Archived Premium /lore Command Change

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Apr 7, 2013
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Summary & Thoughts
Some may argue that the /lore command is perfectly fine where it is... However, I disagree with every fibre of my being. With where the player lore plugin is currently at, we are minimizing its full potential and role within the very server of Massivecraft itself. Players can currently create lore that is meaningless and has no protection from being copied by other players within the server that have the premium feature that we are talking about.
Instead of laying back in my very posh computer chair and complaining about what i don't like about this plugin, I want to take my ideas to the very basis of the server itself. The player community!!!

Server trade and Economics with /lore:
As of now, items enchanted with player lore are not worth anymore than their original market value. We all know that any premium player can create lore on items just by the touch of a button and the flick of their fingers at a keyboard. with some minor changes i feel that items could be boosted in their value towards other players. I have seen it many times on this server where people open up roleplay shops with premium lore on their items. What is the point if they go through all this work just to coped by some other premium who can't respect the effort that other people put into their items?

Players and their RP shops that could benefit:'-lore-shop.27408/ @_Erebos_♥-the-rusty-axe-♥.30449/ @Sephite @Eccetra

Sentimental Value:
All of older players on the server have had friends that have quit the server for one reason or another, and there is nothing to show authenticity that the items you have received from your friend is their item. As i have said earlier within the thread, player lore can be created by about just anyone with premium. I speak as a voice for those players who agree with me, We want authentic player lore in remembrance of our old memories!!

Changes that I Want & Support (To add player lore value):
  • When a player enters in the /lore command add their In-Game username to the end of it. Doing it this way could or could not charge the user regals (Staff decision)
Ex. (How it Used to be) /lore This gold nugget is very shiny.
The lore would come out as "This gold nugget is very shiny."
Ex. (How it Should be) /lore This gold nugget is very shiny.
The lore would come out as "This gold nugget is very shiny. Made By (Player who made the
lore's Ign
  • I feel like a lot of other players would enjoy this suggestion. However it would be a lot harder to install this into the /lore pluggin. Allow players to do /rpchar (name). This will pend until Rp staff approval to acknowledge their approved RP char. Then they could do /lore rpchar (Character name) (player lore)
Ex. (How it Used to be) /lore This gold nugget is very shiny.
The lore would come out as "This gold nugget is very shiny."
Ex. (How it Should be) /lore rpchar (Roleplay characters name) This gold nugget is very shiny.
The lore would come out as "This gold nugget is very shiny. Made By (Roleplay characters name)"
Always taking in new ideas for this thread!!
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This would be cool could help stop player lored forgerys.
Colors will forever be locked because Player Items are a category of MassiveItem, a system that categorizes both items granted by the server, as well as tiered items from MassiveMobs. As such, Player made colors will never change.

As for the other suggestions. They are sound, but in all practicality not very high up on the priority list. This is purely a visual plugin that has little to no in-game benefits. As such, plugins which supplement and expand the player experience and higher up.
Colors will forever be locked because Player Items are a category of MassiveItem, a system that categorizes both items granted by the server, as well as tiered items from MassiveMobs. As such, Player made colors will never change.

As for the other suggestions. They are sound, but in all practicality not very high up on the priority list. This is purely a visual plugin that has little to no in-game benefits. As such, plugins which supplement and expand the player experience and higher up.
Haha, thats alright I knew one of my ideas would have been already discussed among staff and removed from further possibility of being implemented. I thought it would have been my third idea due to the difficulty of implementing said option, apparently it isn't so xD

I also know that staff probably have already thought of same or similar thoughts that I have been having about this pluggin. I just want to bring attention to it because it affects player experience (And I also may have some ideas for things that I want to implement into my faction revolving around similar changes). Thanks for the positive input!!
I really like this idea! The only thing I would change is this:

  • I feel like a lot of other players would enjoy this suggestion. However it would be a lot harder to install this into the /lore pluggin. Allow players to do /rpchar (name). This will pend until Rp staff approval to acknowledge their approved RP char. Then they could do /lore rpchar (Character name) (player lore)

I don't feel like it would be necessary to have a forum-approved character app, as many people don't for one reason or another but still have perfectly usable characters. It would also add more work for staff. I'd say instead just make it so that your ingame /nick is used at the end of the lore, it would be simpler and make a smaller command, ie: /lore nick

But again that's just my 2 cents!

Ok, so I feel that @pokyug 's main goal here is to add market value to the /lore items. For example an axe lored by Ulfric would have double the value of the same axe lored by my character Rchkchk. But, if I got more well known in rp, then maybe my axe would equal rp. If I'm wrong, herp derp.
It's not a terrible idea, but I run a roleplay shop and I don't see how it would really benefit me.

I run Mama Morbash's Soupery, a full in character roleplay shop. I sell renamed mushrooms stews or "soups" with my own varying player lore depending on the soup of the day. The way I see it is, the actual item itself is more of a souvenir in a way, and people are more paying me for the roleplay aspect with the added benefit thay they get an item to say they were there. Quite often I have players by the soups and just hand them back later because they either have a million soups in their inventory already or just want to help me not have to spend as much time gathering soup. They usually still pay me anyways.

My point is, if someone wants to go around selling soups of mine then go ahead. I don't feel they hold much value to anyone as part of their value comes from the roleplay experience attached to them. Also, I'm fairly certain if someone tried to go selling my soups they wouldn't be anywhere near successful, and would probably get shut down by some of my loyal customers fairly quickly.

That's just the way I see it, and while this idea would maybe be beneficial to some, and just neat, I don't see it as a necessity.
It's not a terrible idea, but I run a roleplay shop and I don't see how it would really benefit me.

