Archived Race Speculation

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The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
As many of you may know, there is 5 new races that have little to no lore. Has of now all play races have their set lore and traits, these traits may/will be taken away when the new trait system is added. Now thinking that these new races will be added before the trait system, what to you think their traits would be? What do you tinkthere lore will be?

In my opinion this is what I think each race would be like. (This is jus my opinion from what I heard or just guesses)

Urs: I beleive they will gain some form of damage buff when fighting alone, kinda opposite I vespid. I beleive this because Mon said something along this lines.

Avarr: I think they will gain increased critical damage, becuase they are birds and you get critical hits from hitting a mob below you. This makes sense becuase birds normally swoop down on their prey.

Torpid: I'm guessing this race would be like turtles and gain defense buffs in water. This makes sense to me because I heard something about a defensive race and torpid sound like torpedo, which is an under water missile.

Arachne: I'm thinking Arachne will be a spider race that would gain a speed boost while in web and will be able to climb webs like ladders, this makes sense becuase spiders live in their webs.

Qadir: I have hear tha this race would be desert nomads, or at least deser dwellers. I'm unsure what their traits could be, maybe something to help support a nomadic life style.

What I you guy think of my speculation? Please write your ideas below.
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Qadir would probably take less damage on sand, and I had heard nothing about Torpid being aquatic, and I disagree with your statment that torpid and torpedo are connected.
Qadir would probably take less damage on sand, and I had heard nothing about Torpid being aquatic, and I disagree with your statment that torpid and torpedo are connected.
Yeah it was a
Far stretch with the torpid torpedo, but there is also tortoise. But I'm pretty sure they will be tanky as hell, also I thought they would be aquatic becuase then that they wouldn't out shine undead.
I like the spider idea...what if it was a slower flying while in spiderwebs? sorta like maiars and angis in lava; slower then those of course but faster then normal humans... (Now i can finally build a giant spider web and live in it...and eat those birds that fly into them.. XD)
I'd think the Avarr would have some kind of jump boost as well.
I like the spider idea...what if it was a slower flying while in spiderwebs? sorta like maiars and angis in lava; slower then those of course but faster then normal humans... (Now i can finally build a giant spider web and live in it...and eat those birds that fly into them.. XD)
That's what I as thinking, having while cities covered in webs. With viplines made out of web and death pits with webbing.
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