Archived Premium Limit

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
This is a bit different from all of the "more server slots" suggestions:
I realized that new players will continue to spam the fourm with stuff about adding more slots until you guys add them in. The number of premiums increases daily as well, and it could be frustrating for the new players. Since I can't ask to take away the premium benefit of joining the server when it is full, I've decided to ask for a limit.

The limit would be on how many premiums the server can hold at one time. Maybe having a hidden premium limit of 155 or something, that way it doesn't become overcrowded. At least non-premiums will have a chance to get in, and premiums will feel how non-premiums feel. Or have an in-game balance of only 75 or so premiums at one time. It would be a good solution to both parties, and ease that tension which people have been feeling while trying to log in.

Suggestions and comments may be posted below. If you need further explanation, ask below.
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Yea, sometimes I feel like 90% of the server are premiums
The thing is, this suggestion comes from a non-premium.

Being able to log in is the 1 reason I donated. Wouldn't you feel the same as I do now if you spent your money but couldn't use your perks?
I'm not taking the entire benefit away. I'm simply asking that only a certain amoutn of premiums should be able to log on at one point.

Another way to look at it:
More Premiums = More Lag
I agree with zanip. This is a valuable perk. To regulate this will just defeat the purpose of having it to start with. Also premium is not just a irl money issue anymore, several players sell premium for silver. With a little in-game work the purchase of premium is very possible.
I understand what you're saying, but I feel it would have negative impact on the financial support of the server. I already know how it feels to be sat looking at a member limit indicator of 155/150, waiting patiently for it to drop to 149 only to be beaten to the slot by someone else, that is the whole reason I went premium, not for half ability regen, or portals, just being able to get into the server alone is why I am premium. So, if we're limited, I'd just stop paying for premium and I am sure a few others would too.

On the otherhand, I do see where you're coming from. I lose a lot of members to expirey because they just cannot get into the server and then stop trying and go elsewhere. Here is my alternative idea;

Premiums should remain able to enter the server unhindered, that's why they're paying, for that privilage. However, let's say the server has 200 slots, just for example. 150 of those slots are normal slots and can be filled by simply logging in, premium or no, however, the remaining 50 should be reserved to non-premiums so they can at least get a chance to log in. That means the server limit is still 150, but can stretch to 200 to allow our non-premium counterparts a chance to log-in, thus stopping them from trying and finding an alternative server.

(The server user limit above is merely an example, I am aware of lag issues etc, it is JUST an example number)
LordDan does have a good suggestion. I think it would be a good diea.
The thing is, this suggestion comes from a non-premium.

Being able to log in is the 1 reason I donated. Wouldn't you feel the same as I do now if you spent your money but couldn't use your perks?
You aren't really spending your money for the perks though, it's a donation

If sharding/deleting ceardia is going to decrease lag and increase the player cap then I think we should simply wait. Also you could just try playing at off hours if you want to get in. When I log in at night in the US there is usually plenty of space.
I'm not taking the entire benefit away. I'm simply asking that only a certain amoutn of premiums should be able to log on at one point.

Another way to look at it:
More Premiums = More Lag
If this was implemented then there would be no more "Log off premiums so my friend can get on". Which would only lead to less non premiums being able to get on.
I'm not taking the entire benefit away. I'm simply asking that only a certain amoutn of premiums should be able to log on at one point.

Another way to look at it:
More Premiums = More Lag

More Premiums = More lag? At the very most there are 160/150 people on.. I don't think those extra 10 do much, if anything
I'm not sure where I stand on this. One on hand, I believe that premiums deserve what they paid for, and should get this. But I don't think it would be a drastic difference anyways, its rare that it goes beyond 155/150, so most premiums would still be able to get on anyways. However, today something crazy happened. There was 169/150 people online. ( a guy in chat at once point said 170/150, but I saw 169/150 so maybe he was just rounding out.) This number is ridiculous, and in my opinion should not be happening. On the rare ocassion that a number like that occurs, I think even premiums should have to wait. All this suggestion would do is make it so that theres about 1% of the time that premiums can't log on, it wouldn't be that bad.
ever since this happend my member amount went from 70 members down to 30 :( and with that overclaim factions disbanning thing, i had to unclaim ALOT of things that were still in use :( simply because the players who were mostly very active were unable to get online. but i understand how they shouldnt limit the amount of prems on as well. either way they said they are dealing with it, so all we can do is wait
For all we are asking is time!
We aren't asking about money to make the server faster, because we cannot buy any better hardware. There simply is nothing better on the market. The way Minecraft is designed (one-core handling and the extraordinary Mob-AI) it is impossible to grow bigger with the given methodes.
Bukkit doesn't know a solution, so we did our best with it. This is where sharding comes from....lacking of possibilitys, cayorion decided to go his own way of things.
Sharding is programm constelation that is not based on any minecraft/bukkit code. It makes plugins cross-server compatible, so even if you are on different servers, you will not notice it because the chat, inventory, mcmmo-skills and everything else is shared.
This is sharding, our future and the only way we can higher up TPS and comfort for you and us.

