Preserved Sheet Qiyelstra Tordove "the Hungering"

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Apr 24, 2020
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Qiyelstra Tordove​

"The Hungering"​


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Qiyelstra "Qiy" Tordove
  • Age: 73 (Appears to be no older than 21)
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Shenath Kathar (Crimson Witch)
  • Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Bladed Whip
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Skill Information

Total Points: 5 + 55 = 60 points (+10 hobby points)

  • +20 Lashing Combat Skill
  • +12 Bodycare Training

  • +10 Theatre Arts (10 hobby points)

  • +10 Perception Training
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +8 Void Ritualism
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Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 30
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
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  • Kathar Elven (Native Language)
  • Common
  • She'Laqq (Void Ritualism)
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Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Special Traits:

  • Dread Rebirth (Racial Spell)
  • Dread Binding (Racial Spell)
  • Dread Tampering (Racial Spell)
Sire of Want Abilities:

  • Wanting Scion (Racial Spell)
  • Wanting Change (Racial Spell)

  • Wanting Ascendant (Racial Shift)

  • (Mageblooded)Stay Put/Can't Hold Me Down (Chaos Sorcery) [Sorcery Spell]
  • (Mageblooded) Who Needs Skill (Chaos Sorcery) [Sorcery Spell]
  • (Mageblooded) Shadows Embrace (Darkness Sorcery) [Sorcery Spell]

  • (Grimoire) Binral Blink (Arcane Sorcery) [Sorcery Spell]

  • (Grimoire) Distant Discourse (Arcane Sorcery) [Sorcery Spell]
Crimson Witch Mutations:

  • Abyssal Haruspex

  • Abyssal Grimoire

  • Abyssal Stride

  • Abyssal Dance

  • Abyssal Shadow
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Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Black with starry flecks of red fading through.
  • Hair Color: Ashy white fading into a Crimson Red.
  • Hair Style: Short Length messy hair with bangs that hover just above her eyes.
  • Skin Color: Dark Gray
  • Clothing: Refer to the picture below for her outfit.
  • Height: 5.6 ft tall.


Personality and Abilities

  • Character Alignment
    • Neutral Evil.
      A neutral evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to further their own goals. A neutral evil character has no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit for themselves. Another valid interpretation of neutral evil holds up evil as an ideal, doing evil for evil's sake and trying to spread its influence. Examples of the first type are an assassin who has little regard for formal laws but does not needlessly kill, a henchman who plots behind their superior's back, or a mercenary who readily switches sides if made a better offer. An example of the second type would be a masked killer who strikes only for the sake of causing fear and distrust in the community
  • Character Personality Type
    • ESTP-A (Entrepreneur).
      Smart, energetic and very perceptive people, who truly enjoy living on the edge. An Entrepreneur (ESTP) is someone with the Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They tend to be energetic and action-oriented, deftly navigating whatever is in front of them. They love uncovering life's opportunities, whether socializing with others or in more personal pursuits.
  • Character's Religion
    • Void Worship (The Void Prefect of Trickery) (8/10)
  • ~The Void Prefect of Trickery is generally considered to have been a relatively low-publicity Arken during the waning days of the Allorn Empire that trapped thousands of Elves with trickery into joining the Dread Empire, some to become rulers, others to become slaves by the many. The Prefect of Trickery is said to thus have assisted the Dread Empire by providing necessary early resources. The Void Prefect of Trickery is rarely actually worshiped through a shrine, but more passively praised by deeds of betrayal and subterfuge. Each time an act of betrayal is performed or a clever plan is hatched, the Trickery worshipers bring a small food offering to wandering black cats. There is a single massive temple to the Trickery Prefect in Saivale that houses over 900 black cats.
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Life Story


  • Born during the year 235 BC was Qiyelstra, a young abyssal Kathar gifted with the power of a Crimson Witch. Qiyelstra was born in the City of Paärthalaär with her older sister Zalaea where they'd live a fairly comfortable life, in solidarity.

  • Qiyelstra was raised by her birth mother and father for the first few months of her life, Ylsirra her mother and Ravias her father. Soon after Qiyelstra's birth Ylsirra and Ravius separated, Ylsirra falling in love with a new man who would soon become the young Witch's stepfather, Erran.

  • Throughout the majority of Qiyelstra's childhood she was practically inseparable from her older sister, spending most of her time learning from her, forming a bond that would bind the two forever.

  • The young Crimson Witch gave her mother an easy time, learning from her older sister Zalaea that her patience should not be tested, saving her a childhood of punishment and embarrassment.

Teenage Years:

  • Once Qiyelstra became a bit more mature she learned that her life was in her own hands, taking it to herself to discover more about her nature as she began to study her roots.

  • Qiyelstra became more devout to her Sire, Lumeria, The Sire of Want. The Witch begun to feel more in-touch with her abilities, using them to aid herself in her training to become a powerful young Witch, allowing her Sister's guidance to lead the way.

  • Never having felt a special connection to her Void Prefects Qiyelstra decided to explore her options in religion, uncovering a Void Temple filled with many black cats, the Temple of the Void Prefect of Trickery. Qiyelstra found herself questioning her decision, constantly flickering back and forth between liking and disliking Void Religion, she was in a rut and she couldn't figure a way out.

  • Many weeks after attending the Void Temple Qiyelstra found herself curious, wanting to learn more about The Void Prefects as she took a specific interest towards the Void Prefect of Trickery. Qiyelstra found herself practicing Void Ritualism in her spare time, allowing her Void Prefect to guide her on her journey to corruption as her power began to grow.

Adult Years:

  • Having fully learned everything she could from Void Ritualism Qiyelstra turned to a higher power for aid, Lumeria. Qiyelstra surrendered herself to The Sire of Want, her body being riddled with many thin tattoos that depicted images of sharp teeth and gaped mouths.

  • It was around this time where Qiyelstra became fond of devouring prey, luring lustful men into taverns only to bind them and eat them, satisfying the never ending hunger that cursed the Crimson Witch.

  • Qiyelstra loved the euphoria she received after consuming one of her victims, it was the high she craved, the high that would lead her into a spiral of madness if she did not obtain her next dose of power.

  • After fully maturing into an adult Qiyelstra decided to seek out a more sizable hunting ground, heading towards the City of Regalia to consume the lives of it's wicked and corrupted victims.
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Last edited:
@Katiesc I need a re-review! Here are some things that were changed.
  • -10 Points from Theatre Arts
  • +10 Points to Perception Training
  • Monster Ritualism converted to Void Ritualism due to recent Crimson Witch changes.
  • Some backstory changes that were marked in Pink!