Archived Pvp Top

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Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
The idea
The idea is to have a plugin which creates a list viewable by command (maybe /pvptop). This list would name the top hundred (or some other number, just an example) pvpers in order from first to last. The goal would be to be in rank 1 if you wanted to be considered the "best" pvper.

Moving up the list
If you are already on the list then you move up whenever a player above you is killed by another player, including you (maybe incorporate pacifist somehow, maybe not). You can kill them to make sure you move up or you can hope someone else does. If you are killed by someone below you on the list you move down to their rank and everyone between you (including the person who killed you) moves up 1 rank.

If you are not on the list you must first kill one of the players on the list. This will knock them off the list and put you in the lowest rank. Everyone who was below them moves up by 1 rank.

There are no advantage in killing someone who does not have a better rank than you.

Challenging players
To avoid people who have made it to the top spots simply not pvping so they do not lose their rank I believe a challenge feature should be added. You may challenge anyone who is a higher rank than you. You do this via the forums (maybe a new subsection could be created where you can only post threads like "player1 challenges player2". The time and place for these duels could be worked out by the players involved. A player would have a 1 week (or some other amount of time) after fighting a challenge before they can be challenged again.

Group hunting
It is not impossible that groups of people will hunt down members of the pvp top so they can raise themselves up the list. I am not sure if this would be a bad thing because it would force pvptop people to also have a group of guards. Groups of members would hunt other groups and I believe it would keep the list changing and make the top spot even harder to keep.

The reason for the idea
I have noticed people around the server complaining about not being able to raid and pvp not getting enough attention, so I came up with this little idea to encourage the top pvpers to attack each other (and not the randoms who don't want to fight). I believe it would encourage competition and stop people who really are not that good at pvp from going around saying they are. The reason I suggested it in sure a way that you can only move up one rank at a time is to encourage people to challenge others who are only slightly above their level and to stop people moving up to the top by just killing one member.

Please post any suggestions or ideas you have. If you do not like the idea please say why.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This seems interesting, though I don't think I would really care about it if it were implemented.
Regardless, I'll go ahead and support it.
While it could be a good idea for somewhere else, it doesnt sound like its all that great of an idea for massive.
Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying, questing, and PVP minecraft server. Haha how bout dem apples @everyrper who says this server isn't at all about PvP
Seems like a good idea, but I would probably forget about it the first three days it was implemented.
So... +1 Support for the people that use it.
One thing that could go wrong, if a RPer moves up becuase they don't die, and if they are like me find it hard to get on when the bulk of players are on to compete in the challenges.
One thing that could go wrong, if a RPer moves up becuase they don't die, and if they are like me find it hard to get on when the bulk of players are on to compete in the challenges.

But if you never kill someone on the list then you never get on there in the first place. What challenges are you referring to?
I do not think this is a suitable thing for more rp, than pvp server. No support from me.
I do not think this is a suitable thing for more rp, than pvp server. No support from me.

3 things,
1. This is a rp, pvp and questing server.
2. It does not affect rp negatively and in fact helps it because it encourages the top pvpers to attack each other to gain glory (which we all know they love), rather than attack defenseless rpers for loot and to troll.
3. As I said in the opening post, if you disagree with the idea say why. Why do you not think it is suitable? Is it because you do not think it is worth the time? Or because you think it will take away from rp (if so please explain how)? Or something else?
I like this. This is a pretty fun alternative to the bounty system, and it'll make things much more interesting for PvPers. Kills and deaths will also actually count in battles, which will be cool to see happen as people move up and down on the list. :)
Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying, questing, and PVPminecraft server. Haha how bout dem apples @everyrper who says this server isn't at all about PvP

Its not a server that needs a leader board to show whos the "best PVPer" to cause people to want to just exclusively and completely PVP and ignore all rp. Im not an avid roleplayer. Infact, I'm far more interested in the PVP aspect of the server. But, this isnt a soely PVP server. And I find PVP much more interesting when you can overclaim and tnt cannon your foes bases until you have it all. I think Massive has done a good job making PVP less the focus of the server so that roleplayers can live more peacefully.
Its not a server that needs a leader board to show whos the "best PVPer" to cause people to want to just exclusively and completely PVP and ignore all rp. Im not an avid roleplayer. Infact, I'm far more interested in the PVP aspect of the server. But, this isnt a soely PVP server. And I find PVP much more interesting when you can overclaim and tnt cannon your foes bases until you have it all. I think Massive has done a good job making PVP less the focus of the server so that roleplayers can live more peacefully.

But don't you see how this system will help the peaceful rpers. It will cause the pvpers to attack each other and leave the rpers alone. The people who are dedicated/skilled enough to get on this list are probably not the ones who rp all day. It is much more likely they are the people that raid all the time and only drop into regalia from time to time.

