Preserved Sheet Qin Uyr

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Loong Worshiper and Sihai Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2020
Reaction score
The Dominion
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Qin Uyr Sai'an-Sing'ha ; Regalian Name: Qin Uyr
  • Age: 45 ; Born August 1st, 263 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Sihai ; War (Zuge) Dynasty
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Guandao
  • Racial Boost: Frontline Command
Inventory Information
In Qin's House
  • A Jade Pendant engraved with an image of a diagonal half of the Sun and a diagonal half of the Moon in one perfect sphere.
  • A Steel Guandao forged by a Sihai Forgemaster.
Items on hand
  • Small Pouch of 50 Regals ; four ten-pieces, two five-pieces.
  • A Steel Longsword forged by a Sihai Swordsmith.
  • Notebook with a pencil.
Skill Information

50 Age Points + 10 Talent Points + 10 Hobby Points


Core Group

  • Fist Combat: +5 Age Points
- A level that he put his spare time into to reach, the main thought of utilizing eastern martial arts were for exhibition and if it called for it, actual hand to hand combat. He isn't a beginner but he also isn't well versed into more complicated moves than the basics, enough to hold his own against those with no hand to hand combat experience.​
  • Sword Combat: +5 Age Points
- A level that he spared time to reach, not really putting it as a top priority but a priority nonetheless. His skill with the actual sword is past a beginner but less than one who constantly trains with it as their main weapon.
  • Glaive Combat: +20 Age Points
- A level that he wholeheartedly devoted his time to, reaching a level that is unable to be achieved by most. He knows how to utilize every part and perk of this weapon, taking advantage of the large blade and length of the pole.

Talent Group

  • Frontline Command: +10 (5 Age Points and 5 Racial Boost)
  • Experienced
- Hardy and knowledgeable on the battlefield, able to switch and utilize different stratagems depending on the situation but is very limited if not in charge of his own personal retinue or not trusted by the battalion of soldiers he may be in command of.​
  • Militaristic
- A soldier to the bone, capable and daring enough to follow any and all orders to the end to the extent of his own life. He is not caring enough to abide by all ethic codes but will endeavor to not betray and cross any of them, making that his bottom line.​

- Experience gained serving nearly thirty years in the Sihai military, initially fighting bandits, corrupt merchants, or even smugglers who breached deep into Dexai, and finally against the Dark Dynasty. Out of the many and vast amount of soldiers that used to be under his command, only a very small amount was able to follow him to Regalia to serve under him and experience the 'outside world'. Naming them 'ŦḸ̆Ũ̌Ŋ̄Ŋ̄Ĩ̀Ḹ̆Ɛ̂ ɎᴖᶋɎƸɞ' (Snapping Turtle) for their endurance and hidden strength they would pull whether it be in a pinch or otherwise.
  • General Command: +2 Talent Points
- Tactics and strategic formations learned during his early years in the academy. Though theoretical knowledge wasn't all he knew, he perfectly utilized this knowledge in his battles though barely using them all besides a few basic formations.
  • Perception Training: +5 Age Points
- His experience with fighting up close and having knowledge of stratagems made him perceptible to nearly most of the changes on the battlefield, noting a sizeable or vague changes that would probably affect the entire battle.
  • Strings Instrument: +6 Talent Points
- A means of relaxation if martial training or a game of Go is not available at the moment. Trained in the ancient art of using a zither though he can only play with basic music sheets.
  • Percussion Instrument: +2 Talent Points
- A knowledge and know how to properly use a drum, back when he was a low level officer, he had been chosen to start the war cry of an army and since then, he's barely touched a drum but he still held that memory to heart, still knowing how to properly use play it.​

Hobby Group
  • Husbandry Art: +10 Age Points
- Owning a war bird, a Dark-Eyed Owl tamed in Dexai and bred to fight in wars and hunt smaller birds but is mainly a bird in 'retirement' now, named 'ŦĦŨ̌ƕᵹƻ' (Shadow). Also rides a Ferghana Horse, another vital partner of his that accompanied him the last decade named 'Ɛ̂ɞḸ̆ɞᶋŨ̌Ƹ' (General).
  • Writing Art: +10 Hobby Points
- A skill that he constantly developed, whether intentionally or unintentionally and he grew to write very well, comparable to the handwriting of scholars and are elegantly written to be understood by all.

