Preserved Sheet Preston Lyons

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Preston Jeremiah Lyons
  • Age: 30
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Colonial Ailor [Witchblood]
  • Sexuality: Undisclosed
Skill Information
  • 30 Points to Spend (-10 from Graklak School) | 20 to Spend
    • +20 Unarmed Boxing (+10 from School, +10 from Points)
    • +20 Unarmed Fighting (+10 from School, +10 from Points)
    • +10 Medicine (+10 from School)
    • +5 Unionist Seminary (+5 from Colonial)
  • 30 Points to Spend
    • +10 Horticulture (+10 from Points)
    • +5 Weaving (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Cuisine Cooking (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Husbandry (+5 from Points)
    • +5 Smithing (+5 from Points)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Phantasma Green.
  • Hair Color: Brown.
  • Hair Style: Short with Beard.
  • Skin Color: Fair Skinned.
  • Clothing: Simple clothing.
  • Height: 6ft
  • Body Build: Muscular
Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Preston is mostly seen as a brutal and irritable man. While not entirely unapproachable, Preston possesses a dour and cold demeanor that is a turn-off to many looking for social interaction. With his past and hardships, Preston can be standoffish to most people, and acts mostly like a roving thug to those he feels deserve it. However, it's not entirely fair to refer to Preston as simply a bully without purpose, as he often doesn't brutalize without purpose or cause. Due to his Colonial roots in religion and tradition, Preston is far more cold and brash to aberrants, mages, silven, vampires, and such, and can be very judgmental and aggressive towards them.
  • Second Paragraph: Preston's a very internally turbulent man. Most of his past has been torn away from him, and his years of brutalizing Graklak training, and being treated almost like a prisoner to boot, have simply twisted around how he perceives himself and others. It's fair to say he quite frankly hates himself, mostly for being a Witchblood, and for a smattering of other reasons. Oddly enough, he doesn't view his skills as bad though. In fact, his self-hatred has grounded himself in reality more or less, and gives a realistic view of his fighting and competency skills and talents.
  • Third Paragraph: Preston's attitude when thinking of his family is mostly guilt. Perhaps if he won his initial encounter with the Graklak Merc, he would still be at the Lyons Homestead in Jarrow. With friends, despite it being difficult for him to make and trust them, he can actually become what he used to be on occasion. Underneath all that hate and brutality, is really just a teddy bear of sorts, and he is known to be possessive, protective, and cherishing of people he gets close to. Though if someone were to point out this behavior, he'd probably beat them half to death. He's quite insecure about it.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Preston is a very morally grey person. While prone to crime and thuggery, the man does not do so out of pure want for it or love for anarchy. It's more that he simply sees no alternative for himself at this point, and acts out of necessity. In the same vein, though, Preston despises aberrants of all kinds for religious reasons, and it can be pointed out his brutalizing, violent, aggressive, and even deadly ways towards them are evil in nature. There is also little good he partakes in, or even believes in, outside of what pieces of his religion he was able to hold on to over the years.
  • Fifth Paragraph: Preston is a man who believed in the struggles of the working class, having experienced it himself for so long. But his Graklak and mercenary indoctrination have warped his views into something more akin to "Weak fearing the strong". It's far more simpler to say he's a stark realist, and things just are how they are. Religiously, Preston is very fervent about his believes, mostly due to it being the only thing keeping him together through his Graklak training. While it's not clear whether he believes out of actual belief, or just necessity at this point, it doesn't omit the fact that he truly is devout in his pursuits, even if he doesn't often show it outside of antagonizing aberrants.
Life Story (Required)
Preston was born to Jeremiah and Anne Lyons on June 27th, 306 AC, in the outskirts of the colonial city of Jarrow, within the Essalonian New Ceardian Colonies. Preston's family was quite low on the financial spectrum, and Jeremiah's job as a lowly farmer didn't earn much income. That being said, any more children than Preston would be simply unaffordable for the couple, solidifying him as an only child. For some time, Preston's life was unremarkable, really up until about seven when he began to assist his father with farmwork. Preston was already a bigger kid, so manual labour went over well with him, and kept him occupied.

As he grew up, Preston became more crucial to the day-to-day tasks that his father partook in. Almost all time was spent at the Lyons' family farm, and when he was not working there, he was urged to learn to read prayer books and religious text from the Jarrow preacher. This routine and structure kept the teenager out of trouble, and his mind focused on work. The manual labor already did him quite some service, granting him a sturdy physique for his age. However, his lifestyle did establish a normalcy of violence and hardship, especially when undertaking tasks such as butchering livestock, or fending off wolves from the farm with his pa's axe

By his 19th year, Preston was essentially on his way to taking over the farm for his aging father. Having cultivated a number of essential skills for the job, it was mostly set in stone. However, events quickly spiraled out of control, shaking the foundations of Preston's rather structured life. Mercenaries were common enough in the colonies, and nobody in Jarrow blinked an eye when a Graklak Band roved through the village for supplies. Having run into town to get some tools repaired by the local blacksmith, Preston caught the attention of one of the mercs while chatting to the smith. The Orcish brute saw the tall and strong Preston as a great challenge for a fight, and surely initiated one at that. Preston was not experienced as a fighter, and inevitably lost, but not without putting up a good show of strength and resolve. When the merc demanded gold as winnings, and could not pay such a fee, the Graklak proposed an alternative payment. He would consider it payment enough if Preston was to join up into their band, as they could use a man of his fortitude and brawn.

Not having many options, besides being simply killed of course, Preston said his heartfelt goodbyes to his kin and left to join the band. His training began officially once they reached one of the training grounds quite a distance away from Jarrow. Those next ten years were exceedingly tough for the Ailor. However, his iron-like resolve shone through as he refused to let his predicament weigh him down. Preston persevered through the brutal and gory Graklak training, picking up the skills well, but became far more of a harsh and irritable person as a result. The killing and violence replacing his former routines brutalized the man, and by the end of it, was a shadow of his former self. Eventually, his Graklak training was completed, and Preston was fully incorporated into the mercenary band. Ironically enough, he'd only be around for a year or so, and only partake in a few jobs. By around 29, Preston was nearly killed during a skirmish with some bandits outside Mandaton city, and was left (presumed dead) by his fellow Graklaks. Upon awakening from his near-death experience, the Phantasma symptoms already began to take hold, and following a short recovery in Mandaton, the transformation fully happened. Shunned and utterly alone, Preston, only armed with the clothes on his back and his religion, began wandering aimlessly. City to city, port to port, the former merc mostly devolved to banditry and thuggery, eventually finding himself in Regalia.
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Basic Information:
Witchblood is no longer a special permission.​
Visual Information:
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