Archived Premium Features

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The Venomous
Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
London, Orpington
This Is a bit too early but when the sharding is done there will be like tons of excess space, so the premium feature of being able to access the server at any time will become quite pointless. I believe the feature to replace that would be something like: Premiums don't take part in server restarts if they are already logged on, post what you think the new feature should be (nothing major as it is only replacing being able to access the server when ever, it has to be somewhat equivalent)
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Well, if you stayed online during a restart, that wouldn't be a restart, it would just be kicking all the non premiums. A restart is there for a reason, not just to kick people. For a restart to be a restart (I think) the server has to shut down, which obviously would kick everyone. I would assume, although I have no evidence to back this up, that premiums would have to same ability, but to join full worlds(if that is indeed how the server cap is going to be handled)
Premiums are already OP. Cayorion wants to hit two birds with one stone by increasing slots while decreasing lag and reducing the premium benefits so that it isn't a pay-to-win type of thing. There should be no added or replaced benefit for premiums.

On your suggestion specifically, that would be impossible and unfair to other non-premiums. When there is a restart, that means that the server shuts down and reboots like a computer. You can't keep premiums on the server when it is down, just like you can't run programs on your computer when it is turned off. It would also be unfair to non-premiums because it will limit the amount of non-premiums able to get on after the restart. When I was a non-premium, I remember that many of them had to wait 6 hours for a restart. Even then, it fills up fast. With 75-125 premiums on the server, that's not much room for the other 9000 or so logins that want to have a try at it.
It was hard to think of other ideas, I know restarts help clear afkers and botters, but there has to be a new feature to replace this once sharding is done
I do think that in the far future we will once again have a FULL server. We could allow this feature to continue until this time. Who knows, we may already have the amount of ppl to fill the server post-sharding during Rush Hour.
Sharding is meant to decrease lag and allow non-premium members to log on frequently, it's not meant to make premium members even more OP then they are. 'Nuff said.
I actually think prems need to lose some perks... diamond armor for example. Since it's a vanilla feature it shouldn't be restricted. Instead make Obsidian Armor and restrict that :P

Anyway, On Topic, I think prems are fine/op as they are, and shouldn't be altered.
To the Op:
The server restarts, kicks all it's members, safes the world files and makes a backup of all plugin-files. In this process there Must be a complete stillstand of data writting and reading. Thus, your suggestion is impossible to make.

With sharding, our limit of players depends on the amount of worlds we have. On each world there can/could be 150-200 players at the same time, depending on it's settup (medieval, creative, ect).
That being said, it could (I have not asked cayorion but I assume) be possible that the worlds do restart, not the whole server at once. That means, you (possibly) get teleported into the multiverse hub when a world is restarting, but we haven't spoken about it yet.

Premiums will get some sort of perks, maybe not for the medieval universe, but foe another one ;)
Anyways, thats future.....
I agree with Mech, I don't like the idea of paying for something that I've already bought. Rather than Obsidian Armor (That'd require a mod) IT should be replaced with a new plugin, like a magic plugin perhaps?
I think premiums shouldn't lose all of their abillities. Ok, about reserved server slots, that is ok with me, but I think the diamond armor should be for premiums only. You donate for the server, so I expect a good bonus to get for it. Otherwise people would stop donating and that would be a catastrofe.
''We pay so you can play'' Now shush..
Now will you pay so I can play? >:)

Anyway... I believe the Premiums could get extra kits in the PvP hub. This would change the PvP worlds so you pick a kit, say a knight, and you would get iron armor and a sword. Like you have I the CTF worlds. This time premiums get extra kits (or, maybe, better of the same gear. Perhaps enchanted?).

That's my comment.
What happened to the premium only races? I thought I heard that going around at one point.
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