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Proconsular Proclamation - On The Nordmark Rebellion And Other Topics


The Imperial Chancellory, seat of the State Assembly and State Government.

Today, the office of His Excellency the Proconsul, Ulric Adelhard Typhonus, announces victory and justice to the populous of the Regalian Empire. In the midsts of last evening's State Assembly, the treasonous intent of Archduke Virathus Krupp were revealed to the Assembly, and by order of His Excellency the Proconsul, Archduke Krupp was placed under arrest. His assets have been seized by the State, and he himself has been declared a traitor to His Holy Majesty the Emperor, freezing the Feudal Contract and his authority over his lands and their citizenry.

However, due to the unlawful actions of one Iona of Basta (Iona Bastillion), Archduke Krupp evaded imprisonment and impeded on the proceedings of a hearing of the Imperial Judiciary with a team of Nordmark rebels, interrupting court procedure, and expressing the group's intent to assassinate His Excellency the Proconsul, and overthrow the State Government, all before the Grand Justices and a majority of the Realm's noble peers. The Archduke and his rebels then created a brief rampage through the Imperial City, and to the Typhonenburgh, where they were dissuaded and fought off by the actions of a valiant few.

Fortunately, the Spirit brought forth its justice, and Archduke Krupp was subdued and apprehended by the Imperial Steward, Ser Tristan Kade, and a team of Imperial Guardsmen. The Archduke is currently held in an undisclosed and secure location to ensure his captivity. While His Excellency the Proconsul is in good health and no loss of life has been reported, the majority of the Nordmark rebels managed to evade capture and flee to the Countryside. Due to the reconnaissance efforts of the Safeguard Rangers, it is known by the State where the Nordmark rebels are currently hiding.

In light of these events, His Excellency the Proconsul makes the following announcements and remarks:

1. All members of the Nordmark Rebellion are invited and encouraged to meet with His Excellency the Proconsul at a summit to be held to discuss the terms of their legal status, and alternative actions should the membership remain hostile. His Excellency would like to express the fact that mercy shall be shown to the members of the Nordmark Rebellion should they comply with the State's wishes. Should the Nordmark Rebellion refuse His Excellency's hospitality, the Crown Defense Banner will be mobilized to respond to this treasonous threat.
-- As of this time, members of the Nordmark are still wanted for charges of treason, assault, and conspiracy against the State. Any entering the Imperial City will be arrested on sight.
2. In lieu of Archduke Virathus Krupp's classification as a Traitor to the Emperor, regency over the Archduchy of Stillicho, its citizenry, and soldiers have been granted to Baron Xavier III of House Ravenstad, in recognition of the House Ravenstad's valiant efforts to maintain order and security of the State during last night's crisis. Xavier III shall be charged with continuing House Krupp's role in the war effort.

3. In an effort to expedite the war effort in Daen with greater accuracy and communication between generals, His Excellency the Proconsul has created the temporary office and rank of "Marshal", independent of regular military structure, that shall serve to guide the State's efforts efforts in Daen by direction and leadership of the current generals. His Excellency bestows this title to the current General Kolton Typhonus. His Excellency would also like to express that this specific change is not binding, and that the office will dissolve at the conclusion of the war effort in Daen.

4. With the increasing amount of Law-Enforcement chapters in the Imperial City, His Excellency the Proconsul expresses his interest in creating the seat of "Grand Commissioner of the Imperial City", to regulate Law Enforcement Charters and investigate suspected corruption, infighting, and treason within the ranks of said organizations. This position will answer to the Assembly and Consuls. His Excellency urges all citizens, noble or common, who believe they are qualified to submit a personal letter of intent to his office, specifically expressing why they are qualified for this momentous task.

All official acts of this proclamation hereby immediately take the full effect of State Law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Proconsul.
"Kolton can't even manage his facial hair without being worried what others think...so this will be entertaining."
"Let's see how it goes" said Otto
Fathiyaa Nasir chuckled as she hear the news. Her cheek was still faintly sore from the Nordmark's elbow. She was happy to hear the news of the group finally being held accountable for their actions in Regalia.