Played Character Puck Van Der Heide The Sloth

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by PresentMediator, May 28, 2023.

  1. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Character Information
    Full Name: Puck van der Heide
    Race / Culture: Ailor, Anglian
    Age: 24

    Core Concept
    An Anglian Grauwald Retainer who seeks to herd promising mages and turn them into tools for the order. A slothful follower, Puck has learned a wide variety of skills and isn't specifically skilled at anything in particular. He isn't motivated by anything, than promised tea after a long venture, or the naps he day dreams of at the end of the mission.

    Appearance Information
    Blond hair and worn-out blue eyes, they embody a tired appearance. Deep lines on his weathered face and the weariness in his gaze reveal a life marked by hardships and battles fought.

    Proficiencies [WARRIOR & RANGER]
    Strength: 4

    Constitution: 5
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 1
    Adapt Point Buy
    Tech Point Buy
    Wisdom: 0
    Faith: 0

    Magic: 0


    Common (Free)
    Anglisch (Childhood)

    Life Story / Plot Hooks
    * Is deathly allergic to Sunflowers.
    * PUCK brings a diverse set of skills to any mission, seamlessly adapting to various challenges. Their versatility makes them an invaluable asset to any group, providing solutions to unexpected obstacles.
    * In the midst of battle, PUCK handles themselves like any other skilled soldier, providing reliable combat support. Their proficiency with a shield, rifle, and sword ensures a formidable presence on the battlefield.
    * PUCK's familiarity with primitive robots and tech gear adds a technological edge to any team. They offer a unique perspective on technological problem-solving.
    * Equipped with a diving suit for underwater missions, PUCK becomes an indispensable asset for ventures beneath the waves. Their ability to navigate aquatic environments and handle underwater challenges opens up new possibilities for exploration.
    * As a dedicated member of the Lothar order, PUCK embodies the virtues and principles of the anti-mage fighters. Their commitment to chastity and opposition to magic align with the order's values, making them a reliable and trustworthy ally.
    * Puck has a deep love for two things. Food, and animals. Taste is one of their favorite senses to use. They are found to place their trust into other animals to such a degree that they consider them to be equal to that of people, especially their three horses Friday, Yehorse, and Confidant Custard. They have a Rottweiler named Roxi, and a cat named Lilith.
    • Winner Winner x 4
    #1 PresentMediator, May 28, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024 at 4:49 PM
  2. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Pucks Diary:
    General notes on the events surrounding Puck, and their accomplishments.

    Assassination of Sera Lisbeth
    Death of Confidant Yehorse
    #2 PresentMediator, Jan 21, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024 at 4:46 PM

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