Archived Pvp Staff?

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Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
I have spent some time pvping on the server and I have realized there normally isn't any staff to watch the action and help settle disputes about hacking, or even do something if there is a hacker. I know many people say to film their battles, but I personally think it is hard for players to do that, and having a sort of big brother watching over battles would be helpful. If you agree or disagree post your thoughts below.
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G: "Hey PVP staff we are about to do a surprise raid on faction XYZ . Please survey the fight."
That is what game staff is there for. And you are not suppose to accuse people of hacking so others hear it you simply make a ticket hey i think someone might be hacking and a game staff usually jumps out there in vanish to watch and see what is going on. If we see nothing wrong then we ask you to record what you belive to be hacking. Altho alot of people think others are hacking all the time when it infact is just lag server side of client side.
I don't believe we need to bug our staff and have them watch each raid 24/7.
Personally, the PvP staff would have to be completely unbiased when surveying fights, watching footage, etc. Otherwise their decisions turn out worse than a Lore staff's.

The problem with this is that most of the PvPers on this server that could qualify have grudges and rivals that they can't keep out of their head when making judgments, not to mention the fact that most of them piss off the rest of the community and are personally highly entangled with them - in an extremely negative way.

In theory, this is a great idea and would work quite well, but with the current dysfunctional well-being of the PvP community in relation to the server, I will say that I do not support this idea until things change(hint: you could start being nicer!).
Why would you ask a PvP staff member in General? You would have to be very stupid to so.
While I recognize that most people won´t make this mistake I am fairly sure some will make that exact mistake. There is allways that one guy that goes and does this stuff (you know who you are).

Edit: My post was basicly a humorous foreshawowing of what I think will happen.
While I recognize that most people won´t make this mistake I am fairly sure some will make that exact mistake. There is allways that one guy that goes and does this stuff (you know who you are).

Well, it will ruin that one raid for that not smart person... I don't see how this should count against not having PvP staff.
Well, it will ruin that one raid for that not smart person... I don't see how this should count against not having PvP staff.

It does not, and it was not meant to. As I have edited in my last post it was means as a humorous foreshadowing of what will happen.
If you want an argument against it I can offer you Imboring56´s post and Thortuna´s post.
It does not, and it was not meant to. As I have edited in my last post it was means as a humorous foreshadowing of what will happen.
If you want an argument against it I can offer you Imboring56´s post and Thortuna´s post.

Ah, okay. I thought you meant that as a valid argument. That would be pretty funny if that happened though :D
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