Preserved Sheet Pyotr Lavro

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score


You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.




  • Full Name: Pyotr Lavrora Pavelovich.
    • Pyotr Lavro.
    • Waruk.
    • Headsman.
      • Middle name omitted intentionally.
  • Age: 28.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Half-Orc.
    • Vladno Ailor/Dark Ungwar Orc.



  • Proficiencies.
    • Combat Proficiency:
      • 25 Unarmed Combat. | 15 points, 10 Half-Orc.
        • Focused on sheer brutality, Pyotr's skill in weaponless combat is dependant on overpowering and bringing down a foe, breaking as many things as he can in the process. Picked up from his natural inclination as a Half-Orc, and refined through training with his father and band. Though often left bare-fisted, Pyotr sometimes utilizes brass knuckles or gauntlets.
    • Knowledge Proficiency:
      • 6 Linguistic Knowledge. | 6 points.
        • Tutoring in Mirnoye, with little exploration beyond that single language.
    • Arts Proficiency:
      • 3 Musical Arts. | 3 points.
        • Mostly developed while on the road, both on his own and with Heikki. An apt vocalist, though shoddy at using actual instruments. Often jokes that he would've gone professional if not for his 'unfortunate birthright'.
    • Body Proficiency.
      • 15 Athletic Skill. | 5 points, 10 Half-Orc.
        • Surprisingly agile for his size thanks to past experiences with running away. Primary way of staying strong.
  • Body Type.
    • 15 combat proficiency + (15 athletics x 2) = 45.
    • Strongman body build.
    • Low body fat.
  • Languages.
    • Mirnoye. | 8/10. | Taught via father.
    • Common | 10/10 | Native language.



  • Eye Color: Grey sclera, blue irises.
  • Hair Color: Jet black.
  • Hair Style: Militaristic, shaved.
  • Skin Color: Dull greenish pale.
  • Clothing: Thick leathers and practical clothing. Covers as much as he can.
  • Height: 6'6".



  • First Paragraph:
    • Reminiscent of his father in many ways, Pyotr is constantly showcasing himself as tough as nails, and due to a lack of Orcish influence in his life, Pyotr has developed a boisterous and openly theatrical personality. Often perceived as brutish for race and stature alone, Pyotr's personality does little to help in such. Quick to react in snark or intimidation, Pyotr intends to either be feared, respected or at least acknowledged.
  • Second Paragraph:
    • Pyotr struggles with his conflicting concepts of pride and honor. The former is quite common for a Halfling, feeling as if he belongs in neither Ailor nor Orc society, and feels as if he's not as smart as an Ailor or as tough as an Orc. Though he wants to fall in more with his Orcish roots on account of natural rage that he needs to tame, he's already spent so long in Ailor society that he's stuck as majority Ailor. Honor is a troubling concept for Pyotr, as his Blackmark father drilled the idea that honor is a concept weaklings have to justify being weak, yet every Orc he interacts with is open about their retaining it. Grief comes as a direct result of this, though this negativity is often suppressed for the sake of keeping appearance as an unbreakable wall, physically and emotionally. Pyotr strives to overcome his father in both physicality and reputation. Believing he's already succeeded in the former, he intends to fulfill the latter with little struggle. After all, it can't be much of a challenge to do better than a criminal.
  • Third Paragraph:
    • Pyotr has been stabbed in the back, betrayed, disobeyed, and overall met negative consequences from close friends. He can't trust his bloodline, not after Heikki, and therefore only finds solace in a rare few who promise to not be like the droves of betrayers before them. Pyotr is prone to forming quick-paced, short-term relationships due to his dependance on instinct. Often, he treats these relations as nothing more than ways to pass the time. Though Pyotr can find friends, they often have to fight through his brutish exterior and trust issues.
  • Fourth Paragraph:
    • Driven by nothing more than primal urges and instincts, Pyotr often follows his first thought rather than thinking things through. He looks for short-term quality-of-life benefits and doesn't think far ahead, allowing his emotions and instincts to drag him around. He feels guilt for his past mistakes, though swallows that guilt through drink and violence. Overall, he's a chaotic individual who only loosely does what he believes right at the time.



Waruk was born to the teenage, soon-to-be Heikki of Norrlan, and an Orcish paramour in the Holy City's poorer areas. Heikki hopped ship soon as he arrived, leaving Pyotr's mother with nothing but his father's name. Instead, his mother named him Waruk. He was sheltered for as long as was necessary, only thrown onto the streets once his mother decided that he'd have at least a shot at surviving on his own.

Left at the door of an orphanage, Waruk progressed to 'adulthood' very quickly. He was shoved out by fifteen, as the orphanage believed him 'good enough' and abandoned him. And so he wandered; fulfilling his need for combat through beating smaller people and stealing their food. Orcish honor didn't apply, and Pyotr took to a rough 'survival of the fittest' mentality. A mercenary band discovered him whilst they were on a short trip, and brought the still mentally young Waruk under their wing.

Waruk grew more violent by the year, peaking at his twentieth year when he finally came into contact with his father. He lashed out against Heikki, funneling the blame for his suffering upon his father. He was brought down almost effortlessly, lacking the technique to deal with a stronger Blackmark. Once brought under his father's wing, Waruk was renamed and 'reborn' Pyotr Lavrora Pavelovich.

Pyotr reconnected with his father, being slowly taught Mirnoye as a way of more intimately connecting with his parental culture. Ironically enough, Heikki's status as a northern immigrant had Pyotr take very little from Vladno culture. And as time continued, it was as if Pyotr surpassed his father, who'd grown weaker with age. Heikki's antics peaked after Hengest Harhold, Alraesonynn Deceres and Valbrand Haagenvig all descended on Fort Stealthmark. Striking down Valbrand personally, Heikki used the current Lord Haagenvig for an escape, leaving his son to face the consequences from the Black Hand. Once he was released, Pyotr took only a few days before evacuating for New Ceardia, in search of his father.

Returning home a few months later, freshly twenty-eight, Pyotr claims to have killed Heikki in cold blood and stolen the title of Headsman, desiring to take his place as the new face of Regalian mercenaries.
Everything looks great, good work. Approved!