Archived Pvp Staff (an Extension To Qeusk's Thread.

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
As to pvp here is what I think : my opinion if some 5 year old wante to come on massivecraft and use hacks, without people like Valyria here, no offense, they could because most of the staff doesn't know a thing about pvp other than- you hit. I asked around, most staff who are game do not know what "strafing" is. I hate to admit it but the pvp on this server isn't really organized or cared for at all. To put it into prospective for all you peace faring rpers, it is currently the equivalent of 300 vampires running around regalia spamming /v screech. Just my thought on that and I think that is a great idea to take some really experienced pvpers and take their opinion on things. I do not think give them any authority, because most pvpers are in fact trolls at times. Give them privileges such as coming in staff meetings, and able to come up with ideas for pvp that the staff would actually look at when it has 50+ likes *cough cough* Judt my view on that specific topic. Also don't make people apply for it.. ( on most pvp servers I know of the staff would ask a player that knowledgable as to the matter of pvp and ask if they would like to join.)

1. Give them power to join staff meetings, no in game title.

2. Give them power to TPA and use /vanish so they can go record a player who is believed to be using hacks.

3. No powers other than that ^, hate to admit it but good pvpers are a lot of the time trolls xD.

4. let the moderators seek out knowledgeable pvpers over the age of say uhh 13, and ask them if they want to join, if they are interested they would fill out an application.

5. If ANY powers are abused, the staff will look into logs and if you are found abusing power it is a perm ban from in game and on the forums ( No chance of ever getting back). This will make pvpers, as we do account for 90% of the rules broken, be wayyyy less likely to abuse this power.

6. Let them voice good ideas that were in the forums (gridiron's empire thingy, archery doing more damage. That one guy's canon suggestion. All were great ideas, none have been replied to be a staff yet!)

7. This will be a type of forum staff/ lore staff thing, you get limited powers, but if you follow all the rules and do a good job, if wanted, it could get you points towards trusted.

Thanks for reading and have a "Massive" Day ;).

P.S the rating 'agree' would be appreciated if you like this idea, if you don't please explain why.
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Not a bad idea, but in the version of this I was writing, I do believe that pvp staff should be a specialization of game staff, so they still have to apply, get accepted, and do the necessary work to earn rank1 before they can begin handling pvp related issues. I think that these staff members should publicly announce themselves as pvp staff, and handle everything from suggestions to ban requests pvp related.

If you want me to explain my reasoning more, let me know.
The reasons why I disagree:
  • These PvP staff shouldn't be biased - since they are PvP staff, they usually will raid quite a bit and be involved. It would be immensely possible for one of them to just say that they are hacking and that'd be that. PvP staff would have to make a serious decision/commitment at that point and either quit raiding or actively fighting, or simply not help.
  • Instead of the staff risking abuse of these powers and judgment going the wrong way, why not just educate them on PvP? It makes almost no sense for regular players to have critical things such as TPA and /vanish, as well as access to valuable information at staff meetings.
  • More later if needed, but tired right now from quest writing and other work.
I personally think there should be an application, because as you said in your post most pvpers on Massive are trolls, at least some of the time. An application would show that the person is at least taking his/her position somewhat seriously.
The reasons why I disagree:
  • These PvP staff shouldn't be biased - since they are PvP staff, they usually will raid quite a bit and be involved. It would be immensely possible for one of them to just say that they are hacking and that'd be that. PvP staff would have to make a serious decision/commitment at that point and either quit raiding or actively fighting, or simply not help.
  • Instead of the staff risking abuse of these powers and judgment going the wrong way, why not just educate them on PvP? It makes almost no sense for regular players to have critical things such as TPA and /vanish, as well as access to valuable information at staff meetings.
  • More later if needed, but tired right now from quest writing and other work.
Read the thread please... All they can do is tp and record, an admin would have the final say as to ban them or not.. Like I said, please undo your rating as I think you just skipped over a line or two and missed me saying what you just said is wrong with this thread...
I personally think there should be an application, because as you said in your post most pvpers on Massive are trolls, at least some of the time. An application would show that the person is at least taking his/her position somewhat seriously.
Agreed, changed number 4
Also, something I just really thought about. The pvp community on Massive is quite possibly Massive's most toxic community, with pvpers often insulting and calling each other horrible things. If we're going to recruit staff members from the pvp community, how can we trust them to make important decisions? How can we trust them to be unbiased? Its not just the "THIS GUY SUCKS SO IMMA BAN HIM" mentality, its the "now, this MIGHT be lag, but I'm sure he's a hacker anyway, so lets just not risk it!" This kind of attitude can result from the wars or fights pvpers have been in before, ingraining them with a subconscious dislike of certain other people. Now you may reply to this by saying "we'll limit their power so they can't abuse anything!" In that case, why not just depend on normal players filming hackers? There's no need to make an entire department of staff pvpers just to record hackers.
Also, something I just really thought about. The pvp community on Massive is quite possibly Massive's most toxic community, with pvpers often insulting and calling each other horrible things. If we're going to recruit staff members from the pvp community, how can we trust them to make important decisions? How can we trust them to be unbiased? Its not just the "THIS GUY SUCKS SO IMMA BAN HIM" mentality, its the "now, this MIGHT be lag, but I'm sure he's a hacker anyway, so lets just not risk it!" This kind of attitude can result from the wars or fights pvpers have been in before, ingraining them with a subconscious dislike of certain other people. Now you may reply to this by saying "we'll limit their power so they can't abuse anything!" In that case, why not just depend on normal players filming hackers? There's no need to make an entire department of staff pvpers just to record hackers.
As a trial staff on a big pvp server I believe I can answer this rather well. It is much harder to record a hacker when you are trying to fight them. A lot of time there is lag or one of the two players are offset, it a lot of time causes the player being recorded to look like they aren't hacking, or hacking really hard. The only way to get an unbiased view on the fight is to go into third person which is near impossible, in fact to my knowledge there have only been four "big" pvpers who did/ do this- me sirvan ace and Spectec, 2 don't play anymore. Being not part of the fight and looking at it from an unbiased view really gives you a true aspect on the fight.
I honestly feel that game staff should handle pvp, and they already do. They ban people reported for hacking, they observe people that may be hacking. My point is, it's already their territory. Just take the current game staff and teach them a bit more. Therefore, I don't support this ideas as I feel the basis is already there to expand on.
I honestly feel that game staff should handle pvp, and they already do. They ban people reported for hacking, they observe people that may be hacking. My point is, it's already their territory. Just take the current game staff and teach them a bit more. Therefore, I don't support this ideas as I feel the basis is already there to expand on.
Please tell me the last person to be banned for hacking in pvp? Nadiakristin.. 3 months ago... And that ban was questionable (as in she wasn't hacking she was offset) If there hasn't been a single hacker in 3 months this server must be.. I don't know.. God's server?
Okay then, that answer makes sense. Another question, then. How can we trust the pvp staff to be a good example? Now, I may be just an insane person with unrealistic expectations here, but I think that the instant someone's made a member of the Massivecraft staff, he/she becomes a role model for the members of Massivecraft. The way a staff member behaves will effect the overall tone of the server and experience for players. What if a pvp staff is appointed, then gets into a nasty flamewar with another member and ends up saying all sorts of nasty things in global chat. That doesn't just reflect badly on pvp staff, it reflects badly on the entire Massivecraft staff.
Okay then, that answer makes sense. Another question, then. How can we trust the pvp staff to be a good example? Now, I may be just an insane person with unrealistic expectations here, but I think that the instant someone's made a member of the Massivecraft staff, he/she becomes a role model for the members of Massivecraft. The way a staff member behaves will effect the overall tone of the server and experience for players. What if a pvp staff is appointed, then gets into a nasty flamewar with another member and ends up saying all sorts of nasty things in global chat. That doesn't just reflect badly on pvp staff, it reflects badly on the entire Massivecraft staff.
Well they would be the same as a lore staff or forum staff, and I've seen both get into flame wars..
Please tell me the last person to be banned for hacking in pvp? Nadiakristin.. 3 months ago... And that ban was questionable (as in she wasn't hacking she was offset) If there hasn't been a single hacker in 3 months this server must be.. I don't know.. God's server?

