Archived Race Traits

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Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Off the Grid
Insidian Supremacy
So...yeah...another thing about races and traits...Except this time I'm not looking for just races, or to keep the current trait system.

Here's my proposition: create a plugin of a sort that uses both races and traits to limit the trait builds that are available to a player through his or her race. Basically, take the lore compliant races, compile a list of traits that make sense for each race to have, and then give the players their choice of their race's available traits. For the traits that could be considered in a neutral category, such as most of the negative trait point giving traits(Unarmed vulnerable, Nonivore, etc.) and some of the building and mining oriented traits(Haste, Haste 2, etc.), have them available to all players of all races. I feel like I'm not quite expressing what I mean by all that, so how about a few examples to show what I'm thinking.

Dakkar(These things are still a lore compliant race, right?)
Race Traits:
+25 Feed Lava
+30 Heal Lava
+30 Fire Strike
+30 Stone Eater
+30 Blaze Truce
+30 Fire Revenge
+40 Fire Immune
+50 Fly Lava
+50 Ghast Truce
+100 Fireball

-25 Starve Water
-50 Harm Water

Neutral Traits:
+50 Health Boost
+100 Health Boost 2
+75 Absorption 2
+50 Absorption
+50 Haste
+100 Haste 2

-50 Nonivore
-20 All the Inept Traits
-50 All the Vulnerable Traits

Ok then, there's the Dakkar list that I compiled, it's not everything that could be available for someone that's a Dakkar, but let's just use it in the Example. I'm a Dakkar, I can pick and use any of the traits from the Dakkar's Race Trait list and any of the traits from the Neutral Trait list, but I can't pick anything outside of those traits. I can't be a Dakkar that has Feed Vegetation, Heal Water, or Fly Web. Those traits are not ones that can be used by my race, but by another race that has them available to them in their Race Trait list. The other races have the same Neutral Trait lists that the Dakkar has.

If you didn't read my example in the Spoiler, I suggest you do so. So that you may understand what it is I'm proposing. This, I believe, is the happy-medium between races and traits. Though through my personal opinion, I'd rather have the old Race system back.

Just thought I'd share one of my ideas, I think it'd help both the RP side of this server and the PvP side by providing lore compliant traits per each race(a Dakkar that heals in water sounds so lore compliant, right?[jk obviously]), and through limiting a PvP'ers trait build to that of his or her race's available trait combinations. I'd love some feedback, if you disagree with the whole idea, say why and provide facts that back you up, but be constructive as you do so.
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Go back to "Undead" walking around, roleplaying as Humans as it was one of the only viable PVP races?
Almost no one playing as Maiar due to how tedious it was attempting to be one?

Please don't give me bad ratings for this, but the trait system makes more sense to me.
In the sense that traits are (mostly) OOC, for survival Minecraft. They make everything easier, like a roleplayer getting feedalways so they don't have to eat during RP, or toggling speed2 to get to a roleplay scene faster.

For example: I play as a vampire, but don't actually become a vampire OOC (Using the plugin.)

It's like how MCMMO stats don't translate over to role-play-character stats... If this was added, it would just be "What is the most viable for PVP" in the end. Like how it used to be. Go the guy with the most useful survival bonuses, regardless of your Role-play race.

It also kind of forces the non-roleplaying PVP scene to "Pick a race", which is technically unfair to said specific scene, since they're not here to Roleplay.

Aaaanyways, that's just my opinion :)
Guess I may have put RP in where it wasn't quite necessarily true...but I merely mean for a version of a limited trait system to be considered. This would be my solution of a limited trait system, but of course, I like the feedback about it/concerning it.

This should still be up-to-date. Traits was created to remove the limits that races enforced. Races caused problems for PVPers and RPers. PVPers would be forced to choose from a specific set of characteristics instead of the exciting plethora of options available with traits, and RPers who played multiple characters couldn't easily switch their IG race to match it.
I use an unrealistic trait build to make roleplaying and basic survival easier. For instance, elves do need food to stay alive, but instead of munching porkchops and muttons in the middle of an IC conversation I prefer traits that keep me fed.

This should still be up-to-date. Traits was created to remove the limits that races enforced. Races caused problems for PVPers and RPers. PVPers would be forced to choose from a specific set of characteristics instead of the exciting plethora of options available with traits, and RPers who played multiple characters couldn't easily switch their IG race to match it.
I understand that completely, this thread was just me trying to explain a possible solution to multiple peoples' complaints against the trait system. Rather than removing traits completely, the idea that this was presenting, was to limit certain traits to certain races. Though it may not provide an RP'er with any real survival advantage, it might be able to improve the PVP side of the server. When I said "I think it'd help both the RP side of this server and the PVP side..." ...yeah, I meant to go back and remove the RP part but forgot about it. As I also said before, I do prefer the race system that we had, but yes, I do see that it was most likely problematic for the RP'ers that had multiple characters of multiple races. On the other side of things, in the PVP side of the server, people chose what race was compatible with their skill sets, and yes, of course now-a-days you can just make a trait build to suit your style of fighting.

So, to summarize my rambling... I saw the problems that were occurring within the race system, and I've seen and continue to see the issues that occur over and over again within the Trait system. I left some things vague so that they could be worked with(I never said you couldn't just change the race whenever you wanted[maybe a pvp timer thing like the trait system uses now.]), I just threw out an example which maybe didn't get my idea across like I had hoped it would.