Archived Pvp Advertising Improvements

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people need to hear it sometimes
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
Olafsvik, Iceland
Roleplay Guilds
Hell Gang
Hello, so I know this is probably quite obvious to everyone relevant with the community, PvP is dying on Massivecraft. There are little to no raids anymore (large ones with actual pvpers), and the population of PvPers is dwindling pretty fast. I have heard of a PvPer quiting/going inactive about once a week. So PvP in general is on a decline, and to slow of an incline to balance out. I've been recalling the past 10 months and there has honestly only been about 3-4 serious PvPers that have joined massive and actually stayed. Which by this summer, PvP will be for the most part dried out. I know things like kitpvp and vampirism are great additions to the server on behalf of PvP, but it is not enough to keep a steady flow of PvP. The problem is our population, if Massive got a decent amount of new PvPers that bought prem and immersed themselves in the PvP scene I'm pretty sure this summer would be as explosive with raids as the last. Even though some of those major PvPers that were around last year aren't anymore, we need a new line to replace them, or at one point or another PvP on Massive will fade away, or at least be hard to come by.

I'm not sure if Massive itself isn't advertising it's PvP side enough, but there is obviously more new rpers coming to the server than there are PvPers. Maybe it's Massive being advertised as an MMORPG, which of course has aspects of PvP in it, but if I was a PvPer looking for a new server, I would probably pick the one that said RP/Faction PvP under the description rather that the one that just says MMORPG, which doesn't sound that grabbing from a PvPers perspective. There has to be ways for the staff/advertising team to come up with new ways to attract new PvPers in search of a server.

So yeah, if it seems I have made any inaccurate observations feel free to correct me.

Also please post your ideas/suggestions/opinions on the subject below. Thanks!

@Ha5h @qgmk @spectec @**Brandon** @Sevak
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Indeed, I think the admins are focusing a little too much on the Roleplay side of the server.
This is not a PvP server. As far as the definition of a PvP server goes. Many people who consider themselves PvPrs leave within a week or so when they realize that it is not a PvP server by definition. In my honest opinion PvPrs on this server have to be made, and are hidden within the community. It is the responsibility of factions like Mag, Arthas, Liath, and Raptum. To help these people and make them into PvPrs, but there is no patients for these "noobs". Two case studies come to mind when I think of this topic:

Case Study: Vrist
Vrist was an up and coming PvP faction during the days of the imperials. They were a subject to 12+ hour raids, and shear ruthlessness. One of their officers began hacking and was banned, and the faction left the server.

Case Study: Deathfist
Deathfist was an up and coming PvP faction derived from an Alamut ally called Pariah Folk. When they split from Pariah Folk. They became a target, and Alamut and several other PvP faction raided them for 12+ hours a day. Eventually Mag and Ghiscari began helping them, and Deathfist became an actual faction, and there are still PvPrs from Deathfist on today.

If we really want a better PvP community. We need to know our limits, and we need to stop raiding these new pvprs and begin giving them aid. We also need to be on the look out for those hidden away from the eye. Maybe those noobs who still think archery is good, or those people who complain that god armor is hard to get, or that mcmmo is hard to grind. We need to have patience with them and let them grow.

That being said. The life span of PvPrs is hit or miss. They will either like the Massive PvP system, or they will go out and find an actual PvP server which by my definition is a server with over-claiming, TNT cannons, no restrictions on raids, and looting of bases. Massive will never offer these options which is good because then a lot more people would leave the server, but we have some amazing things on Massive that PvP servers do not. We have a traits and vampires that add a very interesting aspect to PvP. We are also not pay 100 dollars for god mode like other PvP servers. Even as a non prem you have a chance of becoming a PvPr.
I will keep an eye on this thread for your suggestions. I want to make sure we advertise our server correctly and get the word out there that we do have a lot to offer. Thanks for the tag.