• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
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Proclamation I

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Proclamation I

To the Peirgarten Family
Your flimsy, stubborn nature is at an end. I had warned you of the consequences to you and your people if you would deny to bend the knee, and yet carelessly, you proceeded to put them in harm's way, all for what? Pride? Greed? Vanity? You knew you could not withstand a Ravenstad host, but despite that, you refused to submit to your rightful King. This is the consequence of your transgression. Though I do not do this for wicked fun or my own entertainment, you have forced me to do thus, and I am a man who keeps his word. Continue to resist, continue to refuse to bend the knee, and you will suffer. Your family, will suffer. Your house, will collapse into nothing. Bend the knee, swear me your fealty, and proclaim me King of Brissiaud, and my armies will pull back. House Ravenstad will assist to rebuild what we were forced to break. Do not refuse me again.

To the Rosendahl Family
May you look upon House Peirgarten as an example. Your forces cannot withstand me, it cannot withstand half of my private army, and I am not even using the totality of the forces in my expense. Bend the knee, and proclaim me King of Brissiaud, and your lands will be spared. Defy me, put up whatever pathetic fight you wish to put up with the meager force you have, and I will destroy you. I will show no mercy. For too long minor houses have retained much undeserved autonomy, and it is only right you submit. Do not, and your lands will suffer the same fate as the Peirgartens. If you are unconvinced, please, accept an invitation to dinner at my estate to speak about the matter. Chose your allies wisely, Rosendahls. You will not get two chances.

To the Peasants of the Peirgarten Lands
Your matriarch brought this upon you. She had the chance to support me, the chance to recognize her rightful king, but yet she chose to leave you open. Her armies let us by without so much as a second thought, and where is she? Dining on cakes and wine in the capital while allowing her land to be trampled. She cannot protect your borders, and she cares not for you apparently, as her own pride got in the way of protecting you and doing what's right for the people she rules. No more. You may blame me all you like, but she brought this upon you. Futhermore, I will allow any man, woman, or child to immigrate from the ruined Peirgarten lands, to the Hinterlands for jobs, security, and food. We also have open positions in the current army you see before you. Why fight for the woman who allowed this to happen? Come with me, and you will prosper. Your children will be fed, your homes protected, and the Hinterlands is ripe with fresh, untended land from the coast to the Dragenthal borders, down the Michellons Borderlands.
Virathus would receive this news bitterly. He stressed about his own lands, the Elven Empire seemed to resurge, and now a succession crisis had forced him to return to the capital to gain more support and troops for the war. Postured stiffly, he would write a letter to Xavier Ravenstad from the Oaken desk at sea.