Preserved Sheet Prilla - Late Emerger

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purveyor of milfs
Sep 4, 2016
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Prilla
  • Race: Bralona
  • Age: Null
  • Gender: She/her
  • Eye Color: Apricot
Core Concept
  • Prilla is an atheist. She was a hermit, even in Justinia. She deserted during the Bralona Occupation after discovering a passion for engineering. Prilla was formerly divoted to the High Command. Now, her alleigance belongs to her pets, posessions, and Ilyes Industrial Artisan Artificing Solutions - the parent company to her business.

  • [Training] Bruteforce Pack
  • [Training] Ironheart Pack
  • [Crafting] Metallurgy Pack
× DEXTERITY 4 Points
  • [Ranged] Lineup Pack
  • [Roguery] Reaction Pack
  • [Ranged] Evading Dash
  • [Ranged] Scoundrel Pack
× WISDOM 7 Points - Steamtech
  • [Technician] Lifelink Pack
  • [Technician] Mending Pack
  • [Technician] Protech Pack
  • [Technician] Recall Pack
  • [Technician] Stimboost Pack
  • [Technician] Mechwalker Pack
  • [Technician] Mercy Pack
  • Common
  • Dragon Speech
Appearance Information
  • Prilla is a tall (6'0), lithe Bralona with apricot skin and expansive, puffy orange "hair". She wears white steam tech mech plates on her legs, part of a more elaborate mechsuit that she occasionally dons. She is otherwise plain for a Bralona, dressing in more effeminate, pastel clothes.
Life Story

  • Prilla does not recollect her conception, and was looped atleast twice during the time before the High Command.
  • She served during the Occupation unthinkingly as a model, unassuming soldier that helped where applicable and questioned no command.
  • Early during the Occupation, Prilla is sent with a small research group to explore several clockwork shops. Enamored with the craft, she has an awakening that inspires her to hide in the walls of the establishment, only coming out at night to run experiments and learn about the machinery.
  • After the Occupation, she was caught. She was made to serve a mid-length prison sentence, and then found herself living in the Alms House. The Bralla met a Squire by the name of Lisbeth who she grew fond of, encouraging her to stay in the city.
  • Until recently, she would only leave for the bare necessities. She's had plenty of time to assimilate, and needing to free up a bed for other less fortunate people, the Alms workers are forcing her out to socialize and find work.
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