Archived Race Teaser Videos

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Sep 13, 2012
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United States
An idea I was pondering and ran by ulumulu the other night was the creation of race teaser videos. These would act as a short preview of races, maybe show their special mechanics in action (if they're a class 2/3 race), show off what the race looks like in a skin, and give some insight into their building style through the visual teaser. Rounding it out, and this is the music compositional hobbyist in me speaking, we could have an original little theme for each race (something I would volunteer to do) so people can get a musical "feel" for them too while watching the race teaser.

The segment for each race wouldn't have to be overly long. It could either be separate short videos, no longer than maybe a minute or so based on what all is needed to tease, or they could be consolidated and show off a number of races per video. Since assumingly new races will be added on occasion, this would allow for more video content to be made passively over the months and years. The MassiveCraftServer YouTube channel is barely touched, so these race teaser videos would both give active players insight into the race in a fun and interesting way, and act as advertising the superb quality of the server through the commonly used YouTube.

The notable downside is this would require some volunteer effort to contribute. Outside of potential player help for skins and building, it would need a degree of staff aid as both buildings need to be freely/safely made, and a controlled video taking environment is needed for the professionalism, along with the video editing and such itself, which all takes time to organize and complete. Outside of wanting feedback on the idea itself, do we as a community think this would be a worthwhile usage of volunteer/staff time to get this kind of content created?
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This reminds me of those TF2 "Meet the ____" videos.
Title: Meet the ____
This reminds me of those TF2 "Meet the ____" videos.
Title: Meet the ____
Yea, that's what I was thinking, to. I think this would really help to get players in the spirit of their race. I mean, you know when you see a movie trailer, (for a good movie) and you get that rush of excitement as you watch it (which leads to you going to watch the movie)? If people saw the video, building style, way they looked, stuff like that, not only would it get them excited about their race, but they would know how to play it, roleplay-wise.[DOUBLEPOST=1355689171][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe, in order to avoid anything messed up in the Massivecraft world, another small server with a cap of like 10 people (and whitelist) could be made that has the races plugin on it? and Then they can build a few factions, and have the recordings of the spotlighted race fighting a few other people of various races. The world would look and feel like Massivecraft. This would also ensure that the videos could be made safely.
Cool but who is going to do it? Start a thread on some other section to gather people.
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