Archived Praying?

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Feb 2, 2013
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Well I know there are GODS in MassiveCraft but why not Let us Pray them?
Like Example"Greek Mythtologic Gods" we'll for the other Part MassiveCraft is an RolePlay server which means that we can have some Characters that Belives in Gods and Can Pray them or Actually can have Like "Christian paying Jesus" If I Offended some of you Christians I Apologise for that.For some of the Gods like "MrsBaver" the god of Darkness/Hell maybe gives us Fire Resistance or Blindness I SplashPotion for 0.5 seconds

Well Now Maybe Praying Gives us An different buff like "Fire resistance for 0.40,Regen for 0.22"
Well maybe each day only a certain timing we can pray the Gods.Or maybe even Gives us The Buff and also for each day we only Pray 3 times.

Well maybe we can have 50%-50% of the chance that Good thing will happen and the other 50% Won't Happen.

Well I don't know if there is A Plugin for this? But maybe Admin Can find it or even Create it (If possible)

Well if you think it's Stupid Comment below if you think it's Great for RP comment too if you are busy then Don't ^_^
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Everyone would ask for their own gods to be added to the list. there would be no end of trouble from it.
There is a plugin for people to create gods all you do is place a stonebrick with a torch on top of it then place a sign in front of it saying the gods name it is that simple.

The idea of this is useful for all and I think if we get this plugin the cathedral would have the gods in it. Players such as us are not permitted to make our own god unless this decision is made by the staff.

I dont like it, its just not really part of what massivecraft is meant to be imo. gods are for RP and RP only, some people do not want to RP as characters that worship fake gods. If it was set so you needed to or else you would be at a disadvantage then I say that is limiting people and forcing them to RP as something they dont want to be.
If that plugin was to be made. We need the kitty god
I dont see the need for a plugin, you are better off just roleplaying the worshiping and the praying to the gods.
We don't need a plugin for this. It is not hard to roleplay praying, and getting buffs is an unnecessary addition.

Also I highly doubt Baver would give anybody any kind of blessing if she was prayed to, she's not even REALLY any kind of goddess. She would ignore all prayers, even if they were from her self proclaimed "followers"
I made an entire chapel with an altar of light devoted to my own goddess.

Do the same.
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