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 30 (5 Fist Combat + 5 Sword Combat + 20 Glaive Combat)
  • Body Shape: Muscular Body Shape
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Wa'an (Parents)
  • Common (Tutored and still learning)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Chonmage ; basically a man bun.
  • Skin Color: Dark Tan
  • Clothing: Ming Dynasty Taoist Robes and Ming Dynasty Boots
  • Height: 6'3
Visual Information (Ext.)
  • Qin has a tattoo of a Eastern Dragon that coils around his right arm; the head is on his shoulder while the tail stops in the middle of the forearm.
  • There is another tattoo that is on his left breast, atop his heart. It is a spear and a sword crossed over each other with a shield on top with an Eastern Dragon insignia on it.
  • Numerous scars fill his body from his previous years as an active commander ; it can only be seen if Uyr chooses to show it
  • A part of his left pinky has been cut off by Galejin de Pierre @Beleiver
  • Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Character Personality: Entrepreneur
  • Religion: Dragon Worship ; Scale - 8
Personality (Ext.)
  • When he lusts for battle, he began to rub the pommel of his sheathed sword or puts his guandao on his shoulder.
  • Loves Sihai cuisine
  • Enjoys the battlefield
  • Loves his family
  • Hostile towards undead creatures
  • Does not like heroes or those with hero syndromes
  • Has a trusted relationship with the Qin Family
  • Has a great relationship with the Sihai military
Life Story

August 1st, 263 AC - November 8th, 267 AC

Born on the 1st of August was the firstborn of Clan Qin, one of the many clans that bordered the southern territory of the Sihai Empire. Celebrating his first year in the world made him a playful and energetic child as he interacted with nearly every older generation of the neighboring clans, breathing life into the soldiers that fought nearly everyday with the Dark Dynasty.

During the next two years, Sai'an had been to every clan bordering the south and interacted with the soldiers which increased the reputation of Clan Qin and made his name known as a morale booster. With years passing by Clan Qin had returned to their residence and started to prepare for the schooling of their firstborn but they had announced important news. Marking the fourth year that he had come into the world also marks another event, the birth of his younger brother.

January 27th, 268 AC - August 21st, 275 AC

With the birth of his younger brother, Clan Qin had focused their attention on the infant as they soon realized the intelligence that Sai'an possessed. Sai'an had not grown jealous of his brother but rather treasured him, though a four year old child showing such love at a young age was odd it was a relaxing sight for their parents. Seeing his intelligence did not mean that they paid less attention to Sai'an but the opposite.

His father had instilled in him the discipline expected of a Sihai and Sai'an followed his requirements to the letter for eight years. During the first two years was the slow accumulation of religion towards the White Loong Dragon Throne which turned him into a devout believer but not a religious fanatic. Three years after his devout path towards the White Loong Dragon Throne was the training regime customized towards him as he also learned the basics of Eastern weaponry and theoretical commanding.

The two years after his lessons in weaponry and theoretical commanding was practical lessons, Sai'an wielded every weapon but in dissatisfaction until he wielded a pole arm with a large blade. Although he wielded training weapons he could sense comfort in wielding the pole arm, a guandao it was called and he practiced it every day.

Seeing his improvement with the weapon, his father had also assigned a squad of willing youths that were children of his own men nearing Sai'an's age to be his soldiers. His new squad had given Sai'an the chance to gain experience in tactics as theory and execution of strategies were fundamentally different due to human behavior. The remaining year was to be learning the history of his people, the Sihai. He learned not from his father but from an academic professor from the nearby Ingdi about the years after the creation of the Sihai until the years of the Htai Dynasty.

