Archived Race Friendly Roleplay Cities

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The Red Panda of Massive
Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Roleplay Guilds
Have you ever picked Dakkar as a race, made this amazing character app, got everything approved, and your first day of Rp with that character...he gets slaughtered because Dakkar are not allowed? Dakkar are one of a few beings that are not allowed in Regalia, and for some good reasons in Roleplay. This makes it to where Dakkar are a near inactive race. I am sure some new people to the server may pick Dakkar because they sound fun. Well once they learn that Regalia does not tolerate Dakkar they either wait out three days of hiding, or pretty much rage quit.
My idea is not just based on Dakkar, (but they are a pretty good example) but for undead, vampires,(even though we do not have a shortage of them) and possibly other races. My idea is that we have towns and cities like Regalia, but in different places and they would be friendly to certain races, and attack ones they do not approve of.
An example of what I am talking about is looking at World of Warcraft. The races have their own cities and capitals. The undead in massivecraft should have the ability to make their own underground city, or something along those lines, without being raided in PvP wise terms.
Instead of getting rid of the Rift completely, why don't we set up the portal somewhere else and put Dakkar civilizations in it? Better yet, we could make an abandoned Dwarven Hold and make it as a Dakkar colony. Or perhaps we could look at maiar for a second and give them several underwater cities so they don't starve to death in the streets of Regalia?
I find it sad that there are races that become inactive due to roleplay in Regalia. Hopefully this can be concidered and save some of the slowly dying races.
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This has been considered, but at this time it has been judged that there aren't enough roleplayers to populate multiple roleplay cities. It is also problematic to create a new world without a player base ready to use it. That said, there have been several ideas for such a city or world. I hope that when the world is released to replace our temporary Nether, that some of the problems with the Dakkar will be solved.
I think that if the sewers (And other shady areas) were re-added then there might be some more the these races present in Regalia...
TheFinitePeach said:
I think that if the sewers (And other shady areas) were re-added then there might be some more the these races present in Regalia...

I think I heard that there is a new sewer system (don't quote me on this) with entrances a little more complicated.

Of course, I haven't found any (which is problematic as my character used to live in them).
I think I heard that there is a new sewer system (don't quote me on this) with entrances a little more complicated.

Of course, I haven't found any (which is problematic as my character used to live in them).
It exists, one of my faction mates found it. He had no idea it still existed.
Hmmm the only places i've found walking arround is under the new spawn where they build the mansions and stuff before WEing them up to the surface...
This has been considered, but at this time it has been judged that there aren't enough roleplayers to populate multiple roleplay cities. It is also problematic to create a new world without a player base ready to use it. That said, there have been several ideas for such a city or world. I hope that when the world is released to replace our temporary Nether, that some of the problems with the Dakkar will be solved.
That is good to hear, and understandable to why that would be. Thank you for answering some of my questions to that
To be frank, the OP has a point... for a spawn city that's supposed to cater to new players it isn't very friendly to, well, new players... especially the ones that want to get out of the mainstream roleplay and investigate different race roleplays like Dakkar, Maiar, and Undead. Perhaps changing the empire a little to be more tolerant of such 'evil' races and only barring them from certain areas (like the noble district or similar)?
At the moment, for vampires/undead ect, the Harbor District seems like the best area.
There is no "Universal same experience" for every race. Every race is individually created with it's backgrond lore to provide a different background. What is the point of creating unique cultures if certain races can just bugger off to their individual capital and have the same experience as a Human in Regalia? Undead and Vampires and such are made to be hunted. If you don't like that, don't play it.
There is no "Universal same experience" for every race. Every race is individually created with it's backgrond lore to provide a different background. What is the point of creating unique cultures if certain races can just bugger off to their individual capital and have the same experience as a Human in Regalia? Undead and Vampires and such are made to be hunted. If you don't like that, don't play it.
Ah, you seemed to have killed off my point like you killed off the Tezari family XD. I never saw it like that and I thank you for setting that straight with me and possibly a few others.
Ah, you seemed to have killed off my point like you killed off the Tezari family XD.
I don't think that you should blame Mr. MonMarty for that... I will/still do take blame for that mess. >~<" I think that we should all blame me for that mess, and put a pin in any other conspiracy theory as to who caused that... (I still feel sorry for that... >~<"") Anywho. I personally like this idea. Just going to point out what was previously said about needing players to populate said Roleplay Cities. Do~ we have enough people on at the same time to populate these cities? I don't know. I don't think we do... the largest area of Roleplay is the tavern or outside it and/or the Regalian Park.
The true killer of Ebony's adoptive parents was Silverveil Tykes.
I feeling that @MiningMac5 has a point. If people really want cities that are friendly to their race, they should go and make them. I imagine it would definitely save time for the staff.
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