• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Proconsular Proclamation For January 15th




January the 15th, 306 AC saw the approval of the following. Henceforth, the State Government makes the following rulings:

1. On the subject of the Consuls, His Imperial Holiness Cedromar I has created a third consular position in the assembly. Archduchess Sigurna Wodenstaff has been elected as the Third Consul of the Noble Assembly.
Furthermore, by the will of the Emperor to start an election, the Assembly has invested in Duke Dietrich Drache the position of Proconsul.

2. On the subject of diplomacy, the Proconsul has confirmed the appointments of Imperial Dame Elizabeth Black, nobleman Arnold Heinrich, and Countess Audrey d'Ortonnaise as the first State Speakers, who will work abroad to negotiate with foreign powers when called for it.

3. On the subject of the war, the Proconsul has called on the nobility to dedicate every soldier they can muster and every Regal in surplus to the war effort. His Grace remarked that "now is not the time to hoard your funds while men fight and do their duty on the front lines."

On the subject of the city, the Proconsul by his prerogative has declared the formation of the Chivalric Orders Registry. He calls upon the honorable men and women of the Viridian and Arcèn Orders to register with the charter to assist the city in the current situation, and also invites other knightly orders to speak with him in regards to adding them to the registry.

The rulings of this proclamation hereby take the full effect of State Law
Officiated by the Offices of Consuls Drache, Harhold and Wodenstaff