I run Mama Morbash's Soupery, a full in character roleplay shop. I sell renamed mushrooms stews or "soups" with my own varying player lore depending on the soup of the day. The way I see it is, the actual item itself is more of a souvenir in a way, and people are more paying me for the roleplay aspect with the added benefit thay they get an item to say they were there. Quite often I have players by the soups and just hand them back later because they either have a million soups in their inventory already or just want to help me not have to spend as much time gathering soup. They usually still pay me anyways.

My point is, if someone wants to go around selling soups of mine then go ahead. I don't feel they hold much value to anyone as part of their value comes from the roleplay experience attached to them. Also, I'm fairly certain if someone tried to go selling my soups they wouldn't be anywhere near successful, and would probably get shut down by some of my loyal customers fairly quickly.

That's just the way I see it, and while this idea would maybe be beneficial to some, and just neat, I don't see it as a necessity.

Your right, it is not a necessity, but it should definately happen. Just as copyrights were meant to be a thing in the massivebooks pluggin, it could prove more difficult to rip off ideas from other players original ideas. If this was added it would Authenticate items being sold.

Ok, so I feel that @pokyug 's main goal here is to add market value to the /lore items. For example an axe lored by Ulfric would have double the value of the same axe lored by my character Rchkchk. But, if I got more well known in rp, then maybe my axe would equal rp. If I'm wrong, herp derp.

Yes, I think you're getting the idea of what I want to happen with this Pluggin. People who have made the effort to make a legitimate role play character deserve ingame benefits. Which is why I brought up naming a lore with your APPROVED character, and yes it would add a ton of value to an item if a seasoned roleplayer added lore to their item as compared to a newer roleplayer who really hasn't had the opportunity to express their roleplaying skill yet. I think that this would give people more incentive to roleplay better on the server or act like a more respectable player.

I really like this idea! The only thing I would change is this:

I don't feel like it would be necessary to have a forum-approved character app, as many people don't for one reason or another but still have perfectly usable characters. It would also add more work for staff. I'd say instead just make it so that your ingame /nick is used at the end of the lore, it would be simpler and make a smaller command, ie: /lore nick

But again that's just my 2 cents!

For my idea to work, it s necessary to ensure one thing and that is Authenticity. With the current system for nicknames you cannot ensure that players will get authentic items. With the way that it is setup already, people could go though and claim the title of the "Regalian Emporer" and start making random lore items or in that off chance where you may have multiple roleplay characters and cannot assume the nicknames for all of them on your one account... you could do that with the idea that I suggested, because there cant be any illegitimate roleplay characters (Cause' they'd all have to be verified by roleplay staff.)
it could prove more difficult to rip off ideas from other players original ideas. If this was added it would Authenticate items being sold.

It was all making sense, up to here.

Lets say player 1 makes a wooden sword lored "training sword". If it is copyrighted by him, it would say something along the lines of "lored by player 1", right?

Now lets say player 2 makes a wooden sword also lored his. "training sword". His name would also be put down after the lore, right?

Now, If I came to possess these swords, would player 1's really be more significant to me, even if I somehow knew it was made before player 2's? I have the same item, It looks the same, has the same lore, the only difference is who made it. Player 1's is authentically his, and player 2's is authentically his. One sword a fake? Is one better than the other, just because of when and by who the were made?

I guess I can see why it would be cool to have an item lore say who wrote it for keepsake purposes, but as an actual "copyright" I see no real use.
It was all making sense, up to here.

Lets say player 1 makes a wooden sword lored "training sword". If it is copyrighted by him, it would say something along the lines of "lored by player 1", right?

Now lets say player 2 makes a wooden sword also lored his. "training sword". His name would also be put down after the lore, right?

Now, If I came to possess these swords, would player 1's really be more significant to me, even if I somehow knew it was made before player 2's? I have the same item, It looks the same, has the same lore, the only difference is who made it. Player 1's is authentically his, and player 2's is authentically his. One sword a fake? Is one better than the other, just because of when and by who the were made?

I guess I can see why it would be cool to have an item lore say who wrote it for keepsake purposes, but as an actual "copyright" I see no real use.
You have the right concept of what I was trying to say, I guess that I just misused the word copyright. It really doesn't really make sense to have a copyright for items that are not books, Huh?
You have the right concept of what I was trying to say, I guess that I just misused the word copyright. It really doesn't really make sense to have a copyright for items that are not books, Huh?

As I said before it's not really a bad idea and it could be nice. However, it seems your main goal is to give playerlore items value. I think maybe a better way of putting what @Chanter_ said is that, just because the item was player Lored by so and so, why should I care anymore for that item then of it was Lored by someone else. Maybe if it's a really popular player it might draw in a few regals but I generally don't see this actually increasing the value of the items.

One of the main reasons lore items through voting and pve events are so valuable is because it is difficult to obrain them. They have custom enchants sometimes, and other things such as colored lore which adds value to them. Unfortunately I don't think slapping your name at the end of the lore is really going to increase its value by much.

As I mentioned in my original post, I believe the value of my player made lore items comes more from the experience of the roleplay shop that goes along with them. I only charge 5 per bowl even though I'm sure I could charge more. I don't really need to however because they are easy for me to make and I make a lot of extra money off them through tips on top of the initial sale. For example, a few players who really liked my business donated 500r each in order to get a "loyalty card" to the soupery.

In short it would definitely be a nice touch for sure, but I still don't think it will cause player made lore items to shoot up in price. The best way to add value to your player made lore items in my opinion is to give them value. Make them valuable by giving players a reason to buy them and support you, and if anyone tries copy your idea then they will probably be shot down by your loyal customers, and they will be missing the one thing that makes them valuable, you and however you made them valuable, like my soups being valuable due to the experience of going to the soupery that is involved with them.