R.i.p Chronikatr

It belongs to Catuh now. And well...That's it, really. It just basically sits there. Doing nothing. At all. Ever.
Actually it disbanned about a week ago. Sadly.
I loved It until the members became a leading reason of why people seriously hated me. Doesn't help that some even lied against me.
Ehh, memories, but not enough nostalgia for it.
They all realized they have something better to do with their lives and we don't xD
After the chron vs Alamut and InVictus war snaker (banned) decided to become a ''good'' person, and built up a new faction.
Chronikatr was actually quite fun. I used to make all of the potions and fill up the chests. I think there were more alchemists because when I came back from my trip, the room was like "ALCHEMY STANDS EVERYWHERE." I forgot how I left.
I miss ladyheretic T.T shes rarely on Skype anymore either. Shes been very busy irl with her job.