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Proconsular Proclamation - On Silven, Health, And Other Topics


The Imperial Archives, host of Aloria's most extensive records on history, philosophy, magical anomalies, and countless other subjects.

For the final time in what remains of his first term, His Excellency the Proconsul, Ulric Adelhard Typhonus of Calemberg, makes the following announcements and remarks to the general populous of the Empire.

1. As mentioned previously, in His Excellency the Proconsul's last address to the citizenry, it was stated that all leading members of the peerage would be subject to a physical and mental assessment to ensure that they were fit to represent the divine rule of the Spirit and Emperor, a wish expressed by His most Holy Imperial Majesty himself. As such, all titled peers, are ordered by prerogative to check in with Lord Jocelyn von Duerr and the Crown City Sawbones for a physical examination, and a brief assessment of common sense. A list will be kept by Lord von Duerr for the purpose of record who has adhered to this order. If Lord von Duerr encounters something he believes to be an issue, he will dutifully report his findings to the Assembly for instruction.

Titled Peers who fail to make themselves available for this examination by the end of the month of December will be subject to possible revocation of voting rights until their wellness is assured.

2. By immediate prerogative of His Excellency the Proconsul, the Anomaly Circumspection Act is enacted effective immediately to curb the recent rising threat of aberrants within the Imperial City. The Act states the following:

All Silven residents of the Crown Isle, regardless of rank or race, must present themselves to an appropriate law enforcement Charter for monthly interrogation. They are also liable for on the spot checks, searches and questioning. Regalian Law Enforcement officers are at liberty during these questionings to use not-fatal and non-scaring force to compel truthful answers to their requisitions. All Silven that pass lawful inspection will be branded with an 'S' to mark that they are properly documented by Regalian Law Enforcement. Failure to submit yourself for proper documentation will lead to lengthy prison sentences and revocation of citizenship rights.

His Excellency the Proconsul prays wisdom and vigilance be granted to the Crown Isle's Law Enforcement by the Imperial Spirit in undertaking this new task.

2.5 His Excellency the Proconsul wishes to remind the populace that the Emperor has, in fact, said that the Steward of the Empire: Tristan Kade, is not a Silven. No matter what any individual states, in context to his appearance, to state that the Imperial Steward is a Silven, is Heresy.

3. His Excellency the Proconsul would like to stress unity in moving forwards in the ongoing conflict against the Elven forces in Daen. Agitation between peers results in tensions that undermine the war effort, and therefor the Great Way. His Excellency regrets the decision of Consul Vulmar Ravenstad to play the role of agitator against the House Black by publicly humiliating them before the peerage. While His Excellency the Proconsul makes no official stance on the accusations leveled by either party, by immediate prerogative of His Excellency, the Ursus Martitimus II, flagship of the House Black, is to be returned to the possession of the House Black immediately. His Excellency trusts that all further loose ends in the matter will be dutifully settled by the Imperial Judiciary.

4. His Excellency the Proconsul would like to announce to the populous his intention to retain a seat as Consul in the upcoming Consular election, but announces furthermore that he shall not be seeking a second ascension to the Proconsular Seat unless extraordinary circumstances call for such an action.

All official acts of this proclamation hereby immediately take the full effect of State Law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Proconsul.
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Otto Bergmann, when he saw the proclamation, nodded his approval.

The Imperial Archives, host of Aloria's most extensive records on history, philosophy, magical anomalies, and countless other subjects.

For the final time in what remains of his first term, His Excellency the Proconsul, Ulric Adelhard Typhonus of Calemberg, makes the following announcements and remarks to the general populous of the Empire.

1. As mentioned previously, in His Excellency the Proconsul's last address to the citizenry, it was stated that all leading members of the peerage would be subject to a physical and mental assessment to ensure that they were fit to represent the divine rule of the Spirit and Emperor, a wish expressed by His most Holy Imperial Majesty himself. As such, all titled peers, are ordered by prerogative to check in with Lord Jocelyn von Duerr and the Crown City Sawbones for a physical examination, and a brief assessment of common sense. A list will be kept by Lord von Duerr for the purpose of record who has adhered to this order. If Lord von Duerr encounters something he believes to be an issue, he will dutifully report his findings to the Assembly for instruction.

Titled Peers who fail to make themselves available for this examination by the end of the month of December will be subject to possible revocation of voting rights until their wellness is assured.

2. By immediate prerogative of His Excellency the Proconsul, the Anomaly Circumspection Act is enacted effective immediately to curb the recent rising threat of aberrants within the Imperial City. The Act states the following:

All Silven residents of the Crown Isle, regardless of rank or race, must present themselves to an appropriate law enforcement Charter for monthly interrogation. They are also liable for on the spot checks, searches and questioning. Regalian Law Enforcement officers are at liberty during these questionings to use not-fatal and non-scaring force to compel truthful answers to their requisitions. All Silven that pass lawful inspection will be branded with an 'S' to mark that they are properly documented by Regalian Law Enforcement. Failure to submit yourself for proper documentation will lead to lengthy prison sentences and revocation of citizenship rights.

His Excellency the Proconsul prays wisdom and vigilance be granted to the Crown Isle's Law Enforcement by the Imperial Spirit in undertaking this new task.

2.5 His Excellency the Proconsul wishes to remind the populace that the Emperor has, in fact, said that the Steward of the Empire: Tristan Kade, is not a Silven. No matter what any individual states, in context to his appearance, to state that the Imperial Steward is a Silven, is Heresy.

3. His Excellency the Proconsul would like to stress unity in moving forwards in the ongoing conflict against the Elven forces in Daen. Agitation between peers results in tensions that undermine the war effort, and therefor the Great Way. His Excellency regrets the decision of Consul Vulmar Ravenstad to play the role of agitator against the House Black by publicly humiliating them before the peerage. While His Excellency the Proconsul makes no official stance on the accusations leveled by either party, by immediate prerogative of His Excellency, the Ursus Martitimus II, flagship of the House Black, is to be returned to the possession of the House Black immediately. His Excellency trusts that all further loose ends in the matter will be dutifully settled by the Imperial Judiciary.

4. His Excellency the Proconsul would like to announce to the populous his intention to retain a seat as Consul in the upcoming Consular election, but announces furthermore that he shall not be seeking a second ascension to the Proconsular Seat unless extraordinary circumstances call for such an action.

All official acts of this proclamation hereby immediately take the full effect of State Law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Proconsul.

The House Black thanks His Excellency for providing mediation and common sense in times when the peerage should be united as a front against the Elven forces, rather than acting as agitators towards their own. The House Black looks forward to the prompt return of the Ursus Maritimus II to our possession. As such, the House Black is also dropping all current charges and thus the court case leveled against Vulmar Ravenstad, so that State funds may be more suitably appropriated towards the Daen war. However, the House Black does iterate that if the family's flagship is not promptly returned by Vulmar Ravenstad in accordance with His Excellency's decree, then we will have no choice but to level new charges.

Christopher Black
Baron of Narlas
Unemployed Admiral
Grandmaster of the Open Ocean Merchant Guild
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