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Played Character Qotzec

This character is actively played.


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Qotzec Ussurinn
    • Other Names: Alaiion (Altalar name), Qotti (nickname), Qotzec Lurie (by marriage),
  • Heritage: Sentli Maquixtl
  • Age: Forty something?
  • Gender: Male
  • Affinity: Happiness Arkenborn
Core Concept
A curious and free-spirited arkenborn on a journey of self-discovery who visited Regalia only to be caught there by unforeseen events.
Qotzec is a follower of Estelley. He mainly favors the Empress Sapphora, Ordained Gods Aseia and Leyon, and also Suellon of the Vowed Gods.

Appearance Information
Qotzec's form is slim but broad at the shoulders and decently toned, standing at around 5'2" in height. His eyes are bright silver with a blue limbal ring and his hair a light flaxen blond styled in a short bob with a small half-bun at the back, and his skin being olive-toned. He has a tattoo of a wyvern in flight on his left shoulder-blade.


Combat Style(s): Dexterity Attack / Constitution Defense
  • Strength:
    • Building Scale (Maquixtl)
    • Steady Body (Maquixtl)
  • Constitution: 0
    • N/A
  • Intelligence: 0
    • N/A
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Technique Parry
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Cutthroat Backstab
    • Cutthroat Dodge
    • Cutthroat Reversal
    • Cutthroat Target
    • Escape Artist
    • Fleet Footed
    • Smokescreen
  • Faith:
    • N/A
  • Magic: 6
    • Magic Isolate
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Snare
    • Mimicry Pack - Magical
    • Shapeshift Pack - Magical
    • Mounted Evasion
Hobbies/Talents: Alchemy, Magical

Maquixtl Heritage Mechanics:
  • Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
  • Maquixtl pets live unnaturally long lives, with them being able to apply Gene Editing on their pets to modify them.
  • Maquixtl can analyze blood to understand the genetic make-up of something, or discover inherited genetic traits or faults.
  • Maquixtl have extremely sharp eyesight, capable of detecting the author of any written work, if they have read the author's writing before.
  • Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing.
    • Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.

Altalar (native)
Droque (learned)
Sulvaley (learned)

Plot Hooks

Imitation Is The Sincerest Form...
Qotzec is a mimic mage, learning to cast magic by observing the enchantments of others. He's always on the look out for new spells to copy. Taking after his Arken mother he is also a shapeshifter, and can be found hanging around in different forms often just for his own amusement.
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