and presented. I also think that this would educate new players about massive craft. Many of my friends whom I have invited to massive craft have rejected it because they don't understand how to play it. Take a ship, find a faction, learn to role-play, all that stuff requires reading [and more if you want to thoroughly understand the plugins]. This idea [if implemented] would would let newcomers learn more about massivecraft and enjoy it at the same time; making their experience here more immersive and less of a bore.
Mmmmm. Not sure about the method, but I do support the idea of quests designed on learning the other races (More specifically, how they should act in roleplay... I hate whenever I see an orc that talks with more grace than I.) As it stands, I was planning on making quests that teach more of the biology of each race. That being said, while I do support this idea, I think there are some other things that take priority before more quests can be added to Regalia.

The future though. TO THE FUTURE~
Just to clarify, this is not an idea for a different town for each race - just a build (embassy) or small district/area in Regalia that the race tends to congregate at when in the city.
Also, the maiar and dakkar race spawns shouldn't be in lava/water. Just in case someone wanted to check out one of those spawns.
I like this, and I support it. The Dakkar spawn should have a little roof or something, to prevent being rained on. Just saying. :D
Tigran quest: Find someone to enslave you.
Luxurious Lusciousness Speech Without The Sexy ๖ۣۜ Mark

๖ۣۜI love the idea! I was a Naga at some point, of course when RPing as William Johnson Chronicler, and I felt so out of place because there are very few locations I could find with any sort of jungle source. Also, it would actually help people out for what their faction/home should look like when they make it based on race. Just an optimistic thought, but, nonetheless,
+1 Support
SUPPORTED! The only thing I'll miss is watching the vampires and dakkar run for cover whenever the sun or rain is out... :D
WOW, this is a great idea.
(See what I did there?)

-_- Yes, this was partially inspired by the MASSIVE SUCCESS that is WoW. Why remake the wheel? That said, each race would spawn in Regalia, just different, race-specific locations in Regalia.
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