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Proclamation Of Retention

Upon the advent of Archduke Krupp, he would stow himself away in his Estate to rest from his campaigns in the Daen. Whilst there though, his men pleaded he did not leave - there was treachery afoot. By the following morning, this proclamation would be heard around the Crown Isle.


Hark now, or remain in a perilous ignorance.

Whence I was a continent away obliterating the great Nelfin menace, I have found myself conspired against at home. Walking into my Estate, my men were frantic - called criminals, wolf's heads. Speaking with them, they related only one thing; that they had done nothing but anticipated my arrival to confirm Ulric Typhonus' commands, who's family has long antagonized them.

Instead though, antagonism. The very Duke my men saved from the slums, one Nathaniel Bigge, approached my home armed, screaming that my men were traitors and much libel about my persons. He is seized, such is true - but you know such from the lips of a man kidnapped by the Ravenstad lechers.

How curious is it, that a man who should have nothing but respect for the protection we have provided him, who we saved from torture in the slums where no other order would venture, only bore ill will upon meeting my men. Only he himself came, armed yet spewing so much hogwash my men were liable to gain ear infections. Simply put, this is one of many acts of provocation against me personally, and the people of my Archduchy.

On the day that the Nordmark was chartered, they tried to make illegal Non-Unionists arming. This was not backed or suggested by the Church, but they cited Unionism. Upon taking office, he calls for the formation of a banner force to serve the purpose the Nordmark already has, citing that it is redundant. As a military man, I would pray you be more straightforward - this is not a matter of good administration, but revenge.

Simply put, foolish Proconsul, you will not bid one more of my men to the frontlines, as I already contribute more than 7 times the troops your family has. Your priorities are politics, and undermining me. Prove otherwise - I offered to have the Nordmark meld into whatever defense of the capital you wished to arrange and deferred to your judgement, hailing you as one of the greatest Generals who have ever lived, yet you demand they leave to die in the Daen in lieu of a real commitment of your own.

Note now that my men will not disarm. We do not see your bounty against us as legal. So painfully clear is it, despite all my efforts to work with you and the faith I put in you to whence I did not veto Drache's motion - as if a Proconsul was necessary because it was cold out - and you have tarnished it completely. You obviously participate in conspiracy, and I will not make concessions, only compromises that will see my lands and the health of my Archduchy aneath your Government being safe.

Already your family has nearly incited a revolt in my lands, tried to disarm my bannermen and has made painfully clear its hatred of Oldt Fayth and Old Gods worshipers. We serve happily the Spirit, the Emperor, and we have contributed more to this war than anyone - so do not give us cause to return home prematurely.

Again good people, I will receive Ulric and work past his attempts, but he will no longer insult me in my home. No longer do I tolerate the slights. Southern condescension is a skill he seems to have picked up well during his retirement, but its place is in Howlester tea parlors and not as a means of governance.

Leonzio rubbed at his beard early in the morning, sitting on the porch which overlooked the now frozen lake of the Holzkirche Estate. He read over the words of the Consul as he sipped his morning tea before finally perking a brow. "Leave to die in Daen? Do they wish not to serve this empire and only hide within the city? Is their very purpose not to keep the knife-ears from taking hold of our blessed Empire?" he spoke aloud to his guard which sat nearby, "And does every consul not make their own banner to attribute to their power? Pride is a funny thing." He concluded with a sharp 'hm' and proceeded to sift through the rest of the news which was delivered to him.
Meanwhile, Ida looked out the window as the snow fell. She cradled a bundle close to her in her arms. Glancing down, she rocked on her heels and muttered gentle sayings as her heart fell heavy. Her nightmares were coming true...
Carolyne turned away from the large glass pane of the window as the missive was delivered to her, lounged in a perch upon the windowsill like some thief in the night. It was enough to say her reaction wasn't too drastic, a hint of surprise that faded into contemplation while her gaze scanned over the words until finally, she set it aside.
"Do tell Darius that his presence may be desired more often soon. These conditions are.. well..." And so, silence reigned.
"I personally think our social gatherings are quite nice. That Krupp guy is awful rude" Rodderick hummed, eyes glazing over the proclamation "Oh well, twice the pride, double the fall"
Juliette trudged into the estate of the Wodenstaffs, her boots mud covered. Her dearest maid bustled her up the stairs, in the meanwhile telling her of the news- such the chambermaid had read on a paper and remembered as she knew her mistress always asked. "Krupp said what?" The woman sent a glance the maid's way before her chin was turned back away, due to the fact that it was extraordinarily difficult to do one's hair when they were looking over their shoulder. "What a strange man. Good luck to him, I suppose. Though if he gets my friends killed in all this, I'll be knocking at his door."