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Proposals From The Grand Commisioner

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The following are the proposals to be set forth by the Grand Commissioner at the next Assembly meeting. He advises if it is not his place to propose legislation, that any noble can adopt what he says and propose it in his stead. He further adds those concerned with such should realign their priorities when next they hear a dragon roaring in Regalia.

1. Proposal One: Dragon Crisis Act of 306 AC.
Law One: Dragon Enslavement

Any individual found to be under the effects of a hostile Dragon Song is not to be arrested. This includes those who serve in a Guild or Organization. Those who fail to do their part to maintain relative peace and security as part of a guild, Law Enforcement or otherwise, or cause undue harm to the Empire will be beaten, stripped of all possessions, and left to live without any serious injury. Those in Law Enforcement may be banished if they prove unreasonable.

Law Two: Dragon Vigilantism
Any individual who partakes in the hunting the Generals of a hostile Dragon or the Dragon in question will not receive major punishments at the end of the current Dragon Crisis IF AND ONLY IF they prove partially successful in their attempts, remain loyal to the Crown, and do not commit undue harm or breakage of laws to aid the Empire.

2. Proposal Two: Law Enforcement Merging Act of 306 AC.
The Grand Commissioner proposes the dismantling and repurposing of the Regalian Order of Chevaliers, (Hedge Knights who do not financially benefit the Empire and would better be served as a simple but profitable Mercenary Band without special rights) the Druzhina (To be recognized as a mere House Guard, not the Approved Charter they currently are), and the Vigilant Shield, who were recently displaced from the Bastion Keep and are now led by an Isldar and a non-human. The Grand Commissioner proposes the remnants of the Vigilant Shield take up arms with the Violet Order, even if a new Lord Commander of the Order must be named for this to be agreeable. He suggests the leader of the Regalian Law Society takes over the Violet Order in the aftermath of this merging, putting the City Watch under one unified banner.

3. Proposal Three: Hired Swords Merging Act of 306 AC.
The Grand Commisioner proposes the merging of the House Guard Order and Sellsword Registry; both will become a simple "Mercenary Registry" where one can name themselves a…

    • Freelance Mercenary (given current Mercenary rights), and/or...
    • Member of a Mercenary Band (no extended rights beyond current Mercenary Rights, simply for the sake of organization such as the Silverwolf Mercenaries) or…
    • Member of an existing House Guard (extended rights as per the current House Guard Rights).
The Grand Commissioner would oversee this Registry, as he currently does with the separated systems of House Guards and Sellswords, approving or rejecting those who register, keeping a public list of all House Guards and Mercenaries, and investigating accused troublemakers from both groups. An amendment to the "Code of Coin" for House Guards will be created should this pass.

The passage of this act also grants the Grand Commissioner the loft of the Fangs Throng's Lodge as an office, and the Lodge as a public building for use by Mercenaries, House Guards, and Citizens.

4. Proposal Four: Public Azure Order Act of 306 AC.
The creation of an Arcane Task Force from the"Azure Order", as detailed herein. He would publically seek a leader of this Task Force and Research Guild among the Assembly or Nobility, and while he will oversee the creation of the Order and investigate its quality as Grand Commisioner, he would prefer not to take on the leadership role of "Lesser Vigil" unless necessary.

May the Imperial Spirit keep you Wise and Walking.

- Luchs Kade

Grand Commissioner of the Regalian Empire
Inaugural Winner of the Imperial Duelist League
Crown-Winner of the Elven War of 302
Agronak the Strong of the Orc Clan Ironmonger
And Law-Brother to his Imperial Holiness.

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Charles happily bobbed his right leg as he sat in the chair, right leg over left, a cup in hand, as he heard the news from a local gossiper. "Do you hear that, dear brother?" He noisily chirped at his twin, "it'd appear that pale Monsieur Kade continues to try to put reason in the assembly, Spirit bless that monsieur -- he does try." He took a quick sip of kaffee before lamenting further. "Not to mention, an Isldar in charge of that 'Vigilante Shield'." he scoffed, "here I thought the chaos in the city couldn't further -- absolutely dreadful."

Katrina scoffed at the mere concept of the Vigilants banding together with the Violets. She'd have to speak with Ania and Eric regarding this, but merging organisations, in her opinion, was a total no-go.