Psa: Necromancy


The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Western Australia, Kununurra
Hello everyone, for some reason the topic of necromancy has been floating around recently. people don't seem to know why it should not be in the game, so I decided to make this post explaining why it shouldn't be introduced into the game.

the reason why it shouldn't be introduced is that people will abuse it, there will be no point of killing someone (because killing them is hard enough because of god RP) but with necromancy, any noob can just say they were resurrected and just do the same thing over and over again. this will leave the guards useless because they cant execute a prisoner, because they will come back in one minute and say they were resurrected by some mage.
Well, that, and it's not allowed and will never be allowed. There are explanations on the magic thread if anyone is curious as to why.
There are always those who shall disobey the lore and become necromancers anyway. That being said are there such things as lore compliant "dark incantations?" I know it was outlawed in Regalia for a short time but is there a style that is considered absolutely centered on darkness? Shadows, night, void control, etc.? If so I shall have to employ a few of them for rp purposes.
Well, that, and it's not allowed and will never be allowed. There are explanations on the magic thread if anyone is curious as to why.
Could it be possible to have a cult who performs black magic and worshipping to the Dark Banshee, for example? I mean, the necromancy never succeeds, there are just people who believe in it.
I've always been curious as to the types of magics and how they're performed. Could you make sigils on the ground with something like redstone? Or is that not Lore compliant? :c

I haven't found anything explaining this on a different thread. If there was a thread about redstone-sigil magic stuff, can someone link it to me?
They can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't break the lore. I won't make promises about them being safe in Regalia, though.

Please leave all magic related questions on the proper thread. :P