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Proclamation; Writ Of Sin


Valentinian Shill
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Urteil von Oben
Exarch Balthazar IV - 24 of February, 306 AC.

Under the watchful eye of the Spirit,

His Most Holiness, DU PONT,

Exarch of the most revered Synod, Reverend of the Sancella in Pay-Sud, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, DU PONT,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, BELIINI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Montania, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, AHERNE,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, KEHLEN,
Reverend of the Sancella in Brissiaud, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.


It is with great vigilance we take sincere and solemn action in response to ecclesial deviance and inordinate actions undertaken by any individual who audaciously acts without the grace of the Spirit. We the Holy Synod of the Sancella do hereby confirm our extension of a writ of sin upon Edward Jarsdel for the injuries against the Holy Imperial Faith:

We declare Edward Jarsdel excommunicate, levying the gravest offense of attempted rape and gross breach of Holy Marriage in the sight of the Imperial Spirit and Mankind.​

We declare Edward Jarsdel excommunicate, levying the offense of physical assault​

We declare Edward Jarsdel excommunicate, levying the offense of agitation of the esteemed peerage.​

Let it be known that the Sancella solemnly proclaims this edict. In accordance, we call for the investigation of the accused and dispatch Holy Inquest to ascertain the severity of the crimes committed. We invite the accused to prostrate themselves before the Sancella. If an admission of guilt is given, then any sentencing determined by Holy Inquest shall be reduced to the following;
  1. Edward Jarsdel shall undergo a walk of atonement, stripped bare to his undergarments to walk from the Imperial Bridge to the Grand Cathedral whilst flagellation is administered by an Inquisitor of the Black Prefecture.

  2. Edward Jarsdel shall issue a public apology to Archduke Hengest Harhold as well as the faithful of Regalia.

  3. Edward Jarsdel shall provide all free, available manpower and income to the Regalian State.

  4. Edward Jarsdel shall place himself into the service of Holy Synod and submit to an Inquisitorial escort, the duration of which to be determined by the Synod.
Archduke Hengest Harhold puts on a genuine smile as his court herald reads out the proclamation.

"The Spirit wills it."
"They come to our Estate and accuse my nephew of something he never committed! A crime that never took place! They found no evidence, yet here we all stand." Harrison Jarsdel stated as he paced around the Jarsdel Estate, unsure of what to do with himself as he plucked the butt of a sigg out from between his lips and threw it into an ashtray.
Merina jumped a bit at hearing the accusations to the Jarsdel, "What? Eddie would never do such a thing, he's too much of a chicken!"
Upon hearing the news and the many retellings of the punishments, Marie let her face dawn a wry smile. "I hope I get my pit back soon," She exclaimed, moving off to find such a Jarsdel to haggle with for such ownership.
"Hmph, Pathetic." Godwyna Harhold simply muttered as she was gazing from the her estate room window. "No one touches my sister-in-law like that and get's away with it. Who does this pathetic excuse of a man think he is?! Pah!"
'Well..' Aaron said in a surprised tone. 'The bastard's sins have caught up with him!'
"Who is Edward.." Avynn tapped her fingers together as she thought. "Isn't he..no wait..hrm.." tap tap. "Yea, still don't know."
Lazaruz grinned like a cheshire cat as he popped out a bottle of his finest whiskey "The bastard 'ad it comin'.~"
and damn did it taste better with each sip..​
Harald would just laugh in his home, hearing the news.
Maxence's face turned into a brief smirk, dipping his glass of wine towards his sister Violane (@dulcissima ) " I told you, they were trouble." he had a smug look on his face, and just took a mouthful of his tipple, before scanning the text again.