Preserved Sheet Prospero

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Feb 25, 2019
Reaction score

Basic Information
  • Full Name | Prospero de la Fuente
  • Age | 28
  • Gender | Male
  • Race | Bolven Ailor
  • Preferred Weapon | Arming Sword & Parrying Dagger
Skill Information
Total Points | 50 Skill Points 10 Hobby Points (26 Unspent)
  • Core Group Proficiencies
    • +10 Sword Combat
    • +5 Dagger Combat
    • +4 Shielding Combat
  • Talent Group Proficiencies
    • +5 Bodycare Training
  • Hobby Group Proficiencies
    • +5 Dancing Art (from Hobby Points)
    • +5 Writing Art (from Hobby Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat | 10 (from Sword Combat) + 5 (from Dagger Combat) +4 (from Shielding Combat) + 2.5 (from Bodycare Training) + 2.5 (from Dancing Art) = 24
  • Body Shape | Ripped
  • Body Fat | Average
  • Common
  • Daendroqin
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Ailor Racials
    • Body Morph 1
    • Super Self 1
    • Super Self 3
Visual Information
  • Eye Color | Hazel
  • Hair Color | Light Brown
  • Hair Style | Well-Groomed
  • Skin Color | Olive
  • Clothing | Knightly Garbs or Traditional Daendroquin
  • Height | 6'1"
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • LN
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ENFJ
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Atheist
      • As a Daendroquin, faith has never truly been at the forefront of his nor his family's life. His learning in the Monzon Order did little to help this along, having little time for faith between training. He is not wholly opposed to the idea, there has just been little time in his life for it.
Life Story
  • Born to a single mother in the streets of San Selin, the young Prospero was raised through a community effort of family and friends.
  • An only child, Prospero was seen for many years as the "baby" of their family. His uncle, Enrico took a shine to the young lad, and acted as a paternal figure in his youth.
  • A rough and poorer part of town, Prospero and their family lived just a rough and poor lifestyle. Corners were cut for the sake of getting by. Whilst his mother worked away at the loom for their income, Prospero found themselves bounced between family members whenever they were free to supervise him (more often than not, they were kept behind the bar with Enrico as they worked away).
  • The young boy and his mother alike both found themselves coming down with a horrible illness not long before his seventh birthday. Although he recovered, the illness left life-changing long term effects on his mother, and sparked worry throughout the family.
  • Passing a plate around, the community raised money to see Prospero shipped off to Castillo de Monzon, given that their mother was no longer in shape enough to care for the boy. With a promise to bring prosperity to his family, Prospero began his schooling.
  • Starting as a page, Prospero spent his days running after his tutor, Hector. Beneath him, he learned the basics of reading and writing and swordplay.
  • Following the natural chain of progression, Prospero soon went up to the rank of Squire, working under Hector over in the Rim Isles for various bounties and missions. This first hand experience acting as the fires that would forge the sharpened edge of the Monzon way of life.
  • Occasionally visiting his mentor's estate, Prospero grew envious of what he had achieved. This set the desire for change in Prospero, wishing for a better life than what his family had suffered.
  • Eventually, the time would come where Prospero would graduate into a Man-At-Arms in the order, setting out across the archipelago in search of work and to represent the Monzon. Although most of the profits go back into his pockets, a small portion is sent back to his family. Instead of calling it charity, he makes a point out of saying its to repay the debt he has for them paying for schooling.
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