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Provoking War At Home, 305 Ac

Following Virathus' return from the warfront, a few days had passed since the events of the last assembly. Finally addressing the motion made against his men, a missive would be posted all about the city and recited by criers.


Depiction of an Ithanian aristocrat asking the Nordmark heathens to disarm.

Hark now,

Prior the devastation of the Consular force aneath Reddulf Ruyter, an assembly was held in my absence - myself being in Lusits to coordinate their defence against the Wild Union's onslaught. For being absent, those without the strength to face me personally felt emboldened, and now ferment potential rebellion and anarchy.

Foreign wars always strain the peace at home, but that strain comes whence no one is available to bear the burdens of said wars. Such burdens I take on with determination - I contribute 40 000 men, more than triple the Ravenstad contribution, and more than double the Typhonus contribution. I offer 12 000 more than them combined despite each producing the same fortune I do. This, all while accepting a 50% tax rate.

Time and time again, we Northmen - be us Opper Calembergers or Velheimers - have dedicated our lives, crafts and fortunes to war whence the Spirit wills it. We know the divine nature of Ailor and our Empire - such things ensure harmony between Unionists and the pagans of the North.

So whence I hear of this treachery that my men may be disarmed, it makes one wonder if Kolton Typhonus perhaps has refused to besiege a fort in over a month since our landing may conspire to commit treason. Kolton leads the second largest fielded force, but nobles approach me with concern about his constant communication with nobility who denounce the war. Odd is it that I hear also criticisms from his close ally, Xavier Ravenstad, who has only lost troops assaulting fellow Regalian holds and people.

Though I understand Kolton Typhonus' insecurity following the departure of the Honourable Reynald, we noble peers are supposed to be above letting that excuse treacherous actions.

From his own mouth, he admitted to me personally that his insecurity about Non-Unionists bearing arms is not in fact because they are an active danger, but because he wishes for me to be less powerful. Would the people really allow him to ferment anarchy in the capital? Would we disarm these men as the first efforts have begun to enforce the peace broken by the slums?

More curious to me is that this motion was passed by a Typhonus, yet Reynald employed innumerable honourable Non-Unionists that strove successfully to keep the peace.

Shocking is it that the unity we have with our Northern territories would be threatened for such pettiness. If I am honest, as a Unionist lord over a majority pagan people, I await with dread a revolt if this folly continues. My revenues may dry up, and I will either have to return to my lands and away from the war with the Elven Empire to even maintain the troops I have in my command. This would directly undermine the war effort in every conceivable scenario.

As the value of Unionists in the will of the Spirit fades with the adversity we face in the war, I beseech the peers and the Sancella not to hinder their Oldt Fayth and Old God cousins in their attempt to win us this war.

If I could count on either of my Ducal counterparts to at least put in at least half the number of troops I do, I would not fret. But the Ravenstads have already pulled out of the war once to break the peace, and the Typhonii no longer feel compelled by their history to do anything in this war without me committing favours for them. The fact of the matter is I can not trust them, not with Xavier Ravenstad or Kolton Typhonus representing their houses.

Since the Cataclysm, our people have never faced such a foe. Never has the Elven Empire been so strong since, and has had us in such even combat. For you all, I pray you do not let the Emperor return to us losing a war because you would not arm the men willing to fight it. I pray that you do not allow anarchy on the streets simply to spite me.

Furthermore, I sanctioned the Helerian Charter specifically to help deal with any potential issues with the Nordmark pagans. The question is neither my faith, nor if the Heathens will be kept in check, but whether or not the nobility would abuse this system in our Emperor's absence to undermine me.

No longer do I wish to see lords cite Unionism as the reason they wish for my men to disarm. Simply put, this is a conspiracy, and I plead for your conscience's sake that you do not let these men make fools of you.

As we march along the Way,
Consul Virathus Krupp​
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"I suppose it leads one to ponder what tragic chain of events led to this disgrace's appointment as a Consul." The Duke of Calemberg muttered idly, returning the letter dismissively to the servant who had brought it forward, before briskly turning to gaze out of his office window to scan the autumn countryside below.
Ragnhild Ulfurtonn shrugged upon recieving the letter, still at her tent on the isle where Fort Bas stood, un-besieged due to her men's insolence.

"So, now there's infighting back home, insubordination here, and a massacre elsewhere. This is going to shit."

She departed from her tent to engage in more pointless attempts at persuading the men of the Velheim's Ax to listen to her.
Gochni cackled, "Non-Unionist weapon laws? Why, my business would double within the week!" Before bustling off to go organize a board meeting.

Bjorn sighed "We Nordmark be th' only thin' 'oldin' this city t'gether, Kolton mus' be mad!" He tossed the flyer into the gutter, before stalking off, murder in his eyes.

Fimbur nodded wisely, "Why, weapons only to unionists? It'll solve the slums problem at the very least.. hmm.." He suddenly tore the sheet off the wall, clacking away into the night, rubbing his beard between his fingers.
Conf pursed his lips, "Anyone of any race can advance the Great Way, the Third Creed says as much. And one of the best aids anyone can lend the cause right now is arms to bear arms. Not letting the non-Humanium fight is stupid- you don't go into a fight with even odds if you can enter it with an advantage to start. The Elves wont hinder themselves in this war so why should we?"
"I must say, this alchemical goo does quite a wonder for the itchiness. Walther, what is the latest thing that you've picked up from the notice boards around town?"

"...Is that so? *sigh* another pleasant assembly to look forward to. I suppose there's no alchemical treatment that can cure me of both of my irritants. I suppose I'll have to make due with the goo for now.

Which by the way, what have those alchemists been up to recently? I'd like to not drain my coffers on this stuff."
