Preserved Sheet Praetor 'ilsevel' Elvor'acal

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Apr 14, 2018
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Praetor 'Ilsevel' Elvor'acal
  • Age: Eighty-nine years old.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Pure-blooded Drowdar, Nelfin.
  • Sexuality: Straight, though this is a null-point, considering the dating market for the elderly is increasingly slim.
Skill Information (Required)
  • Praetor has a total of sixty (60) proficiency points, and sixty (60) culture points.
  • Summary of Proficiency Points:
    • +10 Khoptar and +10 Aberration Knowledge (Racial Boost).
    • +10 Khoptar (totaling at twenty), +10 Void-Exist Knowledge, and +10 Tracking, all from the School of Esa-Ajo.
    • +10 Astronomy from Proficiency Points
    • +10 Horse Riding from Proficiency Points
    • +10 Battle Command from Proficiency Points
    • +20 Commanding Speech from Proficiency Points
  • Summary of Culture Points:
    • +40 Husbandry from Culture Points.
    • +20 Horticulture from Culture Points
  • Summary of known tongues:
    • Common. (Fluent)
    • Drow Elven. (Fluent)
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Praetor has lived in Regalia for no more than ten years, but has assimilated himself to the culture rather smoothly despite still holding traditional Drowvda values. His inspiration to reach the archipelago was to, as he'd spent most of his life trying to accomplish, try to reach the world's current winning Empire by offering his skills and relatively unorthodoxed, and even heretical, ideals involving the taming, and using, of aberrations for military, and even domestic, success. The Drowdar makes his regals through the sale of herbs and plants from a personal garden, the soil made from the same mana-corrupted vigors of Drowda; he did so by exporting simple soil from the wild continent and slowly, but surely, replacing the soil of his yard with that he received. The illegality of it can be put into question, and when it does, he's quick to claim his goods are imports, and nothing more.
  • Praetor's nurturing was through an iron-fist and the nullification of fear, having been born in the continent of Drowda to not one, but two soldiers who were on leave due to injuries and the prospect of their child. He became the only child of the duo who would pass away at the tender old age of one hundred and twenty two for the father, and one hundred and forty one for the mother. This further prompted Praetor to pursue his own ambitions as to escape his grief.
  • After realizing the true nature of the world beyond Drowda and its many pleasures, Praetor, in true maculine fashion, realized the joy there was in cosmetics for one as derelict, scarred and elder-seeming as himself. He aims to learn, be it through eavesdropping, or through surprisingly understanding, and patient, women willing to share their trade secrets. Naturally, he does this clandestinely, as to avoid any suspicions of varying sexualities.

Visual Information (Required)

  • Hair Color: White.
  • Hair Style: Praetor's white hair is tied up behind his head by a group of ebon clips, grown out after leaving Drowda and realizing that long hair was no longer a liability in battle.
  • Skin Color: Marine blue.
  • Clothing: Praetor dons the same robes he was made to wear in his home continent, a charcoal-hued robe sporting no plate to allow for maximum mobility in the battlefield, and in the fleeing of it. It is bound by an equally ebon sash around his waist. His feet are kept safe by a pair of worn boots, made for hiking mountains and running on disheveled ground.
  • Height: 6'0".
  • Body Build: Praetor sports an athletic build.

Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Age has not been kind to Praetor, and such is reflected in both the way his body moves and his complexion. He suffers from the beginning of forming wrinkles around his eyes and nose, along with the sides of his mouth, be it from years of frowning, or the smiles he finds from new pleasures. His ears have begun to wilt, tips facing the floor as if they were to drop off at any second. His eyes take the shape of almonds, though glints of jaundice could be seen on their sclera from previous illnesses.
  • His voice is the quickest road to discomfort to those that surround his. Battle cries, as much as yelps for salvation, have left his vocal chords a shredded mess that only allows his voice to come out as a raspy, unfeminine croak. He often tugs on the loose skin on his neck to give them more room for air to pass, and as such, dampening his hoarse tone onto something more tolerable.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Unsurprisingly, Praetor is one of many Drowda who have lost some of their discipline to the many joys they've found outside their home. His stoic appearance can easily be shattered with jokes, stories, drink, and drugs, thus prompting an inconsistency as he tries to uphold his training whilst simultaneously enjoying the sparks of pleasure he comes across. The loneliness he tries to suffocate manifests itself by an outward ability to seek company and be the first to begin interactions, though strangers may be misled by his typically stern approach, when in reality, he only seeks the companionship a lack of fellow soldiers has left him without.
  • Second Paragraph: Insecurity often takes Praetor's heart whenever he ponders how he has spent his time, where he has invested his efforts, and whether or not they truly were worth it at the end of the day. He's acutely aware of his aging frame, how standing prompts pops and clacks from his joints and his skin stretches like rubber. His truest anxiety and fear is that all of his training has been for nothing, something he aims to counteract with his ambition to redirect the terrors that are aberrations into a tool that can be used by the Regalian militia. Despite this, he is confident in most of his opinions and ideals, enough to be willing to discuss them and have his mind changed.
  • Third Paragraph: Praetor benefits, or often time suffers from, a strong sense of justice, and it shines brightest around those he is comfortable with and wishes the best for. He often tries to take on the mantle of a paternal figure, inviting his friends to better themselves, take the roles of leaders and not be afraid to resort to him should they need help. Even so, he tactfully, unlike the sergeants who berated him at home, tried to point out the misdeeds of his peers, all in the same aspiration that is for them to better themselves, and for him to feel like some authority.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Originally, Praetor did not think twice about murder or felling due to the bloodshed he experienced at home, much like most Drowdar. In coming to Regalia and noticing the value Humanity placed on the life of their own and the efforts made to retain corporal vigors as much as those of the mind, he realized that he himself was worthwhile, and life was meant to be protected. This served as yet another bit of context for his wanting to tame aberrations for use against the evil, which he now considers to be the Empire's enemies.

Life Story (Required)

· Praetor is born to two Drowdar soldiers, Amorette and Dargh, who were on provisional leave from their normal demon-hunting routine due to the pregnancy and sustained injuries from overexertion on both raids and training regimes. Both of them, firm believers in the Drowdar horoscope, a trait Praetor would inherit, decreed that the child was star-bound for prosperity.

· His childhood consisted of spectacles and wonders as the adult Drowdar kept the 'demons' at bay, prompting him to develop socially amongst other lucky children. A lot of this time was spent in blind worship of the Estel Faith, and listening to the bell-like scrapping of the Whistling Blades for comfort. In this time, he also becomes literate through the scripture read at their tribal masses and the storybooks his mother passed down to him.

· His teenage years arrive, upon which he is admitted into service to Drowvda, through the School of Esa-Ajo, by the hunt of aberrations after the day he is given his Khoptar. At the beginning, he complied and slayed demons beside his fellows, though both fear and ingenuity sought to keep him from the battlefield. Instead, he watched those who mounted aberrations with intrigue, and found apprenticeship under one such man who tamed them. This did not excuse him from service, or schoolwork, though it kept him with the will to live in war with the hopes that, in time, all he needed to do was tame them so others may ride them.

· While Praetor does not excel in battle as many of his kin did, he found his spotlight in command and intriguing, though to many, impractical ideas. In time, high-standing officials decided to give Praetor his chance, and in reaching his thirty years of age, he is allowed to begin efforts to capture aberrations rather than outright slay them.

· Years of study after his graduation, with apprentices coming and going, and his own apprenticeship having ended long ago, lead him to realizing that many breeds are capable of being tamed, and he simply did not know how to go about it. He heads to the council and seeks permission to travel elsewhere, masking his intentions with a longing to better Drowdar relations with the rest of the world and serving as a diplomat.

· Praetor travels various continents, where he had the opportunity to learn other tongues, though found sloth taking hold as he hired translators and linguists instead. His responsibilities to Drowvda consisted of occasionally sending reports of political advantage, which gave him ample time to learn means of taming in all sorts of animals in the hopes of making some sort of revelation for the aberrations at home.

· Old age begins to set in, and he begins to look into plans for retirement. Regalia seems the perfect place with all of its luxuries and comforts, and he makes haste to it with the permission of the council and the disbandment of his diplomat-status. Here, he conforms to Unionism due to the value it places on the life of Humanity, and in some cases, to his own people. His newfound faith encourages him to further the prosperity of the Empire, and he reinstates his studies by importing various Drowvda plants, soils, and even investing in a Haurmann to keep his company and serve as a guinea pig for training Magus-class animal life.

· Currently, Praetor seeks to further his studies and eventually propose them to the Empire, not knowing what may be in store after that point, though eager to find out.
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Here's my review.
  • You have ten proficiency points too many.
  • You forgot to fill out the hair color field.
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.