Archived Premium Only Char Info (disrupts Rp)

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
Most players are not premium, the premium only char info is more of a hiderance than a boon, although it is a nice treat to have your info their and be able to have that info from prems, it cannot be used as a tool for RP since their are so many non prems that RP, this should not be premium feature and eveyone I talk about this too agree that its good but eather everyone has it or no one has it.

I am requesting that /char s [player name] be removed as a premium feature for the sake or roleplay.
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It's not necessarily needed, therefore there is no hinderance. Yes, it can be used as a tool for roleplay, just shift click the person! A lot more premiums are popping up too, anyway.
It's fine the way it is, in my opinion.
I see no reason why this should be removed.
It is not necessary to roleplay with one of these, yes, but that doesn't mean the very presence of one is bad. I quite frankly see it as a great idea. It doesn't disrupt roleplay, instead it is be used to get a better picture of a character in someone's head. If you don't want to see it, don't shift click a person??
This is not a feature roleplayers have needed in the past or need right now, so it is not unfair for non-premiums not to have it. It also doesn't give an advantage over anyone. It's just a small bonus and I don't see the reason for anyone being against it unless they really really hate premiums getting extra features because they did something that deserves extra features.
I honestally did not know that this existed! (also pm works wonders)
Premium features are heavily oriented in favor of the pvp side of massive. I think the character cards are a lovely edition for roleplayers that have premium and it is an incentive for premium.

It isn't a necessary feature but it is a nice perk. I have used the feature to get a better idea of character's physical characteristics many a time, but if someone doesn't have it as a non premium I have not found it to be much of an issue at all. I could always glance at an app, ask in pm, or simply do without.
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We used to do /seen a player and it would tell you what race they where, now you have to pm them for that info and it can get bothersome and tedious.
Fact if we still had /seen to see player races it would make things better. no need for the short char description or anything just the race like we used to.
We used to do /seen a player and it would tell you what race they where, now you have to pm them for that info and it can get bothersome and tedious.
Fact if we still had /seen to see player races it would make things better. no need for the short char description or anything just the race like we used to.
But hardly anyone used the race that they RP'ed as... It wasn't a reliable thing. :/ I really enjoy the character cards-- as mentioned before, it isn't a mandatory thing and you don't /have/ to right click the person if you don't wish to. You can also do "/char card <Playername>" if you're curious and they're not around. Their race will show up there.
We used to do /seen a player and it would tell you what race they where, now you have to pm them for that info and it can get bothersome and tedious.
Fact if we still had /seen to see player races it would make things better. no need for the short char description or anything just the race like we used to.
In my experience, especially with more player models, it is not too hard to determine someone's race by looking at a skin and their height.
In my experience, especially with more player models, it is not too hard to determine someone's race by looking at a skin and their height.
Omg yes. I totally overlooked the fact that /seen worked for non-premiums, too. So you would have seen their race that way. I'm an idiot. Atkins has a point, though. Most skins are pretty convincing, especially when paired with MPM. I always stated my race OOC in {{ }} if there was ever any confusion, but I can see where you're coming from, @Dworvin
Thats a good point mostlyhuman...that name....SICK! right.
sure you can just change what race you are using for the seen but now it made me think of something, the char is for roleplaying, the seen with char maibe its for defining your char in the factions world? like what race you rep?

GO DWARVES! May be silly but...dwarves are de best.

It's only disruptive if your char Shift walks around right tapping the booty.
Let dem prems have their flashy player cards, we don' need 'em! barely anyone shift-clicks anyway.... oh well, everyone has their own opinion :3
lol I actually searched "more player models height" looking for the height chart and this popped up as the first thing... o~o

And based on the threads location in the search results I just thought it was recent. It's also oddly kind of relevant considering the recent EULA changes lol...
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