June 16th, 276 AC - March 31st, 280 AC

Nearly finished with his history lessons, Sai'an had been officially enrolled in the Ingdi's academy as an experienced student within the military cliques with his skills in other aspects being slightly above average. In August, he had finally finished the lessons about the Sihai Empire and begun military simulations in a mock war room within the academy. With him were his people, his squad, and the children of different clans that gathered within the mock war room.

They simulated the battle, Ranmieng which was the battle that Zuge Tegu defeated the loyalists, Clan Yai and Clan Ma. All though all simulations ended with the loyalists loss, Sai'an had one of the best simulations which resulted in the least losses and could mount another attack afterwards.

During these simulations did he start competing with this New Dynasty Sihai that brought him interest as she had gathered people under her as well as Sai'an did which expanded the field on how they competed for superiority. Combat wise was terrible for Sai'an as he was continuously defeated by the New Dynasty Sai'an named Fuming but she did not give her family name but Sai'an did not care as he got excited during every spar he had against her. During the simulations of previous wars or random battles, Sai'an reigned supreme as he defeated every army that challenged him, whether it was brute force or tactical knowledge.

April 1st, 280 AC - December 21st, 283 AC

It had been four years since Sai'an had first enrolled into the academy but today on the 1st of April, he had graduated and celebrating their graduation was the entirety of the whole ingdi as they cheered on a new generation of warriors and scholars that would grow into the pillars of their Empire. During the party, he and Fuming talked, taking in the liquor created by the Greater Dynasty Sihai and lost their abilities to count, waking after, in a never before seen bed and his neatly folded robes. After the party however Sai'an had not been able to find Fuming and tried to search the entire city which made him resort to using the power of his clan to command part of the city garrison to search for her friend as well.

The results was disappointing, not a single trace of her had been found and it left him depressed until a letter addressed to him arrived explaining Fuming had moved to the western border but he moved forward, forward to his post after the academy. Graduating an academy left three choices for the said graduates; becoming a scholar at the capital of the Sihai Empire, training as a commander at either the western coast of Dexai or the Great Wall that isolated the South Well and the Dark Dynasty, the last option is becoming a merchant in the Outer Isles.

Sai'an had of course chosen the most dangerous post; becoming a new low rank officer at the Great Wall with his loyal squad of soldiers. Although the Great Wall was to mainly restrict and monitor the South Well and Dark Dynasty there were also troops to prevent bandit raids on the prosperous ingdi's surrounding and supplying the troops of the Great Wall.

He had to prove his worth as a low rank officer by dispatching dozens of raids without failure to even catch the sight of a mid rank officer not to mention high rank officers. Years had passed until Sai'an reached his 20th birthday and became promoted to a mid rank officer, catching the attention of several high rank officers who had witnessed the rise of a military star.

December 31st, 283 AC - August 14th, 293 AC

Beginning his career as a mid rank officer was different than a low rank officer, for starters a low rank officer was in charge of a full squad of 20 men which made them into a Squad Commander, a mid rank officer like himself had his troops increased over 5 times to 110 men and was called a Company Commander, while a high rank officer had over 1,000 men and was called a Battalion Commander. As a commander of 110 men, he had 5 low rank officers under him to control the remainder of his troops while the last 5 were his adjutants or the superior officers of the low rank officers.

His men were naturally at the top of his chain of command with his best five as the adjutants, the next as the low rank officers, and the last 10 were assigned as deputy squad commanders to the low rank officers or squad commanders. The year after his promotion enabled him to perform to the next level, above his previous workload which landed him multiple mid rank bandit lairs, rogue mercenaries, or black merchants. Nearly every week was his company handing in nearly 6 leaders of the aforementioned groups as prisoners but in some cases was the number more than the regular amount but never lower than 6.