There's been a hell of a people that are banned, better yet - Anti-hacking softwares to prevent these hackers. It's a lot better and sustainable to remove the option of hacking instead of one person.
The system is fair how it is, you prove they hack, they are put to trial.
There's been a hell of a people that are banned, better yet - Anti-hacking softwares to prevent these hackers. It's a lot better and sustainable to remove the option of hacking instead of one person.
The system is fair how it is, you prove they hack, they are put to trial.
Anti hacking software is super glitchy and causes insane hit lag. I'd rather pvp be disabled than have one of those plugins. And could you give me a name of one who was banned for pvp hacks in the last 3 months?
Anti hacking software is super glitchy and causes insane hit lag. I'd rather pvp be disabled than have one of those plugins. And could you give me a name of one who was banned for pvp hacks in the last 3 months?

Could you give me the name of all the people you've applied to be banned for hacking in the last 3 months?
I'll mail you the list with names and all of me and catas videos, I think 7? 1 of the 7 actually got banned...

So I'm sorry, so confused -
One of the people you found out were hacking were banned? Well, crap seems someones doing there job - So what on earth are you complaining about?
The rest, you obviously need more proof.
Please tell me the last person to be banned for hacking in pvp? Nadiakristin.. 3 months ago... And that ban was questionable (as in she wasn't hacking she was offset) If there hasn't been a single hacker in 3 months this server must be.. I don't know.. God's server?

My comment was stating that the game staff already do what you propose here. I was not referencing the rate at which they do it.

I feel that if we had staff that take a harder line and a better look at PVP, that would be great. I feel though that it needs to be current game staff though as they already handle the issues associated with PVP (bans/harassment.) I'd also like to point out, that you mention that a lot of "good pvp'ers" are trolls -
because most pvpers are in fact trolls at times.

Why would you give /TPA and vanish commands to trolls. They are most likely going to abuse the commands. And then you say, "They'll just be banned." Not giving the commands removes the problem in the first place.

I honestly feel that if you say "most good pvp'ers are trolls." but have this group as your choice of pick for this "pvp staff", that it's counter productive to the whole idea.
Eh I'll be honest most of the people commenting on this thread don't really know anything about pvp, and if you think you do, where do hits come from like what part of the character? MassiveCraft pvp is pretty messed up and no staff will hear our ideas because role players always shoot them down, such as this one.. The only pvper that has given feedback is gridiron.
Qeusk's thread. May I ask why you didn't read the title of this thread before going on about how much it sucks? :P

My mistake then. It sounded similar to an idea someone else I know had.

I didn't say the idea sucked. I support staff that focus on pvp. Just people that are already staff.
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