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Proclamation Ii

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Proclamation II

On the Elven War, Peirgarten Cynicism, and Gold

House Peirgarten had refused to partake in the war effort, very clear by their forces steady at home, and not mobilized for that matter. It is only right then, that I re-appropriate the gold we have seized from them, for the Elven War Effort. 20 bales of gold will be immediately turned around and sent to the overseers of our holy conflict overseas, so they may properly continue to do the Spirit's work against the heathens. House Peirgarten may have not cared for our Empire's most righteous wars afar, in the foreign lands, spreading the Way of Union, but House Ravenstad is, and will always be, fervent Unionists in support of the faith. These bales cannot make up for my pulling troops away, but I hope in the deepest crevices of my royal heart, that it may ease the burden the Empire's devoted men like Proconsul Krupp, Duke Typhonus, Reverend Buhr, and so many others fighting the good fight. Come the morning, my stewards and I will draw up the orders to move the gold. Spirit's blessings to the good men spreading our holy cause.

Xavier I, Rightful King of Brissiaud and Duke of the Hinterlands
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Richarr would read the proclamation with a wide scoped grin, raising a fist to the air in exaltation.


The Ravenstad would yell with a loud bellow, that of a man enthused with the passion of his ancestors.

Folcard Ravenstad could only observe the escalating conflict from the security of Axford, his home-in-exile as the Hinterlands descended into turmoil in the weeks following the usurpation of his ducal crown. He thought back, to the ultimatum delivered to him by the King of Lepers, and simply shook his head.

"Nesse pas min Roi. The poxed fool will be torn from his throne soon enough. I will not allow him to deny me of my birthright."