Archived Premium Features

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Dragon of Semperis
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
Premium Feature Suggestions
Hey guys, with the EULA limiting some of Premium features that we can have on the server, I figured we can all come up with some cool, crazy ideas for Premium. NOTE: Some of your suggestions may break the EULA so try and read up on it before suggesting.

I have a few ideas which I will list below:

  • Be able to rent more than one shop
  • The ability to use colour codes, (&b, etc) in general, trade, and recruitment chat. (Limited though to remove any kind of troll such as &k)
These are all I can think of at this time, (it is 2:35am) but I will probably post more tomorrow.

Tagging people who I'd like some ideas from @Zacatero @Slayer1618 @Sevak @65jes89 @Herecy @Blizzy @CFLPlayer @thor5648 @Traxex20
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Being able to rent more than one shop isn't really an aesthetic bonus and could be pretty shitty for the market. Color codes may be cool but kinda aids. I'll try to think of some ideas later
/firework. Opens a gui with preset fireworks.. u click them and it sets off. Similar to /instrument

That's all i can think of right now..
/firework. Opens a gui with preset fireworks.. u click them and it sets off. Similar to /instrument

That's all i can think of right now..
if someone fires those mid raid it will crash my computer... Would be fine as long as there's a cool down on it though lol
Be able to rent more than one shop
  • This is not EULA compliant.
The ability to use colour codes, (&b, etc) in general, trade, and recruitment chat. (Limited though to remove any kind of troll such as &k)
  • We have relatively specific uses for chat color codes and this would make the chats a real eyesore, I'm afraid. It's too easy to abuse such a feature.
/firework. Opens a gui with preset fireworks.. u click them and it sets off. Similar to /instrument
  • We have premium-craftable fireworks aka Firecrackers. This might be a possible feature suggestion though.