The suggestion itself isn't bad, but it would take time to code and (obviously) nerf premium abilitys. Team-members use the same system as premiums btw. I can only log on because of the given ability. To seperate that, Cayorion would have to invest time in coding that. Every minute that is taken away from the sharding time is a wasted minute atm.
We don't want to make "hot-fixes" all the time, there is a finall solution for this problem which we are working on and on a good way I may say.
The only thing we are asking for is time.
If premiums didn't count in the logins at all we would have 270-290 players online at peak hours. And we just lowered to 150 from 175 becourse of complains about low TPS -_-
90% of premiums get premium just to be able to join the server, if they arnt able to join the server when ever they want to, then people will quit buying premium because the "Premium slots" would be full 95% of the time.
I just got's amazing how much your view changes when you become part of the other side. :S

And yes, what Ulumulu said is true. I guess it would take time to code, and it would only be a quick fix at best. Well, I think this suggestion has served its use.
First, how about restarts are more frequent? it would help to cut lag when it spikes and also allow for lots of nonprems to get on, and also how about having a timer on the server website for when the next restart will be so that the nonprems will know the best time to try to get on? and also, i thought sharding was stuff like aggressive memory and shared memory.
First, how about restarts are more frequent? it would help to cut lag when it spikes and also allow for lots of nonprems to get on, and also how about having a timer on the server website for when the next restart will be so that the nonprems will know the best time to try to get on? and also, i thought sharding was stuff like aggressive memory and shared memory.
Actually, for the first few minutes after a restart, the tps is even worse. Having extremely frequent restarts might even create more lag.
i just got premium and the slots are full, but it wont let me on... :(
How much more money does the server need before we can upgrade?
The server doesn't really have any software or hardware to upgrade. We have some of the best stuff out there. To increase TPS (and decrease lag), we are going split the server by worlds and (the difficult part) link them all through coding.
if we have the best hardware out there, then how are there a lot of servers with 250+ slots with minimal lag?
if we have the best hardware out there, then how are there a lot of servers with 250+ slots with minimal lag?
They have less plugins. Massivecraft has a lot of plugins that cause a lot of lag. At least, I think so. If all these other servers are so much better than massive, how about you play on them instead? ^_^
They have less plugins. Massivecraft has a lot of plugins that cause a lot of lag. At least, I think so. If all these other servers are so much better than massive, how about you play on them instead? ^_^
Right, because I CERTAINLY said that there are a lot of servers better than massivecraft.

Do not pretend I said something I didn't. That's a d*ck move.
How much more money does the server need before we can upgrade?
Sorry, but we are at the peak of performance possible. If the problem was the hardware we would have done a upgrade long ago :)
Massive needs money, No stupid ideas for a premium limit, If there comes, the premium limit (and the one for normal players )will be allways full like now.

-I hate english,-
Sorry, but we are at the peak of performance possible. If the problem was the hardware we would have done a upgrade long ago :)
There is faster you know. Light speed. Get a fiber cabeled computer and you are good. And then there is einstin's ghost atom theory which i belive was tested and is true. (We cant get it though cause it would cost a billion flat). It is where two atoms are linked and if you remove a electron from one the other one linked to it loses one to. This could be used for almost instant if not instant comunication and speed.[DOUBLEPOST=1359504356][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually not only can we not get it cause it could blow up, but it would cost a trillion dollars min for the research and then a hundred billion to actually get the hardware[DOUBLEPOST=1359504378][/DOUBLEPOST]But, hey, something to think about.
There is faster you know. Light speed. Get a fiber cabeled computer and you are good. And then there is einstin's ghost atom theory which i belive was tested and is true. (We cant get it though cause it would cost a billion flat). It is where two atoms are linked and if you remove a electron from one the other one linked to it loses one to. This could be used for almost instant if not instant comunication and speed.

The problem is not network capacity, but computing power. Minecraft mainly runs in a single thread (afaik world saving is a separate one), not allowing the full usage of multi-core processors. The way to increase computing speed for minecraft is then to use processors with very high clocking speeds, and afaik Massivecraft already runs an overclocked CPU.

There are attempts to make minecraft less single-threaded, for example C#raft (although it's pretty dead now). Server sharding is our hope! :)
Sadly no, we don not run on overclocked stuff anymore since we moved from berit. Rented servers in serverhalls don't really wanna clock there stuffz... :(

And, exactly as J3r3my said on everything, single thread = only one of the 8 cores on you badass CPU is being used. 7 cores is just chillin.
When I go on, say 12:00pm [GMT +0:00] it's probably at 115+ players so I can get on no problem at the weekends and when I'm back from school at 3:30pm it's at about 140+ and just goes up, to about 155 then when it does eventually go down to 149 I try to join but doesnt work I normally have to wait 2 hours to get on at about 8pm sadly.
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