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Proconsular Proclamation - On The Actions Of The House Ravenstad And Other Topics


Regalian City Watchmen stand guard on the city walls overlooking the Crown River at dusk.

In conference with the Imperial Seat, and with other involved figures, His Excellency the Proconsul, Ulric Adelhard Typhonus of Calemberg,makes the following formal announcements.

Last evening, in his duties ensuring that the Emperor's peace be maintained in the Crown Isle, Grand Commissioner Jared of the House Kade, Commander of the City Guard, was assaulted and abducted by members of the noble House Ravenstad on orders of their patriarch, Xavier III. They accused the Grand Commissioner of trespassing and public drunkenness, along with threatening assault while in his drunken state, and proceeded to detain him in the Buerg Eleng. In that time, their accusations were made public to the populace in an inflammatory document sent out by the House Ravenstad to the Realm's peerage and citizenry.

By law, the Grand Commissioner cannot trespass, as he is blessed with the State's assent to go where his pleases in upholding his duties to the Realm's peace and security. Furthermore, His Holy Majesty the Emperor has personally testified that the Grand Commissioner had met with the him in an audience before leaving for the Buerg Eleng, and that he was not drunk. By making such flagrantly false accusations against one who has been blessed by the Crown with a soul of Humanum, the House Ravenstad has slighted the Crown in presuming that a soul of Humanum personally granted by assent of the Crown would commit to such dishonorable actions.

As such, in conjunction and with the assent of His most Holy Majesty, Emperor Cedromar the First of the Imperial House Kade-Alltmeister, His Excellency the Proconsul makes the following announcements:

1. The House Ravenstad is to immediately issue and publish a public admittance of wrong-doing, stating specifically what they have done, and a public apology to the Imperial House Kade.

2. The State, with the assent of the Imperial Seat and Crown, immediately declares that all military manpower of the House Ravenstad, including levies and armies (and discounting mercenaries), will be placed under the Imperial House Kade's control for a period of one month, in which the Imperial Household will control and monitor the actions of Ravenstad soldiers and levies.

3. The Grand Commissioner, Jared Kade, is to be afforded free silks for a lifetime from any Ravenstad owned or operated silk vending facility, in exchange for the humiliation and suffering he enduring in Ravenstad captivity.
The announcements above are made with Imperial Assent in cooperation with the Crown. All further announcements following are made with the His Excellency the Proconsul's own prerogative.

1. The Marshal of the War effort in Daen, Ser Kolton Typhonus, is hereby granted the authority by the State to allocate levies in the stead of His Excellency the Proconsul in an effort to centralize and expedite the effort.

2. His Excellency the Proconsul, noting that all nobles rule by direct assent of His Holy Majesty through the Feudal Contract, and therefor represent the Spirit's divine right and the will of the physical Emperor, has, by suggestion of the Emperor himself, announced an effort to ensure that all nobles ruling in representation of the Emperor are fit and capable of doing so. This effort is intended to include a brief medical examination and an assessment of common knowledge, to ensure that all members of the aristocracy representing the Emperor are fit to rule in his holy name. This is only an announcement of intention. His Excellency the Proconsul is currently working in conjunction with medical charters to see the Emperor's suggestion put into proper practice, and is expected to take a few days or longer to settle the subtleties of the matter.
All official acts of this proclamation hereby immediately take the full effect of State Law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Proconsul.

"First Krupp, now Ravenstad. Who'll the Typhonus go after next. Things have gone to bloody void since I've left the Crown Isle." Pellegrino said, shaking his head at the poster near the Golden Willow Tavern, muttering prayers of safety as he made off, continuing on his way, eating a calzone.
"That's what you get masky face for telling lies on boss man" A certain multi-eyed and multi mouthed creature would hiss under its breath, after over hearing a conversation on the subject in the willow.