Archived Race Role Models.

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& Arrogant
Mar 18, 2014
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Hi everyone, it's me - that person you know and hate; Lamdax.

I present to you an idea that recently popped into my head - race role models. Basically, a team of people who each have a different race. These people are handpicked as the best at a certain race roleplay to be the role model for others who wish to be that race.

These people should get a coloured name / a chat gem (like the ones for premium or moderators). This is so you can identify them and follow their lead. These people have no moderator privileges of any kind, they simply have an identifying feature for those who are not as experienced to be able to see how that race works.

  • A person to see as an example of how a race should act.
  • A living, breathing, in-game wiki entry of that race! Someone you can consult if you have a question about a race.
  • Gives people a figure to aspire to be!
  • Time will need to be spent figuring out the best at each race in roleplay.
  • Those chosen will need to be trusted with distributing information of a race concisely and without error.
If you think of more pros or cons, please post them below. I will keep an open mind!

Thank you for reading, oh great and wonderful MassiveCraft community.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
-Is best dakkar-

-Is also sarcastic-

Dunno, mate. This could be a good thing, but then again, there's so many different personalities that have to be taken into account. Also, I'm not sure if having a nametag of a different color is easy to implement since they changed all of the staff to one color/icon.

That is a good point. However, this is more in terms of how a generic one of the races should act. An example; Kleinfolk. They are supposedly shy and all. This means that the Kleinfolk role model would act this way. So all the other Kleinfolk would see: 'this is how I am supposed to act, perhaps I shouldn't attempt to hold up the tavern with my bow!'.


Could I ask why you'd rather consume your most vital limbs in order to not have this implemented?
While this would be good, mainly because I am sick of seeing vampires who see good and Tigrans who act like domesticated cats. But this is already the RP and lore staff. And they can't be on all the time so it will cause people to miss the role models.

Also a good point. However, there aren't RP staff for every single race. For example, the Thylan race is (in my opinion) highly unsupported. Some races that I have not seen any RP staff play are Thylans, Urs, Wulong, Dwarves, Naga, Maiar, Kleinfolk, etc. I could go on. My point is, I've only seen RP staff be the major races (Ailor, Elves, Orcs occasionally). Having a team of people dedicated to this would help tremendously.

Also a good point. However, there aren't RP staff for every single race. For example, the Thylan race is (in my opinion) highly unsupported. Some races that I have not seen any RP staff play are Thylans, Urs, Wulong, Dwarves, Naga, Maiar, Kleinfolk, etc. I could go on. My point is, I've only seen RP staff be the major races (Ailor, Elves, Orcs occasionally). Having a team of people dedicated to this would help tremendously.
That is very possible, but if I was this so-called "Role model" My advise would be very simple. It would be: "Be what YOU want to be, create your own character, and make it unique. Nothing is worse than being forced to be what someone else is."
That is very possible, but if I was this so-called "Role model" My advise would be very simple. It would be: "Be what YOU want to be, create your own character, and make it unique. Nothing is worse than being forced to be what someone else is."
Eh, there are guidelines when it comes to characters, if I recall correctly. Urs are passive, dakkar tend to worship a hate-fueled god, shendar are inherently evil, and q'urebo are meant to have short attention spans. Personalities can differ, but there are key parts to a race that define them. :o
Eh, there are guidelines when it comes to characters, if I recall correctly. Urs are passive, dakkar tend to worship a hate-fueled god, shendar are inherently evil, and q'urebo are meant to have short attention spans. Personalities can differ, but there are key parts to a race that define them. :o

Well you follow the guidelines of course, but there are certain parts that you don't have to follow. Dakkar can break away, and stop worshipping Hael. Shendar are usually evil, but don't necessarily need to be evil; Urs usually are quite passive as that is natural, but will get aggressive if needed. However, it tends to be rare when someone breaks away from the norm of the race, but it happens.

Now I never meant "Do anything you fahking want" I mean, choose a race, and follow certain guidelines, but be unique. Most people tend to have their own way of doing things. What if I became a Role-model of the Drowdar, and Veridan was an example of that? I wouldn't want people being all like "How can I be like Veridan?" Veridan is unique for a Drow, but he doesn't break lore.