He had moles of course in some groups that fed him information, catching the attention of several nobles within the capital by his ninth year of enlistment and some low rank generals had been interested at Sai'an's work. Once again but with a different ranking, low rank generals were in charge of 2 battalions and were called 2,000 Men Commanders, mid rank generals had 5 battalions and called 5,000 Men Commanders, and finally you had high rank generals or titled generals who had 10 battalions and called 10,000 Men Commanders or their titles followed by the word general.

His fourteenth year of enlistment shocked everyone as Sai'an worked his way into the position of a low rank general which became unheard of in Dexai world, a 30 year old commoner had worked his way into the position that usually required the support of some lesser nobles. Being a 30 year old low rank general was of no surprise to all but being a person with no noble backing was the real surprise to them.

August 17th, 293 AC - May 1st, 306 AC

Immediately after greeting some high rank generals was he able to leave to fight on the Great Wall and the Dark Dynasty. Being a low rank general meant that he did not have to fight bandits but against the Dark Dynasty, even if he wanted to he couldn't as bandits were usually left alone by high ranking military officials to train low rank officers. Only 1 year had passed when Sai'an was suddenly promoted to a mid rank general which left him confused, this made him scour the Great Wall for messenger falcons and communication officers.

What he found out surprised him, his insights and thoughts of how to strategize and think during his academic years cultivated many officers that grew to mid rank officers while some even became high rank officers. They were few but they all originated from the ingdi that Sai'an had studied, during a 10 year study had the Sihai Empire finally issued the reason for higher quality officers to the public and mainly to the generals that were in charge of said officers. This study revolutionized the military training field in quality but the quantity stayed the same rate which gave enough reason to promote an already high rank military official even higher.

Now a mid rank general, Sai'an was on the gates that connected the western gates into the South Well, enabling him the power to restrict any and all troops no matter their status as a noble or official. Being a gatekeeper was dissatisfying to Sai'an but he was a soldier and he obeyed all orders, he however now had more free time to see the achievements of his juniors (the first officers who followed his war doctrine) and his former peers.

Before doing all that though he had done one thing, finding news of Fuming which led him to the news of a female commander who had reached the position of low rank general. Years had passed until 305 AC, an army led by a foreign king marched onto Dexai soil under the detail of the 'Ŋ̄ᶋᵹɎɞƢɎᵹᶋ' (Protector) the Emperor Htai Mingcha to fight into the South Well and attempting to clear all Dark Dynasty within. This event had spread through the entirety of Aloria and ultimately ended in defeat as history remembers that only a third of the original armies of the Regalian Empire and Sihai Empire remained. Both empires grew closer due to the event and Sai'an was given a choice in the year 306 AC. He could either be promoted to a titled general and serve the required 5 years or lead an elite troop of his own and retire but only to be recalled at any moment no matter where he was or who he served.

August 14th, 307 AC - Present Date

Retiring at the age of 45 years old was the veteran general Qin Sai'an-Sing'ha that reigned supreme in the south. He was celebrated as a national hero who participated in several coups on the loyalists side and a general that spent his entire career on the Great Wall defending against the Dark Dynasty.

Sai'an was gifted a jade pendant and a letter by Fuming after his retirement and later named Commander of his personal elite troop, nicknamed the Southern Guardians by the Southern Sihai though not official. Opening the letter after the retirement ceremony brought him news, news that he had a son, a son between him and Fuming, and after finishing the letter, he remembered the details after his graduation decades ago between them. After his retirement, he returned to visit Clan Qin to see his brother and his family, his niece, and his newborn grand-niece but restrained himself from visiting his son and Fuming, knowing he would meet his son soon enough.