Also, does anyone have any ideas as to how we can fill the starting list if this was implemented. I was thinking of three ways that could be used.

1. forum application,
2. the top 100 mcmmo skill levels
3. the first 100 people to kill another player
Reasons I disagree. Firstly.
Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying, questing, and PVPminecraft server. Haha how bout dem apples @everyrper who says this server isn't at all about PvP

Well put.

Secondly, this can easily be aboosed. For example, in a mystical world I get in and join Alamut. However most of them are higher on me in the "Sword Measuring" list better than me so I, in an ultimate scumbag move I slaughter them all and yell "#Alamut Noobs from my castle. As well allies will constantly be betraying each other for no reason which will turn people off the server and isn't that realistic at all. As well, you will have people stalking others for hours in order to get a spot up by surprise attacking people, which leads to my third point.

Thirdly, its stupid. Why are we doing this and fixing all the bugs that it will have? Why are we rewarding people for abusing the broken MCCMO? Why are we spending time muting, jailing and banning those that will complain about standings, and gloat, and bitch? So that PVPers, who's effect on the server is very short lived can feel like they're accomplishing something when hitting someone with a axe instead of making lore, beautiful buildings, a bank, an empire, becoming a staff member and so on. (Aka, if Mecharic was banned tomorrow it will have a larger effect than one of most PVPers being banned, repeat with major architects like SaintsDemon and SirHappyTinkles, and almost every staff member ever.

Fourthly, it doesn't even do its job right. Someone, even a god at PVP like Cowboys can be away for the week of release and just get utterly screwed by not killing someone for that long. People at or near the top can camp and never die, and none of those top 100 will ever, ever, ever, be non-premiums making a larger tangible gap between the two groups. Lastly it creates an age base Hierarchy as it will now be even harder for a new person to get noticed because people will just lol and say, wow your not even on the list of top 100 you #Weascrub. Repeat for RPers, non-premiums, architects, and bankers, and not to mention people who just like playing the game, meaning that PVPers will get even more undeserved attention and prestige.

Oh and spawnkilling to get spots, forgot about that.

Tldr: (Though don't look at this if you are going to comment of how stupid my reasoning is)
1. It will take away the other aspects of the server.
2. If it exists it will be abused, and this also leads to more scumbaggery per capita.
3. Takes away from other pursuits as there is no 100 best Rpers, or architects or staff. (And rightly so.) As well we are now rewarding this thing that takes away from real progress with ranks.
4. It is a bad system at measuring PVP skill, similar to powerlevel, only even worse.
Personally, I do not think this is a bad idea, and if implemented properly, would be interesting. That being said, I could see why several people do not like it, as there are a lot of people who do not really enjoy pvp at all. That being said, I have another idea along the lines of pvp-hunting and what not. Rather than taking the time to make this into a plugin (As the staff is very busy with Etosil), why not make it into an event? The idea of the event is like the game assassin, if you have ever played that with your school or other communities. It would work like this; Someone hosts the event, and has a bunch of players sign up. Once sign ups are closed, each player gets pm'd another player who they are to hunt. Once they provide a screenshot of them getting the kill, they get assigned a new target. For obvious reasons, until the end, you never give 2 people each-other to kill, as that would be more war than assassin. Whoever the last man alive is, wins. Prizes and what not are determined by the host. Also, this is a rather long-term event, so it could satisfy the same lust for pvp that would be solved by this idea. Lastly, if you are killed during this game, it does not count as a legit reason to go and start a war, as that would become a mess.
Wait a second there pal, can't expect me to make posts instantly.

It was over 10 minutes between your rating and my post, but I will happy remove it now you have responded. Also I don't think a read more rating is appropriate considering there was nothing more to read at the time.
Reasons I disagree. Firstly.
Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying, questing, andPVPminecraft server. Haha how bout dem apples @everyrper who says this server isn't at all about PvP

Well put.
Not sure what your point is here.

Secondly, this can easily be aboosed. For example, in a mystical world I get in and join Alamut. However most of them are higher on me in the "Sword Measuring" list better than me so I, in an ultimate scumbag move I slaughter them all and yell "#Alamut Noobs from my castle. As well allies will constantly be betraying each other for no reason which will turn people off the server and isn't that realistic at all. As well, you will have people stalking others for hours in order to get a spot up by surprise attacking people, which leads to my third point.
Well considering it could be set so it works in war zones (maybe any that use your medieval inventory) I don't think ally betraying would be a problem. And as for killing members of alamut via backstabbing, it would likely result in them hunting you down and killing you. And backstabbing is just something you need to look out for, its part of pvp. This is assuming you are referring to the suggested idea when you say "sword measuring".

