• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Proclamation From The Regalian Guard


Be warned, ye law abiding citizens of Regalia, and read thoroughly!

By order of His Excellency, Lord Commander Harhold, our city gates shall be bolstered with thrice the sentries and footmen to ensure the controlled flow of traffic into our most sacred capital.

All men and women of known allegiance to the Nordmark and the Archduke Virathus Krupp's personal guard, both former and active, shall be denied re-entry.

Should you find yourself of sound mind and would like to turn yourself in, then such intentions must be made clear through letter so we may anticipate your arrival and properly disarm yourself.

Any attempt at a forced entry shall be met with the swift and furious hand of the Law.

~The Regalian Guard.
Conf Ladveer pursed his lips, contemplating the notice. "If your hope if to make the enemy surrender, making it harder for them to subtly and quietly give in might not be the best option. Then again, letting people just waltz in also isn't a great idea. So eh." He limped over to a seat, sitting down hard with a wince. 'Void cursed ribs, shit...' he thought, grumbling as he waved for a barmaid.
To whom it concern,

May this letter find you well and in good company for this is a dire time indeed. I wish to turn myself in, I will come unarmed, with my belongings in tow. This letter has been sent in advance of my departure so that it might be read as I travel toward the Capital. I wish to continue my duty as a guard in the Crown City, after my sentence has been fulfilled, I have faith in the system.

Spirits Blessings,
Iona Heinrich.

To whom it concern,

May this letter find you well and in good company for this is a dire time indeed. I wish to turn myself in, I will come unarmed, with my belongings in tow. This letter has been sent in advance of my departure so that it might be read as I travel toward the Capital. I wish to continue my duty as a guard in the Crown City, after my sentence has been fulfilled, I have faith in the system.

Spirits Blessings,
Iona Heinrich.


The gatekeepers are notified of Iona's intentions and will be allowing Iona entry !