Archived Race Cooldown Time ~

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look at my BLOUSE
Aug 12, 2013
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Most of us have more than one Roleplay character, sometimes of the same race and sometimes another race. Something that really challenges someone in being able to hold two characters is the race cooldown time of five days. I'd like to see it be shorter so that one can switch between races efficiently and be able to take place in events and have the buff of their character's actual race. Let's say a Human character makes a Dakkar as their secondary. They choose to be a Dakkar as a race, and oops!, their faction is fighting outside in the rain and they're rendered useless because of their race cooldown time of five friggin' passes of the moon.
My proposal is to cut a couple days off the cooldown time, to make it only three days, or even two if you're feeling generous, so that a character's race won't be a hindrance for five whole days!
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The races plugin is clunky. You don't HAVE to change your race for your character if you don't want too, so long as you make up for it in roleplay. Say you are a Dakkar and the guards shove you into the canal, you'd have to roleplay die, instead of actually die.
The races plugin is clunky. You don't HAVE to change your race for your character if you don't want too, so long as you make up for it in roleplay. Say you are a Dakkar and the guards shove you into the canal, you'd have to roleplay die, instead of actually die.

Yes, but if I want to roleplay as a human vampire, and I'd like to switch back to my normal self at some point to go to an event, I'd prefer not to smoke in the sunlight for five days roleplaying as a dwarf until I can change it again.

Yes, lets just demand that Cayorian drop everything and immediately work on a massive plugin now! |-(


Why would you want to roleplay as a human vampire though? I think that's the more important question. (nod)

Yes, lets just demand that Cayorian drop everything and immediately work on a massive plugin now! |-(


Why would you want to roleplay as a human vampire though? I think that's the more important question. (nod)

Yea that came out wrong. I guess a race cool down time reduction would benefit players and myself. Please do so for reasons stated above.

Again, is there anything about the vampire mechanics that you simply couldn't make up for with roleplay? Shying away from sunlight. Screaming in pain when something wooden touches you, etc. etc. Seems like all of this is possible with roleplay and in my opinion, the mechanics tend to get in the way, especially if you have multiple characters and a 5 day wait time before racial changes.

Again, is there anything about the vampire mechanics that you simply couldn't make up for with roleplay? Shying away from sunlight. Screaming in pain when something wooden touches you, etc. etc. Seems like all of this is possible with roleplay and in my opinion, the mechanics tend to get in the way, especially if you have multiple characters and a 5 day wait time before racial changes.

I suppose that makes sense, but I'm sure others might like to have a shorter cooldown. It's not an extreme request, in my opinion. Especially if it's being replaced with traits sometime soon.
I agree with raynesummer's opinion. Having to roleplay as a completely different race while you are waiting for the five day cooldown takes away from the roleplay. For example, a person playing a vampire while they are a dwarf could forget that the sun hurts. Once they remember, they'd either have to restart everything from when the sun came out from who knows how long ago, or they could go against the lore and give an excuse for why it isn't hurting them. This takes away from much of the realism of the roleplay. Another example is of a player who roleplays as both a Dakkar and a Maiar. Are they supposed to just stand in front of a lavapool and explain how they skillfully escaped an Orc attack using their abilities to their advantage? If that's the case, I'd rather just stay roleplaying on the forum and explain everything in full detail there, then in game where you have a text limit.

The trait system isn't going to happen for some time. Several months at least. The quest system is next in line before the trait system is to begin development, not to mention any little tidbits or things that Cayorian or MonMarty feel like implementing before working on the trait system. Don't rely on it coming any time 'soon'.

Reminds me when Diablo 3 was announced to be released 'soon' and then it was like 5 or 6 months before it was released. (chuckle)

The cooldown was probably extended because there was some issues with PVP.
I agree with raynesummer's opinion. Having to roleplay as a completely different race while you are waiting for the five day cooldown takes away from the roleplay. For example, a person playing a vampire while they are a dwarf could forget that the sun hurts. Once they remember, they'd either have to restart everything from when the sun came out from who knows how long ago, or they could go against the lore and give an excuse for why it isn't hurting them. This takes away from much of the realism of the roleplay. Another example is of a player who roleplays as both a Dakkar and a Maiar. Are they supposed to just stand in front of a lavapool and explain how they skillfully escaped an Orc attack using their abilities to their advantage? If that's the case, I'd rather just stay roleplaying on the forum and explain everything in full detail there, then in game where you have a text limit.
Eh, it's not that hard. Think of those of us playing as frostmane...there is no frostmane race to choose plug-in-wise at all. :P
Alot of people who are known to hate vampires now seem to want to RP as them, hopefully it is due to them aspiring to show the world how a proper, evil, spawn of the night should behave.
And also when was the race pluggin change bumped up to 5 days? o.O
Alot of people who are known to hate vampires now seem to want to RP as them, hopefully it is due to them aspiring to show the world how a proper, evil, spawn of the night should behave.
And also when was the race pluggin change bumped up to 5 days? o.O

Actually, my next character is going to be a Vamp just so I can do exactly that, RP as a proper Vampyre, and regain that former feeling of power as William once had when he 'was human' before races was implemented.
Alot of people who are known to hate vampires now seem to want to RP as them, hopefully it is due to them aspiring to show the world how a proper, evil, spawn of the night should behave.
And also when was the race pluggin change bumped up to 5 days? o.O

I know right, who would ever do such a thing.
Alot of people who are known to hate vampires now seem to want to RP as them, hopefully it is due to them aspiring to show the world how a proper, evil, spawn of the night should behave.
And also when was the race pluggin change bumped up to 5 days? o.O

Actually this is exactly why I want to be one. None of that vegetarian, only-eats-animals bull. I'mma drain people and I'm gonna like being evil ~
A question of interesst. I am personally not the most hardcore roleplayer, I try though. However, isen't it annoying to have several characters? I mean I have a certain love and interest in mine, I wouldent like to involve other character in it. And... Isen't it confusing for others aswell ? I dunno.
, their faction is fighting outside in the rain and they're rendered useless because of their race cooldown time of five friggin' passes of the moon.

This reason has nothing to do with roleplay, and the inability to fight during the rain is a contractual part of the roleplay you choose as a dakkar. The reason why the race cooldown is so long is to prevent players from swapping race whenever they feel like it because a particular trait of one race is an inconvenience to them.
This reason has nothing to do with roleplay, and the inability to fight during the rain is a contractual part of the roleplay you choose as a dakkar. The reason why the race cooldown is so long is to prevent players from swapping race whenever they feel like it because a particular trait of one race is an inconvenience to them.

Three days is not exactly "Whenever they want" IMO
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