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Proconsular Proclamation - On The Actions Of The Nordmark



It is with deep regret that His Excellency the Proconsul, Archduke Ulric Adelhard Typhonus of Calemberg, is forced to take the following drastic actions. After this afternoon's announcements by the Proconsul, the members of the Nordmark Capital Levy took to the streets, expressing treasonous thoughts to the general populous in venues such as the tavern, denouncing the actions of the State government and voicing support for rebellion.

Furthermore, due to the valiant actions of the House Ravenstad, its patriarch Xaiver III, and other elements loyal to the State Government, it has been revealed that the treasonous elements of the Nordmark have holed themselves up in the Milais Palace, estate of the House Krupp, in defiance of the Proconsul's orders to lay down their chartered rights and aide in the Elven front, and have abducted Duke Nathaniel Bigge, patriarch of House Bigge and titled peer of the Assembly.

As such, the following charges have been leveled by the Office of Proconsul against the membership of the Nordmark Capital Levy: Treason against the State and Assault, Abduction, and False-Imprisonment of Titled Aristocracy.

-- Members are hereby ordered to turn themselves in to the Regalian Guard at the Black Tower for imprisonment and trial by the Imperial Judiciary. A Warrant for Arrest and Detainment has been formally issued.

-- Archduke Virathus Krupp is advised to meet with His Excellency the Proconsul at the Typhonenburgh to discuss the allegations against his organization. The Archduke at this time is not charged.

-- Duke Nathaniel Bigge is to be released at once. Further harm done to him will only multiply punitive action.

Should the members of the Nordmark Capital Levy fail to do as instructed, a detachment of the Crown Defense Banner shall be forced to mobilize to respond to this treasonous threat that harms both the war effort, and the integrity of the Empire.

Glory to the Empire.

All official acts of this proclamation hereby immediately take the full effect of State Law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Proconsul.
Juliette only bit her nail nervously. No, she didn't really care for Nordmark- but she had dear friends in it. The Wodenstaff peered upwards at the sky, turning her attention away from the notice. She paused a moment before clasping her hands together and saying softly, "Dear Spirit, protect them."