Archived Pvp And Rp Etiquette And Honor Code/flag System

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Hello! Well my ideas are rather simple, and aimed to increase the gaming experience for everyone.

Allow me to start with the latter idea, a flagging system.
This would work quite simply, you could enter a command related to /player, such as /player [username] flag [number for more flags]
That would be for viewing flags on a player, and setting one would work as follows: /player [username] setflag [personal negative/positive comment]
Then that flag would appear on one's list, and be readable by others. This would give a sort of reputation to players, for instance, Bob123 joins xXSTEVEXx's faction, and then robs him blind and leaves.
xXSTEVEXx then says exactly that on a flag for Bob123, and others who might recruit him see this, preventing more grand theft.

This could also work with my other etiquette idea, and should someone stray from the etiquette guide lines, people could make note of that and let others see. This goes for both RP and PvP.

Now, I know this could be abused to hurt players, so a player can make one defense comment on a flag, and flags are moved to another list after 30 days, the flag archive, which could be viewed as well, but holds less regard. Players may also file a form on the forums for permanent removal of a flag by staff, if they fell it is necessary.

There could also be a staff flag system, only veiwable by staff.

As for the Honor code/etiquette system, it would be a list of things for PvP that are veiwed as proper and improper, and could have suggestions to it by players.
It would not be rules, and only guidelines set by players that they would wish others to follow against them.
A few examples could be:
Having lore-incompliant activities/characters/etc
Constantly refusing player death in situations where they should be killed(i.e. Instigated a fight to kill another character, and lost the upper hand.)
Leaving roleplays to avoid unwanted situations they got themselves into.

Attacking new/weak factions, and preventing their expanse.
Constantly killing unprepared RPers.
Flaming or being disrespectful

The Honor Code could be more for PvP, and Etiquette for RP, but whatever. :D
I am open to suggestions, and am suggesting this to make the server better. <3
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I honestly don't really see a need for it, at least for the pvp side. We pretty much all know who frequently flames, and we generally won't care if we get a flag for raiding rpers or new factions... Honestly I could see it becoming somewhat of an achievement for pvpers to get those flags.

As for rpers, I don't really know much about the topic, so I won't comment.
Give me all your flags!!!
Kidmodo : killers of scrubs
Seems right right?
I don't like this idea because whenever you get a nasty tag, it sticks with you and creates a negative association, especially in the roleplay community. :s
I honestly don't really see a need for it, at least for the pvp side. We pretty much all know who frequently flames, and we generally won't care if we get a flag for raiding rpers or new factions... Honestly I could see it becoming somewhat of an achievement for pvpers to get those flags.

As for rpers, I don't really know much about the topic, so I won't comment.
Perhaps not so much PvP as plain factions then, knowing who might stab you in the back and who is trustworthy. (Because yes, factions and PvP are two different things.)
I don't like this idea because whenever you get a nasty tag, it sticks with you and creates a negative association, especially in the roleplay community. :s
As for this, if the flag was falsified or simply a personal attack, you could file to have it removed, and making false/offensive flags could be a new rule? On the other side, you would only have to deal with it for 30 days until it goes away.
As for this, if the flag was falsified or simply a personal attack, you could file to have it removed, and making false/offensive flags could be a new rule? On the other side, you would only have to deal with it for 30 days until it goes away.

I don't think you understand. Even if removed, people still remember. I know that if you get roleplay punishments, it stays fresh in people's minds. The same things happen with rumours. Especially if it spreads.
I don't think you understand. Even if removed, people still remember. I know that if you get roleplay punishments, it stays fresh in people's minds. The same things happen with rumours. Especially if it spreads.
True true true...
On the PVP side... I totally agree with Jes. Since there really isn't any actual punishment for the flags on a PVP side I see it as becoming a competition who can get the most.

And although I don't roleplay much.. Suzzie brings up a good point about people remembering these things.
Would the flags be anonymous? I.e. if someone called me a dong or some biz, would I know who said it?
Would the flags be anonymous? I.e. if someone called me a dong or some biz, would I know who said it?
When I wrote this up I had some reason as to why they wouldn't be, but I can no longer remember why... So yes, they would most likely be anonymous.
Oh, I think I remember. I think it was so that if a player who is more respected, such as Suzzie said that JoeHoward599 was a terrible GodRPer versus if xXSTEVEXx said so, it would hold more importance.
I suggest making an edit on the idea to allow the person who made the comment to be able to remove it. Especially in the role-play setting people can change and grow.
Oh, I think I remember. I think it was so that if a player who is more respected, such as Suzzie said that JoeHoward599 was a terrible GodRPer versus if xXSTEVEXx said so, it would hold more importance.
The problem with that is that people could get really bitter and harass people who flag them negatively. It would also put a weight to a name, essentially making people of 'higher status'. This could reflect negatively towards peoples egos, and develop superiority complexes. It could also be used to heavily stigmatize individuals who were/are more prone to making mistakes.
Creative idea, however I think there are more urgent things to work on like AAC or Silverwind.

I don't think it's a bad idea, but it just isn't all that needed, at least at the moment.
I can't agree more. This happens far too often for me when I'm in a factions world on my way to a role play, etc.

Though, really, this could be solved with /nick RPNOOBPLEASEDONTKILL

PvPers kill RP noobs because we want them to surrender or fight, not because it is entertaining to kill scrubs.
After review, while this suggestion's base idea is decent, fundamentally it has too much potential for abuse, attacks on individuals, and bullying.

PvP: It becomes fairly common knowledge through word of mouth who causes problems.
RP: Many issues with roleplay come from new players who are still learning. Flagging them would only ostracize them from the roleplay community and may drive them away from the server.

At this time, staff will have to reject this flag system suggestion.
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