Purchased Freedom



Trigger Warning: This lore story contains sensitive subjects.


"I want the Chien-ji with the short hair."

Those were the words she was terribly afraid of hearing. Unfortunately, she would hear them at least once every few days. It was a different man each time, with differing intentions, however, of equal cruelty. At a young age, Shao Lin was sold to a pleasure house and forced to work for men. If she defied her job, she would be beaten brutal. There were times she was beaten to severely that she became unable to stand or talk, but even then, even in that state, she would be forced to do this disgusting job.

There was no night where she did not cry herself to sleep. She remembered her parents, her poor innocent parents she was forcefully taken away from. She wondered what she would tell them if she met them again one day. Would she be able to talk about her new job? Would they feel sorry for her, or would they be ashamed of her? Would it change anything if she told them she was forced to do it? She feared the backlash, but then she remembered that she was probably never going to see them again, and live the rest of her days as a sorry woman used for pleasure.

One day, another customer came in. This one was a man who donned a long black coat and carried a steel cane. His leg was clearly a limp. He had curling black hair and the sides of his head were shaven off. He looked young, handsome even. His emerald green eyes looked over each woman that were present. His name was Raimondo D'Avella. He was making his pick. Although, his eyes settled on Shao Lin. He was looking at her like he did not see any woman in the room but Shao. She felt her hands began to twitch of stress, she gulped and drew a deep breath in, knowing that he was going to choose her. And so, the words she feared were spoken;

"I want the Chien-ji with the short hair."


Raimondo came up to Shao, and gave her a firm nod of his head, and quietly turned on the heels of his leather boots to walk out of the pleasure house, leaning onto his cane with every step. Shao followed him with her head down, preparing herself mentally for the night. Outside, Raimondo stopped Shao by the door, and turned to her. His lips parted, but before he could speak, Shao shamefully interrupted him.

"Where do you want to do it, mister D'Avella?"

"But, you bought me."
I bought your freedom. And there you have it.

Her eyes widened. For one moment, she thought he was joking. This couldn't possibly be true. Was she really free? Did she no longer have to serve filthy men? Her eyes glistened, and tears began to form in her eyelids.

"R-Really? A-Am I truly free, mister D'Avella?"

I have been made aware of your capabilities, and I believe they could be of use to me.
"What does that mean?"
It means I would like for you to work for me. I shan't force you, however. You now have your own free will.

Her eyes began to glisten with hope. She looked at Raimondo with promising eyes, and offered a nod of her head. She stepped beside the D'Avella man tearfully, however, for once, those tears were not one of fear and hopelessness, but rather, tears of joy and hope for a brighter future, with the man who gave her back her freedom. She felt inclined to serve this man, for she now owed him everything. He was her savior.

"Yes, I would like to work for you, Mister D'Avella. I owe you my life."