Only after visiting the graves of his ancestors, his parents, and his soldiers did he then travel past the western coast towards the Outer Isles to book a passage to the Regalian Capital, Regalia. Nearly a year had passed before he arrived in city of Regalia, immediately booking a room at the Golden Willow and then exploring the streets of the most prosperous city in all of Aloria under his new Regalian name, Uyr.
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I'm sorry but I heard that I couldn't become that strong since I was so young. I changed nearly everything and added more details to the life story. Once again, sorry!
Please state what race your character is.
  • Wa'an (Parents)
  • Common
  • Skodje
  • Dwarven Dialect
  • Mythic Pack
Unfortunately, you can't know other languages without putting in the needed points into linguistics knowledge. You can only have the parental language along with common.

Make these edits in PURPLE and then tag me.
I've highlighted the edits in purple, sorry about the linguistics. @Nesstro
So, after looking through this app I'd like you to edit out some mentions of the army and to read through the Sihai page more to get a grasp on how the characters are and get an even firmer grasp on the lore itself.
This is a good start, however! Just make the edits in a different color when you do so.
Slightly changed the life story, added more details such as names and accurate information of buildings, monuments, and locations. I know I included backstory of royalty, I will try to get a special perm as soon as possible. If i get rejected, i will edit all parts talking of personal relationships with said royalty. Edits in Red @Nesstro
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Btw I changed the title which got rid of the prefix so i put re-review.
Please take out all portions of knowing royalty and if you get the special perm just add them in the future and tag me when doing so.
Please take out all portions of knowing royalty and if you get the special perm just add them in the future and tag me when doing so.
Done @Nesstro, removed the weakness. Did not feel wise for someone old to succumb to emotions that are usually in young people, especially for a general.
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Changed perception into extra heavy combat, updated body stat, and changed his clothes. Edits in Blue. @Nesstro
Added an item and categorized said items in my inventory to avoid carrying lots of stuff. Changed General Tactics +20 to +10 and added five to Blades Combat (to which I added) and another five to Extra Heavy Combat. I made Uyr out to be a commander / general who fights on the front lines and having nearly maxed General Tactics didn't seem to fit into his personality so I changed it. Added one more weapon proficiency to add more flexibility in his fighting style which was the Blades Combat that I added five points to earlier. Edits in Blue. @Nesstro
Updated the app for the new prof system and changed his age. @Nesstro
Added details to his profs and basic information, thought it would look nicer. Edits in Blue. @Nesstro
Removed all the extra information from the last edit in Basic Information but only added his Regalian Name. After that, I basically rewrote the descriptions of all the proficiencies into a more wordy and appealing description. Added a few words describing his Hair Style in Visual Information for a more visual experience. And finally, I spaced out the life story so it can look for appealing than just blobs of information stuck together. All edits in Blue. @Nesstro
Hello! I separated 5 Age Points from Sword Combat and re-invested it into a new proficiency, Fist Combat, giving the former a new description and the latter a description to describe and visualize the skill level. Next, I took off 3 Talent Points from General Command and re-invested two into another new proficiency, Percussion Instrument, while adding the spare and last Talent Point into Strings Instrument. Added some freaky information into the Life Story, and ultimately gave Uyr a son, more added life story was near the bottom if you missed it! That's all, edits in Blue, thank you! @Nesstro
Hello! Sorry for doing this another week in a row! I deleted his Wa'an name from the title but left it the same in the actual thread itself. Switched the extra information on his Race in Basic Information from the initial 'War Dynasty' to 'War (Zuge) Dynasty'. Now for the final part, I added in 'Commander Traits' to add more depth for Uyr in Frontline Command. Again, apologies for the re-review twice in a row! Edits in Blue, thank you! @Nesstro
I'm going to accept these edits and Re-Approve the app, but I hope you understand that all of your flavor text under those Proficiencies is just that, flavor text, and will likely never be considered when or if the character gets involved in any CPR or progressions.
You can reject this, I'm not planning to play this guy again since inactivity is a problem. @HydraLana @Nesstro
Rejected as per player request.