Thirdly, its stupid. Why are we doing this and fixing all the bugs that it will have? Why are we rewarding people for abusing the broken MCCMO? Why are we spending time muting, jailing and banning those that will complain about standings, and gloat, and bitch? So that PVPers, who's effect on the server is very short lived can feel like they're accomplishing something when hitting someone with a axe instead of making lore, beautiful buildings, a bank, an empire, becoming a staff member and so on. (Aka, if Mecharic was banned tomorrow it will have a larger effect than one of most PVPers being banned, repeat with major architects like SaintsDemon and SirHappyTinkles, and almost every staff member ever.
Pvp is part of minecraft, massivecraft, and the faction plugin. You cannot discount it as if it is a side project of this server that no one likes. As for abusing mcmmo I don't really get what you mean. Maxing out your skills is something you can do to be better at pvp. If you can get on the list without it, good for you. I just think you are over estimating what people will do with regards to bragging and such. It already happens, and (imo) it is not usually the real top pvpers who brag about their pvp skills. I believe this could actually lower the amount of barging because people can just say "you are not the best, you need to get to rank one before you can say that".

Fourthly, it doesn't even do its job right. Someone, even a god at PVP like Cowboys can be away for the week of release and just get utterly screwed by not killing someone for that long. People at or near the top can camp and never die, and none of those top 100 will ever, ever, ever, be non-premiums making a larger tangible gap between the two groups. Lastly it creates an age base Hierarchy as it will now be even harder for a new person to get noticed because people will just lol and say, wow your not even on the list of top 100 you #Weascrub. Repeat for RPers, non-premiums, architects, and bankers, and not to mention people who just like playing the game, meaning that PVPers will get even more undeserved attention and prestige.
Not sure what you are taking about in your example about Cowboys, that was just one suggested idea as to how to get on the starting list. As for camping that's why I included the challenge part.

Oh and spawnkilling to get spots, forgot about that.
No idea what you are taking about here, read the suggestion again and then explain how spawn killing would help you gain ranks.

Tldr: (Though don't look at this if you are going to comment of how stupid my reasoning is)
1. It will take away the other aspects of the server.
2. If it exists it will be abused, and this also leads to more scumbaggery per capita.
3. Takes away from other pursuits as there is no 100 best Rpers, or architects or staff. (And rightly so.) As well we are now rewarding this thing that takes away from real progress with ranks.
4. It is a bad system at measuring PVP skill, similar to powerlevel, only even worse.

1. Fair enough, the time it takes to make the plugin may not be worth it.

2. Abused how? As far as I can see you cannot quickly gain ranks nor can you hide once yo get to the top spot because of the challenge feature. Also are you saying all pvpers are scambags? Or just the ones that attack peaceful rpers. If it is the later option then this list would reduce that number. If the first option then this will probably not change much.

3/4. Not sure how you would measure real progress in pvp, this system is not designed so much at measuring skill but more at giving pvpers targets that will not complain about getting raided or attacked. RPs and builder are judged by their skill, pvpers are judged in the same way but it is hard to define what makes a good pvper, is it someone with the highest mcmmo, the most kills, the best kdr? As for rewards there really are no rewards other than becoming a target for every other player who wants to be on the list. Also, the "best" (using quotation makes to aviod flaming) rpers got those houses in regalia. While the "best" builders get people paying them to build stuff. The "best" pvpers get... not much other than people telling them to go away when ever they raid.

Personally, I do not think this is a bad idea, and if implemented properly, would be interesting. That being said, I could see why several people do not like it, as there are a lot of people who do not really enjoy pvp at all. That being said, I have another idea along the lines of pvp-hunting and what not. Rather than taking the time to make this into a plugin (As the staff is very busy with Etosil), why not make it into an event? The idea of the event is like the game assassin, if you have ever played that with your school or other communities. It would work like this; Someone hosts the event, and has a bunch of players sign up. Once sign ups are closed, each player gets pm'd another player who they are to hunt. Once they provide a screenshot of them getting the kill, they get assigned a new target. For obvious reasons, until the end, you never give 2 people each-other to kill, as that would be more war than assassin. Whoever the last man alive is, wins. Prizes and what not are determined by the host. Also, this is a rather long-term event, so it could satisfy the same lust for pvp that would be solved by this idea. Lastly, if you are killed during this game, it does not count as a legit reason to go and start a war, as that would become a mess.
Yes, perhaps an event like that would be better. Or a Juggernaut style one.
But don't you see how this system will help the peaceful rpers. It will cause the pvpers to attack each other and leave the rpers alone. The people who are dedicated/skilled enough to get on this list are probably not the ones who rp all day. It is much more likely they are the people that raid all the time and only drop into regalia from time to time.

Also, does anyone have any ideas as to how we can fill the starting list if this was implemented. I was thinking of three ways that could be used.

1. forum application,
2. the top 100 mcmmo skill levels
3. the first 100 people to kill another player

Hmm. I guess I didnt consider it like that. Alright, you got my support. +1
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