Archived Races Under Your Name

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Captain of the Krytan Navy
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
I noticed while using Optifine (which is probably used by 90% of the players on this server) you can see someone's power level under their name above his/her head.

I was wondering if you could replace the power level with their race, or maybe have both, so it will say something like
"Elf - 2657" above my head.

It will provide a fast way to see what race someone is, as you would clearly be able to tell the difference between Elves and Orcs at a glance.
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Everyone can see the power-level. If it does show race it shouldn't show vampire or not and undead should get a random race (since 'undead' is ambiguous, are you an undead elf, human, agni?).
I think this would be a good addition, seeing as lots of RP and in-game politics depend on race (ie all dwarf factions, dwarfs vs. agnis etc.) I agree that vampire status should not be visible.
It would be good from a pvp point of view, knowing what perks the other player has. Its always good to know if pouring lava at an enemy will just end up helping them.
Total meta-gaming, no.

Not really meta-gaming because you should be able to tell at a glance wether someone is an orc or an elf and since not everyone uses appropriate skins for their race I think this would be a nice addition.
I feel it could be an option, as you would generally notice someone's race when they walked up. You would easily tll the difference between a dwarf and a maiar. Of course, there are players who choose to RP hide their race through various methods, perhaps a simple command could be used like the dynmap hide command (Knowing someone's exact location at any given point would be considered meta gaming [I think, I am still a tad new to this]). Ie; /RP race hide or something of the sort.
Yeah, it would be, though the Vamp thing might get out of hand... Vampires should be listed as "Not a Vampire"
That could convince a large amount of people...
Instead of being displayed over their head they should have it so that if you shift and click someone you get their rp player card which displays their rp name, race, rp age, a short biography of their character, etc.
The power level display is part of mcmmo and is not developed locally. Would this still be wanted if it had to be 3 lines or could it be added to the name line. Not sure what is possible with the existing code.

I prefer Bsavs' suggestion, above, but I have shift set to go into sneak mode.
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