Archived /pweather

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Nicholas Cage
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Where this petty world takes me.
Title says it all. /ptime can change the player's time, but there isn't the same thing for weather. I wanted to start building on a nice Estate and in the whole building process it was raining. It bothered me so much, that i came up with the idea of this. The command for this could be /pweather, or /prain, or anything to that matter. Let me know of your comments about this.
Let's say goodbye to that rain!
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Yeah i see what you saying but it could also disturb some roleplaying, like this

Person 1: It's really rainy outside, shall we head inside?
Person 2: What do you mean? Its all nice and sunny
It would be relatively easy to make and I know somebody who is trying to make this plugin but I think it would put a tad bit to much power into players hands in the way that the weather patterns are a part of the game. To change that would be to change the way Minecraft would be played and on top of that the RP aspect behind weather could be ruined if players just changed the weather when they didn't like it. But it is a good idea.
Yeah pretty much, altough most people dont use the time thing in rp. Im just worried about the weather because the sound of the rain might get to loud and they could be like,
"Lol one sec bro, turing off the rain"
I think we need to consider Dakkar, Vampyre and Maiar. Vamps and maiar will always make it rain and run free.
I think we need to consider Dakkar, Vampyre and Maiar. Vamps and maiar will always make it rain and run free.

It only disables it for you on your client, the server will still have rain and so Dakkar would still take damage, even though they have /pweather off.
It only disables it for you on your client, the server will still have rain and so Dakkar would still take damage, even though they have /pweather off.
Ohh, ok. I do not see a problem with this then.
Sadly, I will disagree to this idea.
The fact that you could do that sort of ruins the fact that all of the players are all in SYNC when it comes ti weather and time.
It could even confuse people greatly, like if I turned my command to night as a vampire, I'd be like
"Hurpadoopado OHHHH GOOOODDD"
-burns in night moon-
It also changes allowance for people to start conversations with other roleplay characters, like about how good the weather is, or even ask what estimated time it is.
Sadly, I will disagree to this idea.
The fact that you could do that sort of ruins the fact that all of the players are all in SYNC when it comes ti weather and time.
It could even confuse people greatly, like if I turned my command to night as a vampire, I'd be like
"Hurpadoopado OHHHH GOOOODDD"
-burns in night moon-
It also changes allowance for people to start conversations with other roleplay characters, like about how good the weather is, or even ask what estimated time it is.

/ptime already exists, so your statement is invalid
I feel like there is a useful concept behind this. Perhaps allow players to use a command to turn the rain on or off in the world the player is currently in, with a fee paid for the command? I don't think the time changing would be a good idea though
I like this idea. However, my only problem about weather when building is in snowy areas. If this were implemented it would still have snow pile up, due to the fact that it would be still snowing server side. But, I can see how it may be an annoyance to have rain constantly pouring during a building project. So either way, I support this happening for the sake of other's sanity.
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