Sometimes people need a push to follow the guidelines. Remember the shiver hoodie vampire outbreak? I do. Everyone does. This was a case of people being too unique, if there is such a thing. Everyone wanted to be a vampire, yet actually good (I'm so misunderstood, *hair flick*).

But, as @Eliza_Nightly said, there are key features of every race. Things that, despite how 'unique' you are, you will always be. People will always be encouraged to be unique, but everyone needs someone or something to bounce an idea off of. A base for their character, if you will. But with a text, it is static. It doesn't help you, it doesn't listen to you. It states the facts. But a person, someone meant to be there for you, is dynamic. They can reply to you, identify your strengths; weaknesses.

Orcs are menacing, large, and generally pretty scary to smaller races. Someone sees the Orc RM and goes, "Hey, that is an Orc. Wouldn't it be different if they weren't such a mean person? What would happen then?". And there, ladies and gentlemen, is where the player begins to form their character based off of the Orc RM character.
Sounds neato, but it'd take a lot of work and people might get conflicted over who is the best at playing what race and such.

Hmm, maybe I should rephrase it from 'being the best at playing a race', to 'holding the largest amount of knowledge on a race'. Good thought, though.
Eh, there are guidelines when it comes to characters, if I recall correctly. Urs are passive, dakkar tend to worship a hate-fueled god, shendar are inherently evil, and q'urebo are meant to have short attention spans. Personalities can differ, but there are key parts to a race that define them. :o
Shendar are inherently possessed. c:
While I don't nessicairly think this is a good idea for reasons already stated, it is a cool and unique idea...
-Crowns self as the image of a modern maiden Tigran-
I think this would only motivate people to play stereotype versions of the race or create characters quite similar to one another. I think this would make role play a bit more dull and loosen the amount of creative thinking, tearing away the some of the character diversity. But hey, that's just an opinion. x3

Yes, I can see that that may be a problem. However, as I have stated before, this is just for a 'base' of a character. Like a walking, talking wiki thread. If you go on the wiki thread for a vampire, it says they are inherently evil. That doesn't stop anyone from becoming a good vampire, because hey, who wants to listen to some words on a screen? But if there is a face for the words, then they are more likely to listen.
To be honest.... No.

This would mean we would have to define the term "good role player" which is much more subjective than the term "good PVPer" for instance. Some people role play in different styles other people may not like, and therefore this just ends up becoming liked by few and not the majority. I'm going to have to disagree with this idea completely.

EDIT: Also, gunna say I'm not a fan of how suggestive your poll responses are. I mean "this is somehow wrong"? Really?

Hmm, maybe I should rephrase it from 'being the best at playing a race', to 'holding the largest amount of knowledge on a race'. Good thought, though.

Also, about the poll, I meant that as in if you choose it, you should probably state why you disagree. Otherwise, what is the point of the poll? If you dislike it though, I will probably change it.

EDIT: Turns out I can't change the poll.
That doesn't stop anyone from becoming a good vampire, because hey, who wants to listen to some words on a screen?
Hmmm, maybe someone serious about playing on the server? I know I was grateful when someone linked me to the wiki. People who don't care about the lore don't read it.

Also, about the poll, I meant that as in if you choose it, you should probably state why you disagree. Otherwise, what is the point of the poll? If you dislike it though, I will probably change it.

EDIT: Turns out I can't change the poll.
Uhhhhm. Maybe because in the poll, there is mostly Yeses, neutral responses, a stupid silly response, and a poorly worded no response. There is no simple 'no'. Maybe that's why he disagrees.
I'm not sure if people will react the way you think they will.
Going off of what Trout said, and adding to what I said, if they are serious about roleplaying on the server and all, they would probably read the lore- If not, they'd probably ignore both the wiki and the 'special' player.
I'm generally apprehensive to this idea, as it could result in players suffering from USI. I think it's probably best to continue relying on the Rp staff to convey the good points on each race and how to play them as. These people have unrivaled command of the lore anyway as they wrote it.

Yes, the idea was a bit far-fetched. The RP staff do do a very good job currently. It was simply an idea I had, and it does seem a majority wouldn't like it implemented, and I'm fine with that.
Mabye if there was a group of people who know different races lore like the back of their hand that we could refer to for a better interpretation other than our own. -looks to the roleplay staff-