Archived Premium Occupying Slots

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Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
I think I have an idea how to fix the Premium occupying Server Slots if that's possible.
How about we just make it so that Premium Players are'nt counting into the Slots.
For Example:
The Server has 70/150 Players, a Premium joins and the Player counter still shows 70/150.
If a Normal one joins, it increases to 71/150.
If the counter shows 150/150, only Premiums can join.
If it is possible, that would be great and would stop the Hate against Premiums for Occupying Slots.
Sorry for bad English. I am German.
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One problem, won't that make it like 240 people on at one time? I know there are a LOT of premiums, so if it was like what your saying, the TPS would probably drop to -10.
Maybe a better way to do this is that premiums don't take up a slot when the server is 150/150.Sometimes it does get up to 165/150 which makes it impossible for nonpremiums to join. This way, it won't make the TPS drop so much as Favoured said, and nonpremiums have better chances to get on. Just my suggestion.
One problem, won't that make it like 240 people on at one time? I know there are a LOT of premiums, so if it was like what your saying, the TPS would probably drop to -10.
150 - Amount of Premiums rounded up to 10th Decimal + 30 = New amount of Slots. Fix'D.
There is already a thread, just four topics down from this, already discussing the same thing. Please be sure to take a quick search before posting new threads and add to the discussion of already open threads :) My opinion on this matter is in the aforementioned thread.
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