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Preparations: Food And Fare


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
On the afternoon of the 30th, activity began in the market near the Slums Gate. Various armed men in coats and red began pushing tables and carts down allies, clearing an area in the market, supervised by the Beggar, 'Cadent'. Curious onlookers gathered in small numbers from time to time over the next few hours, though most were sent indoors by the chill autumn winds. Still, the Beggar's thugs continued their work, brushing away snow with crude hay brooms, rearranging stalls to create a measure of cover, and finally, near five in the afternoon, dragging out several large, heavy oak tables. Around the area, more notices were pinned:

"For those who have yet to hear, the Telikos Beggars are going to be distributing food and drink in this area on the 4th and 5th, only a few days from now. Those who wish to attend are welcome, especially those in need. Violence will be met with violence, and we are better equipped. Keep that in mind.

Threats of repercussions aside: It is sure to be a good afternoon, filled with warm food, warm ale, and warm fires to begin the winter season right! So come, and share the fires with us!"

@ A A Beggar Sigil.png

Older notices still drifted around the other sections of the Slums, though most were ruined by the weather or other damage. Still, they were readable. These Beggars seemed to be pushing this event in the public eye fairly heavily.​
Lazaruz Lupenzi helped set up where ever he was needed..